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Number Theory

Primes and factors

  • For every number n > 1, there is a unique prime factorization

  • Number of factors of a number n is:

There are αi + 1 ways to choose how many times prime pi appears in the factor

  • Sum of factors of n is:

  • Product of factors of n is:

we can form τ(n)/2 pairs from the factors, each with product n

  • Goldbach’s conjecture: Each num > 2 can be represented as sum of 2 primes
  • Twin prime conjecture: There is an infinite number of pairs (p, p+2) where both are primes.
  • Legendre's conjecture: There's always a prime between n^2 and (n+1)^2

Find Divisors

vector<ll> findDivisors(ll n)
    vector<ll> res;
    for (ll i = 1; i <= sqrt(n); ++i)
        if (n%i == 0)
            if (n/i != i) res.push_back(n/i);
    return res;

Sieve of Eratosthenes - O(nloglogn)

const int MAXN = 1e5;
ll sieve[MAXN+1];
vector<int> primes;
void makeSieve()
    fill(sieve, sieve+MAXN+1, 1);
    sieve[0] = 0, sieve[1] = 0;
    for (int i = 2; i <= MAXN; ++i)
        if (sieve[i] != 1) continue;
        for (int j = i*2; j <= MAXN; j += i) sieve[j] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAXN; ++i)
        if (sieve[i]) primes.push_back(i);

// Almost twice fast sieve can generate upto 3e7 range in 1 second
const int MAXN = 1e7;
int sieve[MAXN+1], primes[MAXN+1], primesSz = 0;
void findprimes()
    for (int i = 2; i <= MAXN; ++i)
        if (sieve[i] == 0) { sieve[i] = i; primes[primesSz++] = i; }
        for (int j = 0, x = i*primes[j]; j < primesSz && primes[j] <= sieve[i]
            && x <= MAXN; ++j, x = i*primes[j])
            sieve[x] = primes[j];

- generate price prime upto sqrt[r]
- create an array of size r-l+1 and set all element to be 0 (0 means prime, 1 means composite)
- For each prime p in range 2 to sqrt[r]: for every multiple of p in range l to r, mark m-l as 1

l = 11, r = 20
[11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]
For prime 2, mark 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 as composite
int segmentedSieve(int n)
    vector<int> primes;
    int nsqrt = sqrt(n);
    vector<char> is_prime(nsqrt + 1, true);
    for (int i = 2; i <= nsqrt; i++)
        if (is_prime[i])
            for (int j = i * i; j <= nsqrt; j += i)
                is_prime[j] = false;

    const int S = 10000;
    int result = 0;
    vector<char> block(S);
    for (int k = 0; k * S <= n; k++)
        fill(block.begin(), block.end(), true);
        int start = k * S;
        for (int p : primes)
            int start_idx = (start + p - 1) / p;
            int j = max(start_idx, p) * p - start;
            for (; j < S; j += p)
                block[j] = false;
        if (k == 0)
            block[0] = block[1] = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < S && start + i <= n; i++)
            if (block[i])
    return result;

Euler totient function

Counts the number of integers between 1 and n inclusive, which are coprime to n

// Euler totient function in logN
int phi(int n)
    int res = n;
    for (int i = 2; i*i <= n; ++i)
        if (n%i == 0)
            while (n%i == 0) n /= i;
            res -= res/i;
    if (n > 1) res -= res/n;
    return res;

// Euler totient preprocessing
const int MAXN = 1e5;
int phi[MAXN+1];
void phiPreprocess()
    phi[0] = 0, phi[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i <= MAXN; ++i) phi[i] = i-1;
    for (int i = 2; i <= MAXN; ++i)
        for (int j = 2*i; j <= MAXN; j += i) phi[j] -= phi[i];

Eucledian Algorithm

If negative number take abs and put it will work just fine. LCM(a, b) * gcd(a, b) = a*b

inline int gcd (int a, int b) { while (b) { a %= b; swap(a, b); } return a; }
inline int lcm (int a, int b) { return a / gcd(a, b) * b; }

Correctness Proof:
****For proof we need to show gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a%b) for all a >= 0 & b >= 0. One thing to notice is second argument is strictly decreasing
Let d = gcd(a, b) then by definition d|a and d|b (d divides a and d divides b)
We know a%b = a - b*floor(a/b)
From this we follow that gcd(b, a%b) by definition d|b and d|(a%b)
Say there are 3 integers p, q, r - if p|q and p|r then p|gcd(q, r) using this we can get gcd(a, b) | gcd(b, a%b)
Thus we have shown left side of the original solution divides right side. The second half of proof is similar.

