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88 lines (84 loc) · 6.53 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (84 loc) · 6.53 KB

Disclaimer: these tables are not necessarily complete or up-to-date. Feel free to add information on missing features, components, and modules as you encounter them.


Name Status Notes
ActivityIndicator Ready
ARTGroup Not Started
ARTShape Not Started
ARTSurfaceView Not Started
ARTText Not Started
Button Ready
DatePickerIOS n/a iOS-only.
DrawerLayoutAndroid n/a Android-only. See SplitViewWindows.
Image Partial Missing tint color and background color (#278), HTTP headers (#689)
KeyboardAvoidingView Not Started Dependent on #159.
ListView Ready RecyclerBackedScrollViewManager unavailable (#186).
MapView n/a Deprecated in favor of react-native-maps.
Modal Not Started See #618.
Navigator Ready
NavigatorIOS n/a iOS-only.
Picker Partial Missing dialog-driven picker (#535).
PickerIOS n/a iOS-only.
ProgressBarAndroid n/a Android-only. See ProgressBarWindows.
ProgressViewIOS n/a iOS-only. See ProgressBarWindows.
RefreshControl Not Started Consider building with UWP Community Toolkit.
ScrollView Partial Missing momentum scroll events (#534).
SegmentedControlIOS n/a iOS-only.
Slider Ready
SnapshotViewIOS n/a iOS-only.
StatusBar Ready
Switch Ready
TabBarIOS n/a iOS-only.
TabBarIOS.Item n/a iOS-only.
Text Partial Issue with measurement performance (#106). Also missing background color and borders (#698) and strike-through and underlining (#709).
TextInput Partial Missing rich text features (#272) and auto-capitalize (#801).
ToolbarAndroid n/a Android-only.
TouchableHighlight Ready
TouchableNativeFeedback Not Started #536
TouchableOpacity Ready
TouchableWithoutFeedback Ready
View Ready
ViewPagerAndroid n/a Android-only. See FlipViewWindows.
WebView Partial Missing ability to set User-Agent string (#537).


Name Status Notes
Accessibility Partial Supported: accessibilityLiveRegion, accessibilityLabel, importantForAccessibility, accessibilityTraits. Not supported by design: accessible - use importantForAccessibility instead. In accessibilityTraits only button and none are supported. See #918.
ActionSheetIOS n/a iOS-only.
AdSupportIOS n/a iOS-only.
Alert Ready See Source.
AlertIOS n/a iOS-only.
Animated Ready See Source. NativeAnimated also supported.
AppRegistry Ready
AppState Ready See Source.
AsyncStorage Ready See Source.
BackAndroid Partial Working, but intent is to create a Windows-specific version (#538).
CameraRoll Not Started See #183.
Clipboard Ready See Source.
DatePickerAndroid n/a Android-only.
Dimensions Ready
Easing Ready
Geolocation Ready See Source.
ImageEditor Not Started
ImagePickerIOS n/a iOS-only.
ImageStore Not Started
InteractionManager Ready
Keyboard Not Started See #159.
LayoutAnimation Partial Missing #175, #217
Layout Props Partial Working on integration of facebook/css-layout
Linking Ready
NativeMethodsMixin Ready
NetInfo Partial Missing functionality to detect metered networks (#539).
Networking Ready i.e., fetch and XMLHttpRequest
PanResponder Partial Missing functionality to block native responders (#306).
PixelRatio Ready
PushNotificationIOS n/a iOS-only.
Settings Not Started
Shadow Props Not Started
StatusBarIOS n/a iOS-only.
StyleSheet Ready
TimePickerAndroid n/a Android-only.
ToastAndroid n/a Android-only.
Vibration Ready See Source.
VibrationIOS n/a iOS-only.
Timers Partial `set[Interval