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forked from ory/hydra

OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Compatible with MITREid.


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Hydra is a twelve factor authentication, authorization and account management service, ready for you to use in your micro service architecture. Hydra is written in go and backed by PostgreSQL or any implementation of account/storage.go.

Hydra implements TLS, different OAuth2 IETF standards and supports HTTP/2. To make things as easy as possible, hydra comes with tools to generate TLS and RS256 PEM files, leaving you with almost zero trouble to set up.

Hydra implements HTTP/2 and TLS.

Please be aware that Hydra is not ready for production just yet and has not been tested on a production system. If time schedule holds, we will use it in production in Q1 2016 for an awesome business app that has yet to be revealed.

Current status:

  • Development: 90% of principal components
  • HTTP API: 70% (in review)
  • Real world use: 10%

Table of Contents

What is Hydra?

Authentication, authorization and user account management are always lengthy to plan and implement. If you're building a micro service app in need of these three, you are in the right place.


Many authentication, authorization and user management solutions exist. Some are outdated, some come with a crazy stack, some enforce patterns you might dislike and others like or cost good money if you're out to scale.

Hydra was written because we needed a scalable 12factor OAuth2 consumer and provider with enterprise grade authorization and interoperability without a ton of dependencies or crazy features. That is why hydra only depends on Go and PostgreSQL. If you don't like PostgreSQL you can easily implement other databases and use them instead. Hydra is completely RESTful and does not serve any template (check caveats why this might affect you).

Hydra is the open source alternative to proprietary authorization solutions in the age of microservices.

Use it, enjoy it and contribute!


Hydra is a RESTful service providing you with things like:

  • Account Management: Sign up, settings, password recovery
  • Access Control / Policy Management backed by ladon
  • Hydra comes with a rich set of OAuth2 features:
  • Easy command line tools like hydra-jwt for generating jwt signing key pairs.
  • HTTP/2 with TLS.


To make hydra suitable for every use case we decided to exclude any sort of HTML templates. Hydra speaks only JSON. This obviously prevents Hydra from delivering a dedicated login and authorization page like "Do you want to grant App Foobar access to all of your data?" or "Please log into your account to procceed. ".

You'll find more information on this in the Good to know section.


The API is described at apiary. The API Documentation is still work in progress.

Run hydra-host

Set up PostgreSQL locally

On Windows and Max OS X, download and install Docker Toolbox. After starting the Docker Quickstart Terminal, do the following:

> docker-machine ssh default # if you're not already ssh'ed into it
> docker run --name hydra-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
> exit
> docker-machine ip default
# This should give you something like:

> # On Windows
> set DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:secret@{ip from above}:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable

> # On Mac OSX
> export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:secret@{ip from above}:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable

On Linux download and install Docker:

> docker run --name hydra-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
> export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:secret@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable

Warning: This uses the postgres database, which is reserved. For brevity the guide to creating a new database in Postgres has been skipped.

Run as executable

> go get -d -v
> go install
> hydra-host start

Note: For this to work, $GOPATH/bin must be in your path

Run from sourcecode

> go get -d -v
> # cd to project root, usually in $GOPATH/src/
> cd cli
> cd hydra-host
> go run main.go start

Available Environment Variables

The CLI currently requires two environment variables:

Variable Description Format Default
PORT Which port to listen on number 443
HOST Which host to listen on ip or hostname empty (all)
HOST_URL Hydra's host URL url "https://localhost:4443"
DATABASE_URL PostgreSQL Database URL postgres://user:password@host:port/database empty
BCRYPT_WORKFACTOR BCrypt Strength number 10
SIGNUP_URL Sign up URL url empty
SIGNIN_URL Sign in URL url empty
DROPBOX_CLIENT Dropbox Client ID string empty
DROPBOX_SECRET Dropbox Client Secret string empty
JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH JWT Signing Public Key ./cert/rs256-public.pem (local path) "../../example/cert/rs256-public.pem"
JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH JWT Signing Private Key ./cert/rs256-private.pem (local path) "../../example/cert/rs256-private.pem"
TLS_CERT_PATH TLS Certificate Path ./cert/cert.pem "../../example/cert/tls-cert.pem"
TLS_KEY_PATH TLS Key Path ./cert/key.pem "../../example/cert/tls-key.pem"

CLI Usage

   hydra-host - Dragons guard your resources

   hydra-host [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   client       Client actions
   user         User actions
   start        Start the host service
   jwt          JWT actions
   tls          JWT actions
   policy       Policy actions
   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h                   show help
   --version, -v                print the version

Start server

   hydra-host start - start hydra-host

   hydra-host start [arguments...]

Create client

   hydra-host client create - Create a new client.

   hydra-host client create [command options] [arguments...]

   -i, --id             Set client's id
   -s, --secret         The client's secret
   -r, --redirect-url   A list of allowed redirect URLs:||http://localhost:3000/authcb
   --as-superuser       Grant superuser privileges to the client

Create user

   hydra-host user create - create a new user

   hydra-host user create [command options] <email>

   --password           the user's password
   --as-superuser       grant superuser privileges to the user

Create JWT RSA Key Pair

To generate files rs256-private.pem and rs256-public.pem in the current directory, run:

   hydra-host jwt generate-keypair - Create a JWT PEM keypair.

   You can use these files by providing the environment variables JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH and JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH

   hydra-host jwt generate-keypair [command options] [arguments...]

   -s, --private-file-path "rs256-private.pem"  Where to save the private key PEM file
   -p, --public-file-path "rs256-public.pem"    Where to save the private key PEM file

Create a TLS certificate

   hydra-host tls generate-dummy-certificate - Create a dummy TLS certificate and private key.

   You can use these files (in development!) by providing the environment variables TLS_CERT_PATH and TLS_KEY_PATH

   hydra-host tls generate-dummy-certificate [command options] [arguments...]

   -c, --certificate-file-path "tls-cert.pem"   Where to save the private key PEM file
   -k, --key-file-path "tls-key.pem"            Where to save the private key PEM file
   -u, --host                                   Comma-separated hostnames and IPs to generate a certificate for
   --sd, --start-date                           Creation date formatted as Jan 1 15:04:05 2011
   -d, --duration "8760h0m0s"                   Duration that certificate is valid for
   --ca                                         whether this cert should be its own Certificate Authority
   --rb, --rsa-bits "2048"                      Size of RSA key to generate. Ignored if --ecdsa-curve is set
   --ec, --ecdsa-curve                          ECDSA curve to use to generate a key. Valid values are P224, P256, P384, P521

Import policies

You can import policies from json files.

   hydra-host policy import - Import a json file which defines an array of policies

   hydra-host policy import <policies1.json> <policies2.json> <policies3.json>

Here's an exemplary policies.json:

    "description": "Allow editing and deleting of personal articles and all sub resources.",
    "subject": ["{edit|delete}"],
    "effect": "allow",
    "resources": [
    "permissions": [
    "conditions": [
        "op": "SubjectIsOwner"
    "description": "Allow creation of personal articles and all sub resources.",
    "subject": ["create"],
    "effect": "allow",
    "resources": [
    "permissions": [
    "conditions": [
        "op": "SubjectIsOwner"

Good to know

This section covers information necessary for understanding how hydra works.

Everything is RESTful. No HTML. No Templates.

Hydra never responds with HTML. There is no way to set up HTML templates for signing in, up or granting access.

Sign up workflow

Hydra offers capabilities to sign users up. First, a registered client has to acquire an access token through the OAuth2 Workflow. Second, the client sets up a user account through the /accounts endpoint.

You can set up a environment variable called SIGNUP_URL for Hydra to redirect users to, when the user successfully authenticated via the OAuth2 Provider Workflow but has not an account in hydra yet. If you leave this variable empty, a 401 Unauthorized Error will be shown instead.

Sign in workflow

Hydra offers different methods to sign users in.

Authenticate with Google, Dropbox, ...

You can authenticate a user through any other OAuth2 provider, such as Google, Dropbox or Facebook. To do so, simply add a provider query parameter to the authentication url endpoint:


The provider workflow is not standardized by any authority, has not yet been subject to a security audit and is therefore subject to change. Unfortunately most providers do not support SSO provider endpoints so we might have to rely on the OAuth2 provider workflow for a while.

We will soon document how you can add more providers (currently only Dropbox is supported).

Authenticate with a hydra account

There are multiple ways to authenticate a hydra account:

  • Password grant type: To do so, use the OAuth2 PASSWORD grant type. At this moment, the password grant is allowed to all clients. This will be changed in the future.
  • Callback (not implemented yet): You can set up an environment variable called SIGNIN_URL for Hydra to redirect users to, when a client requests authorization through the /oauth2/auth endpoint but is not yet authenticated.

Visually confirm authorization

When a client is not allowed to bypass the authorization screen ("Do you want to grant app XYZ access to your private information?"), he will be redirected to the value of the environment variable AUTHORIZE_URL.

This feature is not implemented yet.


  • Authorization and authentication require verbose logging.
  • Logging should never include credentials, neither passwords, secrets nor tokens.



OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Compatible with MITREid.



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  • Go 82.8%
  • Ruby 9.5%
  • JavaScript 4.5%
  • Shell 2.6%
  • Other 0.6%