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Data service micro-service helps TDEI system to query information specific to the OSW.

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Data service micro-service helps TDEI system to persisting & querying the information specific to the OSW.

Getting Started

The project is built on NodeJS framework. All the regular nuances for a NodeJS project are valid for this.

System requirements

Software Version
NodeJS 16.17.0
Typescript 4.8.2

Environment variables

Application configuration is read from .env file. Below are the list of environemnt variables service is dependent on. An example of environment file is available here and description of environment variable is presented in below table

Name Description
PROVIDER Provider for cloud service or local (optional)
QUEUECONNECTION Queue connection string
STORAGECONNECTION Storage connection string
PORT Port on which application will run
AUTH_HOST Authentication/Authorization url
POSTGRES_DB Database name
POSTGRES_HOST Link to the database host
POSTGRES_USER Database user
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Database user password
SSL Database ssl flag

Local Postgresql database setup

Step 1: Ensure all the environment variables are setup.

Step 2: Ensure docker is installed on local system.

Step 3: Run below command which will setup Postgresql database and PgAdmin client console for postgresql database.

docker compose up from root directory


Follow the steps to install the node packages required for both building and running the application

  1. Install the dependencies. Run the following command in terminal on the same directory level as package.json
    npm install
  2. To start the server, use the command npm run start
  3. The http server by default starts with 3000 port or whatever is declared in process.env.PORT (look at index.ts for more details)
  4. Health check available at path health/ping with get and post. Make get or post request to http://localhost:3000/health/ping. Ping should respond with "healthy!" message with HTTP 200 status code.


Follow the steps to install the node packages required for testing the application

  1. Ensure we have installed the dependencies. Run the following command in terminal on the same directory level as package.json
    npm install
  2. To start testing suits, use the command npm test , this command will execute all the unit test suites defined for application.

Test Enumeration

When new test cases are written, it is required to run npm run generate-test-enumeration which will update the file with latest test case changes.


  1. The maximum size for the payload of a POST request is restricted to 100kb.

OSW entity identification fields

OpenSidewalks Schema entities are identified by their set of attributes. Fields that uniquely identify an entity type are called identifying fields, this information is required for tag quality metric. below is the command to run whenever the new OSW schema gets generated.

node generate-test-enumeration.js
  • Please review and update the script when OSW schema version changes.

System flow

Diagram describes the Data service system flow

graph LR;
    B(Data Service) -->|subscribes| A[osw-validation]
    B -->|publishes| C(osw-data)
    B -->|Save| D(OSW Database)
    B -->|Auth| E(Auth Service)
    G(Gateway) -->|GET| B(Data Service)
    H(Client) -->|GET| G
  • Client, makes HTTP GET calls to Gateway

    • Retrive the list of OSW files with/without search criteria.
    • Download the OSW file given the tdei_dataset_id
  • Data Service, authorizes the every incoming request against the Auth Service

  • Data Service, subscribes to osw-validation topic to listen to data validation of the osw file upload request.

  • If validation is failed , Data Service publishes the information to osw-data topic to update request status complete without persisting the information.

  • If validation is successful , Data Service first persists the information to the OSW Database and publishes the information to osw-data topic to update request status complete.

  • osw-validation topic message schema can be found here

  • osw-data topic message schema can be found here

  • Sample GET calls interaction with DB

    Gateway->>+osw-dataservice: GET
    osw-dataservice->>+osw-database: QUERY
    osw-dataservice->>+Gateway:List of OSW
    Gateway->>+Client: OSW files list

How to run integration test

To run integration test you need a .env file which will be available on request.

Steps to run:

Execute the following commands.

npm run i
npm run test:integration

Required env for running tests

For running integration test, following env variables are required.

Name Description
QUEUECONNECTION Queue connection string
STORAGECONNECTION Storage connection string
AUTH_HOST Host of the authentication service
GATEWAY_URL Upload topic subscription name

File upload implementation

The file upload implementation is done as per the existing upload API.

