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Hands-on exercise for week 2 unit 1:
Creating an object page

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Hands-On exercise for week 1 unit 6: Creating a list report

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Creating an object page


In this unit you will add annotations to refine an object page (the 'travel details'). You will use the ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse which you installed in the hands-on exercises for week 1 unit 4 .

You will learn how to

  • Add a title and a subtitle to the object page header
  • Add key data to the object page header
  • Add a section and use field groups to structure data
  • Add a table
  • Include pictures in a table

Whenever your unique suffix for creating objects is needed, the object names within this tutorial are named with suffix "######". For the screenshots the suffix "000100" was used.

Prerequisite: You have performed all previous exercises of this course.

Step 1. Add title and subtitle to the object page header

Clicking on any item of the list report will show the object page for this item. The object page currently shows only some standard buttons and does not contain any further fields or actions. In this step you will add annotations to show a title and a subtitle in the object page header.

Remember that you can use code completion by pressing CTRL+SPACE at the relevant positions in your coding

  1. Open the metadata extensions for the Travel view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######. In the previous unit you already defined header information. Now you will enhance the annotation @UI.headerInfo with a title and a description property.

    @UI: {
        headerInfo: {
            typeName: 'Travel',
            typeNamePlural: 'Travels',
            title: {
                type: #STANDARD, value: 'Description'
            description: {
                value: 'TravelID'

    Click Save and Activate.

  2. Refresh the browser window. You will see an object page containing a title and a subtitle in the header and an empty content section. By the time the screenshot got created the subtitle falsely showed the text as subtitle. This was corrected in the meantime, and it shows the ID now.

    App object page title

Step 2. Add data points to the object page header

In this step you will add some key information to the object page header using data points.

  1. As in the steps before, open the metadata extensions for the Travel view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######.

    Add the @UI.facet annotation with two objects of type #DATAPOINT_REFERENCE.

    annotate view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### with
        @UI.facet: [
              id: 'TravelHeaderPrice',
              purpose: #HEADER,
              type: #DATAPOINT_REFERENCE,
              position: 10,
              targetQualifier: 'PriceData'
              id: 'TravelHeaderOverallStatus',
              purpose: #HEADER,
              type: #DATAPOINT_REFERENCE,
              position: 20,
              targetQualifier: 'StatusData'
      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 10}]
  2. Annotating properties TotalPrice and OverallStatus with @UI.datapoint using the targetQualifier from the facet definition in step 1 will assign the properties to the header facet accordingly.

    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 70}]
    @UI.dataPoint: { qualifier: 'PriceData', title: 'Total Price'}
    @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 80, criticality: 'OverallStatusCriticality' }]
    @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 30}]
    @UI.textArrangement: #TEXT_ONLY
    @UI.dataPoint: { qualifier: 'StatusData', title: 'Status', criticality: 'OverallStatusCriticality' }

    Click Save and Activate.

  3. Switch to the app preview and refresh the browser window. The two new data points show up in the object page header. The labels are taken from property title, the color of Status from property criticality of the datapoint annotations .

    App Data Points

Step 3. Add a new section with title "General Information"

In this step you will add a section to the content area of the object page. The section will contain a form with three data fields.

  1. Open the metadata extension file for the Travel view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### and enter the facet annotations that define the section General Information as a collection facet, using the type Collection. Add a second facet as a child of General Information with facet type #IDENTIFICATION_REFERENCE to create a form with title General. Add the code from line 8 to line 21 to your existing UI facet definition.

    annotate view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### with
      @UI.facet: [
          label: 'General Information',
          id: 'GeneralInfo',
          type: #COLLECTION,
          position: 10
          label: 'General',
          id: 'Travel',
          purpose: #STANDARD,
          parentId: 'GeneralInfo',
          position: 10
  2. Add a new field Description and annotate this and the properties AgencyID and CustomerID with @UI.Identification to position these fields under General.

    annotate view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### with
      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 10}]
      @UI.identification: [{ position: 10 }]
      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 20}]
      @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 10}]
      @UI.identification: [{ position: 30 }]
      @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 30}]
      @UI.selectionField: [{ position: 20}]
      @UI.identification: [{ position: 20 }]

    Click Save and Activate.

  3. Refresh the app window. The new form General is shown in section General Information containing the three fields.

    App section GeneralInfo

Step 4. Add two additional field groups to section "General Information"

A field group contains one or more data fields inside a UI container. In this step you define two field groups in section General Information.

  1. Open the metadata extension file for the Travel view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######.

    First, define a field group for the beginning and end date of a travel item and for the prices. The facet type for a field group is #FIELDGROUP_REFERENCE. Add the code from line 8 to line 25 to the end of the @UI.facet section.

    annotate view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### with
      @UI.facet: [
          id: 'Dates',
          purpose: #STANDARD,
          type: #FIELDGROUP_REFERENCE,
          parentId: 'GeneralInfo',
          label: 'Dates',
          position: 30,
          targetQualifier: 'DatesGroup'
          id: 'Prices',
          purpose: #STANDARD,
          type: #FIELDGROUP_REFERENCE,
          parentId: 'GeneralInfo',
          label: 'Prices',
          position: 20,
          targetQualifier: 'PricesGroup'
  2. Annotate the properties BeginDate and EndDate with @UI.fieldGroup. Make sure you use the same field group qualifier DatesGroup but different positions in each annotation. Apply the same for the properties BookingFee and TotalPrice using field group annotations with qualifier PricesGroup.

     @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 40}]
     @UI.fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'DatesGroup', position: 10 }]
     @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 50}]
     @UI.fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'DatesGroup', position: 20 }]
     @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 60}]
     @UI.fieldGroup: [ { qualifier: 'PricesGroup', position: 10} ]
     @UI.lineItem: [{ position: 70}]  
     @UI.dataPoint: { qualifier: 'PriceData', title: 'Total Price'}
     @UI.fieldGroup: [{ qualifier: 'PricesGroup', position: 20 }]

    Click Save and Activate.

  3. Refresh the app window. There are two additional field groups showing price and date information.

    App field Groups

Step 5. Show the Bookings Table in a new section

In this step you will add a new section that contains a table with booking information. This requires access to another entity Booking via an association and an additional metadata extension file.

  1. Open the metadata extension file for the Travel view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_######. In the facet annotation block add a new facet Booking with type #LINEITEM_REFERENCE. Add the code from line 7 to line 14 to the end of the @UI.facet section. Click Save and Activate.

    annotate view ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### with
      @UI.facet: [
          id: 'Booking',
          purpose: #STANDARD,
          type: #LINEITEM_REFERENCE,
          label: 'Bookings',
          position: 20,
          targetElement: '_Booking'

    Note the property targetElement: _Booking which references the association to the booking table that will be shown in the facet Booking. You can lookup the definition of _Booking in ZC_FE_TRAVEL_###### Projection View of Travel in the Data Definitions folder.

  2. In the Project Explorer open the Data Definitions section, right-click on ZC_FE_BOOKING_###### Projection View for Booking and create a new metadata extension file from the context menu. Enter ZC_FE_BOOKING_###### in field Name and Metadata Extension for Booking view in field Description.

    add Metadata Extension for Booking

    Click Buttons Next and Finish.

  3. In the metadata extension file ZC_FE_BOOKING_###### use @UI.lineItem annotations to add some fields from the Booking view ZC_FE_BOOKING_###### Projection View for Booking view to the bookings table. Replace the content of ZC_FE_BOOKING_###### by the following code.

    @Metadata.layer: #CORE
    annotate view ZC_FE_BOOKING_######
        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 10 } ]
        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 20 } ]
        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 30 } ]
        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 40 } ]
        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 50 } ]
        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 60 } ]
        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 70 } ]

    Click Save and Activate.

  4. Change to the app preview and refresh the browser window. The booking table is now displayed in the new Bookings section of the object page.

    App booking table

  5. Instead of showing IDs for the fields Customer ID and Airline ID one would preferably show descriptions or names.

    This will be made possible by using specific annotations which are implemented within the projection view ZC_FE_BOOKING_######. Therefore open the projection view located in folder Data Definitions which contains the root view definitions for the booking entity.

    Add the @ObjectModel and @EndUserText annotations to the fields as shown in the coding fragments below.

    Annotation @EndUserText.label defines the column label for the related fields. Using annotation @ObjectModel.text.element controls the source of the content shown for the related field. Fields CarrierID and CustomerID will get their content by accessing the related field through the corresponding association.

    @EndUserText.label: 'Customer'
    @ObjectModel.text.element: ['LastName']
    _Customer.LastName as LastName,
    @EndUserText.label: 'Airline'
    @ObjectModel.text.element: ['CarrierName']
    _Carrier.Name as CarrierName,

    Click Save and Activate.

  6. Change to the app preview and refresh the browser window. The booking table is now displayed in the new Bookings section of the object page with descriptions for Customer and Airline.

    App booking table

Step 6. Airline pictures in Bookings table

In this step you will add a picture with the airline logo in a new column at the beginning of the booking table.

  1. To achieve this, open the metadata extension file ZC_FE_BOOKING_###### and add the following code lines to the end of the annotation structure. The property position creates a new first column

        @UI.lineItem: [ { position: 05, label: ' ', value: '_Carrier.AirlinePicURL' } ]

    Click Save and Activate.

  2. Change to the app preview and refresh the browser window. The booking table is now displayed with the airline pictures in the first column.

    App airline logos


You have completed the exercise! In this unit, you have learned how to create an object page using ABAP CDS annotation.

Next Exercise

Week 2 Unit 3: Preparing your front-end development environment