Time Complexity:
Runtime is estimated by Lame's Theorem which establishes connected with fibonacci sequence (formed by successive a%b). Making it O(log min(a, b))

Modular Arithmetic

Modular Exponentiation

int powMod(int a, int b)
    int x = 1;
    while (b > 0)
        if (b & 1) x = (x * a) % MOD;
        a = (a * a) % MOD;
        b >>= 1;

Fermat's Theorem and Euler Theorem

Modular Inverse


int nCr(int n, int r)
    if (n < r) return 0;
    ll res = 1, rem = 1;
    for (ll i = n - r + 1; i <= n; i++) res = multiply(res, i);
    for (ll i = 2; i <= r; i++) rem = multiply(rem, i);
    return multiply(res, powMod(rem, MOD - 2));
const int MAXN= 1e5;
int fact[MAXN+1], inv[MAXN+1];
void nCrPreprocess()
    fact[0] = inv[0] = 1;
    for(int i = 1; i <= MAXN; ++i)
        fact[i] = multiply(fact[i-1], i);
        inv[i] = powMod(fact[i], MOD-2);
int nCrQuery(int n, int r)
    if (n < r) return 0;
    int res = 1; res = multiply(res, fact[n]);
    res = multiply(res, inv[r]);
    res = multiply(res, inv[n-r]);
    return res;


Fibonacci Number

  • Cassini's Identity: F(n-1)F(n+1) - F(n)F(n) = (-1)^n
  • Addition Rule: F(n+k) = F(k)F(n+1) + F(k-1)F(n)
  • Applying previous identity where k = n: F(2n) = F(n) (F(n+1) + F(n-1))
  • From this we can prove by induction that F(nk) is multiple of F(n)
  • GCD Identity: gcd(F(m), F(n)) = F(gcd(m, n))

Fibonacci Coding

According to Zeckendorf's theorem, any natural number n can be uniquely represented as a sum of Fibonacci numbers.

Idea is to represent in binary notation with end as 1 (to mark ending) for di = 1 means F(i+2) is taken. It can be filled by greedily picking maximum size fibonacci and subtracting.


Solving Equations

A diophatine equation is of the for ax + by = c where a, b, c are constants and value of x & y have to be found. We want to:

If a = b = 0 then either we have no solution or infinite solutions

// Not to be used directly
pii chineaseRemainderTheorem(int x, int a, int y, int b)
    int s, t, d = extendedEuclid(x, y, s, t);
    if (a%d != b%d) return make_pair(0, -1);
    return make_pair(((s*b*x + t*a*y + x*y)%(x*y))/d, x*y/d);

// returns d = gcd(a,b); finds x,y such that d = ax + by
int extendedEuclid(int a, int b, int &x, int &y)
    int xx = y = 0, yy = x = 1;
    while (b)
        int q = a/b;
        int t = b; b = a%b; a = t;
        t = xx; xx = x-q*xx; x = t;
        t = yy; yy = y-q*yy; y = t;
    return a;
// finds all solutions to ax = b (mod n)
vector<int> modularLinearEquationSolver(int a, int b, int n)
    int x, y;
    vector<int> solutions;
    int d = extendedEuclid(a, n, x, y);
    if (b%d == 0)
        x = ((x * (b/d) + n) % n);
        for (int i = 0; i < d; ++i)
            solutions.push_back((x + i*(n/d) + n) % n);
    return solutions;
// computes x and y such that ax + by = c; on failure, x = y =-1
void linearDiophantine(int a, int b, int c, int &x, int &y)
    int d = __gcd(a, b);
    if (c%d) x = y = -1;
        x = c/d * inverseMod(a/d, b/d);
        y = (c-a*x)/b;
// finds z such that z % x[i] = a[i] for all i. returns (z, M) on failure M = -1
// Note: we require a[i]'s to be relatively prime
pii chineaseRemainderTheorem(const vector<int> &x, const vector<int> &a)
    pii ret = make_pair(x[0], a[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < x.size(); ++i)
        ret = chineaseRemainderTheorem(ret.first, ret.second, x[i], a[i]);
        if (ret.second == -1) break;
    return ret;