Path : /api/v1/osw

Method : POST

Form data : Contains two required and one optional file

metadata: Payload in JSON format

dataset: The zip file for osw

changeset: Optional, file containing upload details

Example for metadata

    "name": "Sample Dataset Upload",
    "version": "1.0.2",
    "description": "This is a sample Dataset upload.",
    "custom_metadata": {},
    "collected_by": "John Doe",
    "collection_date": "2024-01-18 21:17:48.357173-08",
    "collection_method": "transform",
    "data_source": "3rdParty",
    "schema_version": "v0.2",
    "valid_from": "2024-01-18 21:17:48.357173-08",
    "valid_to": "2024-01-19 22:17:48.357173-08",
    "dataset_area": {
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "features": [
                "type": "Feature",
                "id": "1",
                "properties": {},
                "geometry": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [

Execution of flow

The flow of processing is as follows

  1. Middleware auth verification
  2. File format verification
  3. Meta validation of upload
  4. Generating random UID (recordID)
  5. Uploading to Storage (with path)
  6. Assigning path, recordID and creating DTO
  7. Verifying the serviceID against projectGroupID and inserting into the Database
  8. Responding with recordID

1. Middleware for auth verification

  • This step verifies the Bearer token for userID and also parses the userId from the header.
  • The userID is inserted into body as body.userId for further processing
  • The userId is checked for authentication to upload against the auth URL.

Any error in this is dealt with a 401 Unauthorized error

2. File format verification

This middleware verifies that the uploaded file is in .zip extension and reponds with 400 bad request if the file is not a zip file

3. Meta validation

The meta body is parsed and is validated according to the initial validation conditions Any error is responded back with 500 error with the message

6&7: Assigning the path and record id and inserting into DB

An initial DTO (Data object) is created with the meta data along with the uploaded path, userID and the record ID. There is a check made to ensure the serviceId belongs to the project group. After the verification, the data is inserted into the DB. Queuemessage for upload is also scheduled here.


The recordID generated in step 4 is sent back as response to the user.

Steps to run local database

To run the local database setup, you will have to bring up the postgresql server separately in a docker

Bring up the db server and pgadmin tool

docker compose up

The above command will invoke and bring up two dockers running as a single group

  • postgresql with gis
  • pgadmin tool for GUI

Add local server in pgadmin tool

  • go to http://localhost:5000 and add server with the following parameters

  • server name : Local

  • host: postgres

  • user: POSTGRES_USER in .env file

  • password: POSTGRES_PASSWROD in .env file

Import gtfs-osw database structure

  • In the sql query tool of the gtfs-osw database, execute the query available in src/scripts/init.sql

The database is ready to be connected to the service

Edit the host in .env file

In the .env file, POSTGRES_HOST=localhost and run the service with npm run start

Confidence metric implementation and APIs

There are two APIs exposed for calculating the confidence metric for record

Initiate Confidence metric calculation

PATH : /api/v1/osw/confidence/calculate/{tdei_dataset_id}

Method: POST



Get status of the confidence metric job

PATH: /api/v1/job?job_id=<jobId>

Method: GET


    "message":"Response message containing error or status information"

The status can be any of IN-PROGRESS, COMPLETED or FAILED

Status Description
IN-PROGRESS Initiated the calculation. Waiting for confidence service to respond
COMPLETED Calculation done. The value is in confidenceValue
FAILED Confidence service failed to calculate. message will have the error

On demand formatting for osw

On demand formatting is done by uploading a type of format.

On demand format upload API

PATH: /api/v1/convert/upload

Method : POST

Body: (multipart-form-data)

Key Description
source From format (osw or osm)
target To format (osw or osm) should not be same as source
file input file to be converted



Status request API

PATH: /api/v1/job?job_id=<jobId>

Method: GET


    "message":"Response message containing error or status information"

Formatted file download API

Path : /api/v1/job/download/<jobId> Method: GET


File content with the name as per the conversion parameters. For osm, output is in .xml format For osw, output is in .zip format


Data service micro-service helps TDEI system to query information specific to the OSW.






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