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Web Technologies

INTERconnected NETwork: Internet


  • With gradual decrease of price of computers ability to share resources, share information and facilitate communication came in role.
  • Building computer network, as a meta-network or network of networks, the Internet (INTERconnected NETwork) get promising.
  • ARPANET first started as a research project (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) linking researches remotely to other computer centers allowing them to share hardware and software resources.
  • Later it was renamed to the Internet.
  • This inter-network operated with a technique called packet switching where digital data is transmitted in small bundles called packets.
  • These packets contains the information about the address, error, error control, and the sequence in which packets are to be sent.
  • The network was designed to operate without centralized control. If a portion of the network failed, the remaining working portion would still route packets from senders to receivers over alternative paths.
  • ARPANET used TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) for communication.
  • TCP ensured that messages were properly routed from sender to receiver.
  • As internet evolved Inter as well as Intra communication came in picture so ARPA developed Internet Protocol which truely made it Network Of Networks.

Internet: The Giant Wide Area Network (WAN)

  • A network hence is connecting end-systems (hosts, PCs, workstations).
  • Internetwork or Internet (INTERconnected NETwork) is an arbitary Global collection of physical networks interconnected by routers to provide some sort of host-to-host packet delivery service.

Local Area Network (LAN) is used for communicating among computer devices, usually within an office building or home.
Low cost and high security
Speed: 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is used for larger geographical area then LAN. Several block to entire city. Allows sharing of regional resources. Might be operated or owned by a single organization but typical used by many individuals and organizations.
High cost due to fibre optics installation.
Speed typically as high as in LAN

Wide Area Network (WAN) covers area such as country, continent or even whole world. It uses multiple LANs connected using routers, bridges or gateways which enables them to share resources.

  • Transmission medium can be wired (unshielded twisted-pair cables, shielded twisted-pair cables, coaxial cables, fiber-optic cables) or wireless.
  • Shape or layout of network can be point-to-point (PTP) or multi-access (ring, star, or bus)
  • Network can be categorized as Client/Server network or Peer-to-Peer network (P2P) application centric architecture.
  • There are 2 types of P2P network - Pure P2P network (Workgroups in Microsoft Windoes) or Hybrid P2P network (Skype, BitTorrent)

BitTorrent is a protocol, not a provider. Saying i downloaded from bitTorrent is wrong instead file is downloaded from other individuals using BitTorrent protocol.

Communication Over The Internet

  • Two popular models - Open Systems Intercommunication (OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP model
  • In OSI, Open denotes the ability to connect any two systems which supports the defined rules from reference mdel and associated standards. It divides the problem of moving information between computers over a network medium into seven smaller and more managable layers. This layer breaking reduces complexity. Each layer provides the service to layer above it in rotocol specification. Each layer communicates with the same layer's software or hardware on other computers.

  • Last 4 layers (transport, network, data link and physical) are concerned with the flow of data from end to end through network. Upper 3 (application, presentation, and session) are oriented towards services to the applications.
  • The OSI model was generic, protocol independent. TCP/IP provided application viewpoint to the network. The OSI model conceptually defined the services, interfaces and protocols. The TCP/IP model provided its successful implementation.

Protocol Layering

The Internet Protocol stack (TCP/IP Protocol Suite) is based on the divide-and-conquer

  1. Application Layer: Combines the functions of top two layers (Presentation & Application) of OSI reference model. Telnet(Remote Login), FTP (File Transfer Protocol, SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), DNS (Domain Naming System), HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol).
  2. Transport Layer: It is responsible for reliable source-to-destination delivery of the entire message. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) & UDP (User Datagram Protocol). TCP is a reliable connection-oriented protocol whearas UDP is connectionless (datagram) protocol. Like in audio calls we need skip of audio packets which were failed to send instead of delay in response over destination so we use UDP instead of TCP.
  3. Internet Layer: IP (Internet Protocol) it is connectionless or datagram. Data recieving is not guaranteed. It may be out of order or damaged or duplicated.
  4. Link Layer: To communicate on a directly connected network. It specifies how to organize data into frames and how to deliver a fram over a network.
  5. Physical Layer: Defines rules by which bits are passed from one system to another on physical communication medium.

This is also an Hourglass model. IP which is most important protocol is waist of horglass.

Internet Addressing

IP Address is a 32 bits (four 8-bit fields) unique global address for a network interface. (0-255 since 255 is max 8-bit binary number).
IP Address has prefix (identifies the physical network to which the host is attached) & suffix (identifies a specific computer host/node on network).

URL (Uniform Resource Locators) specifies the Internet address of a file stored on a host computer (server) connected to the Internet. URLs are translated into numeric addresses using DNS which is an application-layer service.

protocol://domain name /path/filename

Recently, URL is now considered to be a subset of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It's a string of characters used to identify a name or a resource on the Internet and is recognized as a more general form of URL. URI has - URN (Uniform Resource Name) & URL.
URNs identifies a resource by a unique & persistent name. It usually starts with the prefix urn: URNs can be ideas and conecpts. They are not restricted to identifying documents. When URN does represent a document it can be translated into a URL by a "resolver". The document can be then downloaded. For example: urn: isbn: 0451450523 to identify a book by its ISBN number.

Internet Configuration

ISP (Internet Service Provider) provides Internet access. The ISP, in turn may connect to a large network such as NSP (Network Service Provider). They together acts like an Internet Backbone. The backbones carry Internet traffic around the world and meet at NAPs (Network Access Points).
Internet backbone is a collection of routers (worldwide). NAP is a router that connects multiple backbones (sometimes referred as peers). POP (Point Of Presence) is a machine that is connected to the Internet. ISP provides dial-up or direct access to POPs.

  1. Dial-up access: Dial-Up Connections works over an ordinary phone line using analog modems establishing the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Mostly computers comes equipped with analog modems so no additionla hardware required.
  2. High-speed access: Also known as the broadband connection compises - DSL (Digital Suscriber Line), ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Lines, Leased Line, and Cable Internet Connections. DSL is family of all-digital high-speed lines that use normal phone wires with special modems. ISDN lines are also like DSL all-digital high-speed you need an ISDN adapter. DSL is mostly common in US wheras in Europe ISDN. A leased line provides point-to-point high-speed typically used by an organization. DSS (Digital Satellite Systems) or direct broadcast satellite is a method by which Internet content is downloaded to a satellite dish and then transmitted directly from your dish to the user's PC.
  3. Wireless access

Web Browser

The primary function of a browser is to identify the URL and bring the information resource to user. To identify a web pages' exact location, a web browser relies on a URL. Other basic functions:

  • Interpret HTTML markup and present documents visually.
  • Support hyperlinks.
  • Use HTML form and the HTML protocol to send & recieve requests.
  • Maintain cookies (name-value pairs) stored on client computers by a web application and send all cookies back to a website.

Internet Organizations

No one actually owns the Internet, and no single person or organization controls the Internet in its entirety. It is more of a concept. A number of loosely coupled organizations are concernet with governing the development of the Internet.

  • Internet Society (ISOC) : It is concerned with long-term coordination of the Internet development.
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): It's mission is providing high quality technical documents for improving Internet's quality and performance.
  • Internet Research Task Force (IRTF): Conducts research on protocols, applications, architecture, and technology.
  • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): It develops web technology standards.

Cyber Ethics

  • Communicating, sharing and contributing to e-society in a positive manner.
  • To be respectful and courteous in communication (do not use rude or offensive language).
  • Avoide harming others (do not spread pictures, viruses, gossip, information about others, do not use others' usernames and passwords i.e. do not impersonate others and do not trespass in other's files)
  • Sharing network resources, being honest and trustworthy.
  • Honor proporty rights and copyrights, and giving proper credit for intellectual property.

Internet Applications

Electronic Mail (Email)

Email is a method of sending a message from a user at a computer to a recipient on another computer. Email system is based on a store-and-forward model in which email computer server system accept, forward, deliver and store messages on behalf of users, who only need to connect to the email server.

When an email is sent the message is routed from server t server all the way to recipient's mail server tasked with MTA (Mail Transport Agent) to the recipient's MTA. MTAs communicate using SMTP. The recipient's MTA then delivers the email to the incoming mail server called MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) which stores the email as it waits for the user to accept it. Protocols for retrieval from MDA - POP3 (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). MTAs act like a post office while MDA as mailboxes which stores mail until recipient check the box. This means that it is not necessary for recipient to be connected in order for them to be sent email. MDA is protected by username and password. MAU (Mail User Agent) a software for mail retrieving such as - