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StephenCleary edited this page Apr 28, 2014 · 6 revisions

Property relationships are determined using dependency tracking.


A source property is a property whose value is used in the calculation of another property. Every source property has a collection of target properties that it influences.

A target property is a property whose value is determined by executing a delegate. Every target property has a collection of source properties whose value it depends on.

A trigger property is a read/write source property.

A calculated property is a read-only target property that is also a source property.

Source properties and target properties are internal concepts (they're not exposed to you), but they help simplify the dependency tracking discussion below. Just keep in mind that a target property is always a calculated property, but a source property may be a trigger property or a calculated property.


Invalidation can start one of several ways:

  • Setting the value of a trigger property.
  • Calling Invalidate() or InvalidateTargets() on a trigger property or calculated property.
  • Modifying an observable collection that is the current value of a trigger property or calculated property. See "Collections", below.

When a trigger property is written, that trigger property and the transitive closure of all its target properties are invalidated. Calling Invalidate() on a trigger property or calculated property has the same effect.

Invalidation always defers PropertyChanged notification while the affected properties are being invalidated, and resumes notification when the invalidations are complete. See "Notification", below.

Calculated Values

Calculated properties will calculate their value on demand (i.e., when read). They also remember the calculated value and will not re-evaluate it as long as it is valid. So, if a calculated property is retrieved and then retrieved again immediately, the cached value is returned the second time.

Invalidating a calculated property merely marks the property as invalid. It will not actually recalculate its value until its getter is called. A calculated property is always invalid immediately after construction.

Dependency Tracking

When a calculated property calculates its value, it establishes a dependency tracking scope with itself as the target property. While the calulated property delegate is being evaluated, any trigger property getters or calculated property getters will register those properties as source properties within that scope.

Since a calculated property may depend on other calculated properties, dependency scopes can be nested (internally, there's a stack of dependency tracking scopes).

When the dependency tracking scope is completed, it updates the calculated property's collection of source properties as well as the source properties' collections of target properties. This ensures that each property knows all of its target properties (and source properties, if applicable).


PropertyChanged notification normally happens at the end of invalidation, after all affected properties have been invalidated. After all affected properties have been invalidated, then all invalidated properties raise PropertyChanged.

The whole invalidation and dependency tracking system is independent of PropertyChanged. Raising PropertyChanged is a separate step in the process.

Why use a separate system instead of building dependency tracking into PropertyChanged? Good question!

A separate invalidation/dependency tracking system is more efficient than one that is based on PropertyChanged. As a separate system, it avoids string comparisons and spurious notifications within the system. Also, the separation permits consolidation of both the invalidation phase and the notification phase, eliminating spurious notifications produced by the system.

A final benefit of this separation is that it results in a cleaner and more predictable execution of complex scenarios. E.g., if you choose to use the PropertyChanged of a calculated property to (manually) update a different trigger property. If invalidation and dependency tracking were implemented using PropertyChanged, then that would be a hairy scenario to untangle and predict which properties will be updated when. By separating invalidation/dependency tracking from PropertyChanged, the execution is much more predictable (and efficient). Of course, this is still an unusual test case, and not recommented; I recommend replacing manual PropertyChanged handlers with calculated properties as much as possible.

During the invalidation process, PropertyChanged notifications are deferred. The deferring of PropertyChanged notifications can be safely nested; internally, there is a reference count of deferrals, and the PropertyChanged events will only fire once this reference count reaches zero.

You can defer notifications manually. You would want to do this, for example, if you are setting several different trigger values and want to do so in the most efficient manner:

using (PropertyChangedNotificationManager.Instance.DeferNotifications())
    vm.SomeProperty = someValue;
    vm.OtherProperty = otherValue;
    // At this point, all affected properties are invalidated.
// At this point, all PropertyChanged events have been raised
//  (assuming there are no deferrals further up the stack).

This is especially useful if you have calculated properties that depend on multiple values that you're setting; by deferring the PropertyChanged notifications, you're consolidating the multiple PropertyChanged events into a single one.

Example Update Lifecycle

A walk-through should help take the abstract concepts above and translate them to a concrete description of how the property values work. Take the introductory example:

public int MyValue
    get { return Properties.Get(7); }
    set { Properties.Set(value); }

public int MyCalculatedValue
    get { return Properties.Calculated(() => MyValue * 2); }

We'll say that MyViewModel.MyCalculatedValue is data-bound to some UI control, like a label.

When the ViewModel is constructed, neither of the properties technically exist yet. When the ViewModel is bound to the View, then the UI invokes the getter on MyViewModel.MyCalculatedValue, and here is where things get interesting:

  • Properties.Calculated will create the actual calculated property (named "MyCalculatedValue") the first time it is invoked. Calculated properties are always created in an invalid state.
  • Properties.Calculated will then invoke the CalculatedProperty.GetValue method of that property.
  • CalculatedProperty.GetValue will see that it is in an invalid state, so it decides to calculate its value.
    • CalculatedProperty.GetValue establishes a dependency tracking scope and invokes its delegate (() => MyValue * 2).
      • The delegate invokes the getter of MyViewModel.MyValue, which calls Properties.Get.
      • Properties.Get will create the actual trigger property (named "MyValue") the first time it is invoked. The trigger property value is 7.
      • Properties.Get will then invoke the TriggerProperty.GetValue method of that trigger property.
      • TriggerProperty.GetValue registers that property with the dependency tracking scope, and then returns 7.
      • The delegate completes executing, returning the value 14.
    • CalculatedProperty.GetValue completes the dependency tracking scope.
      • MyCalculatedValue now has a collection of sources: [MyValue].
      • MyValue now has a collection of targets: [MyCalculatedValue].
    • The calculated property now has a value of 14 and is marked valid.
  • Finally, the MyViewModel.MyCalculatedValue getter returns the value 14 to the UI.

Fun, eh? Now, let's observe how an update works. Let's set a source property:

vm.MyValue = 13;
  • Properties.Set will invoke the TriggerProperty.SetValue method of the "MyValue" property.
  • The new value 13 is not equal to the current value 7, so the trigger property has to update.
  • The trigger property defers notifications.
    • The trigger property invalidates itself and the transitive closure of all its target properties.
    • As each property is invalidated, it adds itself to the deferred notification collection.
    • The trigger property does not actually enter an invalid state; it just updates its value to 13 and adds itself to the deferred collection.
    • The calculated property enters an invalid state.
    • The deferred notification property collection is now: [MyValue, MyCalculatedValue].
  • The trigger property resumes notifications.
  • Since notifications are no longer deferred, PropertyChanged events are raised for the properties in the deferred collection (MyValue and MyCalculatedValue).
  • The UI detects the PropertyChanged notification for MyCalculatedValue and invokes the getter for that property.
  • Properties.Calculated will invoke the CalculatedProperty.GetValue method of the "MyCalculatedValue" property.
  • CalculatedProperty.GetValue will see that it is in an invalid state, so it decides to (re-)calculate its value.
    • CalculatedProperty.GetValue establishes a dependency tracking scope and invokes its delegate (() => MyValue * 2).
      • The delegate invokes the getter of MyViewModel.MyValue, which calls Properties.Get.
      • Properties.Get will invoke the TriggerProperty.GetValue method of that trigger property.
      • TriggerProperty.GetValue registers that property with the dependency tracking scope, and then returns 13.
      • The delegate completes executing, returning the value 26.
    • CalculatedProperty.GetValue completes the dependency tracking scope.
      • MyCalculatedValue has the same collection of sources: [MyValue].
      • MyValue has the same collection of targets: [MyCalculatedValue].
    • The calculated property now has a value of 26 and is marked valid.
  • Finally, the MyViewModel.MyCalculatedValue getter returns the value 26 to the UI.

This sounds like a lot of work, but in reality it is extremely fast, as well as flexible.


When the current value of a trigger property or calculated property is a collection that implements INotifyCollectionChanged, then that property will subscribe to CollectionChanged and invalidate the transitive closure of all its target properties whenever the collection changes in any way. Note that in this case, the property value is not actually changed (it still refers to the same collection), so only the target properties are invalidated, not the property whose value is the collection. Calling InvalidateTargets() on a trigger property or calculated property has the same effect.

This allows calculated properties to use observable collections and Just Work:

public ObservableCollection<int> MyValue
    get { return Properties.Get(() => new ObservableCollection<int>()); }
    set { Properties.Set(value); }

public int MyCalculatedValue
    get { return Properties.Calculated(() => MyValue.Count == 0 ? 13 : MyValue.First()); }

IBindingList is supported in the same way as INotifyCollectionChanged; however, IBindingList is less efficient. Use ObservableCollection<T> instead of BindingList<T> if possible.


When a trigger property is set, it will first evaluate its old value against its new value to determine whether it needs to update. You can specify a comparer to the trigger property to override how this comparison is done:

private static readonly IEqualityComparer<int> Comparer = ...;
public int MyValue
    get { return Properties.Get(7, Comparer); }
    set { Properties.Set(value, Comparer); }

Note that the same comparer instance should be passed into both Get and Set.

If a trigger property is set to an "equal" value, then it does not enter the invalidation phase; neither the trigger property nor any of its targets are invalidated. However, it does overwrite its old value with the new value, even if the are "equal".

If you'd like a simple library with a fluent API for creating comparers and equality comparers, try the Comparers NuGet package.


Trigger properties and calculated properties are not threadsafe. They are not specifically tied to a UI thread (they don't use Dispatcher or anything like that), but they do expect that they will all be written to from the same thread (which, in practice, is the UI thread). Some MVVM platforms (most notably WPF) will do automatic cross-thread marshaling for simple property updates, but that will not work for updating calculated properties. Trigger properties and calculated properties will detect cross-thread access and will throw InvalidOperationException.

Like regular data binding, trigger properties and calculated properties will write non-fatal errors to the debugger output window, so if you are not seeing updates when you think you should, check there first. However, if you use the PropertyHelper class like all the examples do, it's very difficult to actually cause those errors. :)

Dependency loops (e.g., a calculated property indirectly depending on its own value) will result in a stack overflow exception. I have no intention of adding explicit checks for this, since I expect it to be a rare scenario.

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