Other Results

Lagrange's Four Square theorem

Every natural number can be represented as the sum of four integer squares

Example problem:

Minimum number of squares required is 4 if n can be written in the form 4^k(8m + 7)

// No DP No BFS this method is the best XD
int numSquares(int n)
    int srt = sqrt(n);
    if (is_square(n)) return 1;

    for (int i = 1; i <= sqrt(n); ++i)
        if (is_square(n - i*i)) return 2;

    while (n%4 == 0) n >>= 2;
    if (n % 8 == 7) return 4;
    return 3;

Pythagorean triples

It's a triple (a, b, c) that satisfies Pythagorean theorem a^2 + b^2 = c^2.
If (a, b, c) is a valid triple all (ka, kb, kc) is also valid where k > 1

Euclid formula: (n^2 - m^2, 2nm, n^2 + m^2) Where 0<n<m and n, m are coprime and atleast one of n, m is even. Example m=1 n=2 gives smallest triplet (3, 4, 5)


Degenerate Matrix

Matrix with determinant = 0, hence they are linear dependent and can be written as:


Boxes and Balls

Count number of ways to place k balls in n boxes

  • Each box can contain at most 1 ball: Ans is directly C(n, k)
  • Each box can contain multiple balls: Consider it like a string o means put ball in that box - means move to next box. Using this our final string will contain k (o's) and n-1 (-'s) so ans is C(k+n-1, k)
  • Each box contain at most 1 ball and no 2 adjacent box contain ball: We can assume there are k boxes initially to which adjacent boxes are inserted. There are n-2k+1 such boxes and k+1 positions for them using prev formula C(n-k+1, n-2k+1)

Catalan Number

1,1,2,5,14,42,132, 429...

  • Number of valid parenthesis expressions that consist of n left parentheses and n right parentheses.
  • There are Cn binary trees of n nodes and Cn-1 rooted trees of n nodes.

unordered_map<int, int> dp;
int cat(int n)    // 1 indexed
    if (n <= 1) return 1;
    if (dp[n] != 0) return dp[n];
    int res = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        res += cat(i) * cat(n-i-1);
    return dp[n] = res;

Stirling Number of Second Kind

Given n numbers, grouping them in k subgroups find total possibility. It's defined by stirling number:
S(n, k) = k*(S(n-1, k)) + S(n-1, k-1)

Inclusion Exclusion

| A ∪ B ∪ C | = | A | + | B | + | C | - | A ∩ B | - | B ∩ C | - | C ∩ A | + | A ∩ B ∩ C|
| A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ ... | = { SINGLE SUMS } - { DOUBLE PAIRS SUM } + { TRIPLE PAIRS SUM } - { FOUR PAIRS SUM } + ...

Find numbers less than 1000 divisible by 2, 3 & 5
Numbers less then N divisible by m are floor((N - 1) / m) So:
Divisible by 2 = 449
Divisible by 3 = 333
Divisible by 5 = 199
Divisible by 2.5 = 99
Divisible by 3.5 = 66
Divisible by 2.3 = 166
Divisible by 2.3.5 = 33
| 2 ∪ 3 ∪ 5 | = 499 + 133 + 199 - 99 - 66 - 166 + 33 = 733

Numbers between 1 and n which are divisible by any of the prime numbers less than 20

ll t;
cin >> t;
while (t--)
    ll num;
    cin >> num;
    ll arr[] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 };
    ll n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(ll);
    ll result = 0;
    for (ll i = 1; i < (1<<n); ++i)
        ll mask = i, temp = 1, pos = 0, product = 1ll, bits = __builtin_popcount(mask);
        while (mask > 0)
            ll lastBit = (mask&1);
            if (lastBit) product *= arr[pos];
            mask >>= 1;
        if (bits&1) result += num/product;
        else result -= num/product;
    cout << result << endl;


Number of permutations where no element remain in original place. It follows following relation:

  • There are (n-1) ways to chose an element x that can replace element 1.
  • We swapped x and 1 element so now we are left with f(n-2)
  • We replace element x with some other element (than 1) Now we have to construct n-1 derangements since we cannot replace x with (1 val)

Burnside's Lemma


Prüfer code

Way of encoding a labelled tree into a sequence of n-2 integers in interval [0, n-1]
Cayley's formula states that the number of spanning trees in a complete labeled graph with n vertices is n^(n-2)

Process: Removes n−2 leaves from the tree. At each step, the leaf with the smallest label is removed, and the label of its only neighbor is added to the code

Cayley's Formula

const int MAXN = 1e5;
vector<int> adj[MAXN+1];
int parent[MAXN+1];
void DFS(int u)
    for (auto &v : adj[u])
        if (v != parent[u]) { parent[v] = u; DFS(v); }
vector<int> prueferCode(int n)
    parent[n-1] = -1;
    int ptr = -1;
    vector<int> degree(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        degree[i] = adj[i].size();
        if (degree[i] == 1 && ptr == -1) ptr = i;
    vector<int> code(n - 2);
    int leaf = ptr;
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; i++)
        int next = parent[leaf];
        code[i] = next;
        if (--degree[next] == 1 && next < ptr) leaf = next;
        else { ptr++; while (degree[ptr] != 1) ptr++; leaf = ptr; }
    return code;
vector<pii> prueferDecode(vector<int> &code)
    int n = code.size() + 2;
    vector<int> degree(n, 1);
    for (int i : code) degree[i]++;
    int ptr = 0;
    while (degree[ptr] != 1) ptr++;
    int leaf = ptr;
    vector<pii> edges;
    for (int v : code)
        edges.emplace_back(leaf, v);
        if (--degree[v] == 1 && v < ptr) leaf = v;
        else { ptr++; while (degree[ptr] != 1) ptr++; leaf = ptr; }
    edges.emplace_back(leaf, n-1);
    return edges;


Bernoulli Trial: A dice thrown n times and we want probability for 6 exactly x times. so: nCx (1/6)^x (5/6)^(n - x)
The expected number of trials for ith success is 1/p

Coupon Collector Problem: A certain brand of cereal always distributes a coupon in every cereal box. The coupon chosen for each box is chosen randomly from a set of n distinct coupons. A coupon collector wishes to collect all n distinct coupons. What is the expected number of cereal boxes must the coupon collector buy so that the coupon collector collects all n distinct coupons.

Probability of collecting first coupon is 1 since the collector has none. Later on for Pi = (n - (i-1)) / n
E(x) = 1/P (follows geometric distribution) we need to calculate summation of E[x]
= E(1) + E(2) + E(3) + E(4) + ... + E(n)
= n/n + n/n-1 + n/n-2 + n/n-3 + ... + + n/2 + n/1
= n (1/n + 1/n-1 + 1/n-2 + 1/n-3 + ... + 1/2 + 1)
Apply expansion

Pigeonhole Principle

Divisible Subset Problem (C4)(
Example: 3 4 3 5 2 3
Naive approach is by exponential time finding pairs with 1 element only then 2 element only and so on.
Any such problem can be illustrated as (1+x^3)(1+x^4)(1+x^3)(1+x^5)(1+x^2)(1+x^3) solving this will give terms having powers of all subsets we just need to apply % N = 0.
It can be solved in O(NlogN) by Fast Fourier Transform or simply in O(N2)

Itterate all array elements and apply % N and record it in the array of vector below.
0   1   2   3   4   5
Then 4
0   1   2   3   4   5
Then in 4 to 3 so 4 + 3 % N
0   1   2   3   4   5
    0,1     0   1
and so on.

a[]     =      3    4    3    5    2    3
b[]     = 0    3    7    10   15   17   20
b[]     = 0    3    1    4    3    5    2
temp[]  =      2    6    1,4  3    5  
This is pigeonhole senerio in every case any temp arr will have two element.
end - start i.e. 4 - 1 = 3 so 3 elements that are 2nd 3rd and 4th (4 + 3 + 5) % 6 = 0
  • P(x & y) = P(x/y) P(y)
  • P(x/y) = P(y/x) P(x)/P(y) - Baye's Theorem
  • P(x | y) = P(x) + P(y) - P(x & y)
  • Independence rule: if x & y are independent events then P(x & y) = P(x) P(y)
  • Mutual Exclusive: (One happens then other cannot) P(x | y) = P(x) + P(y)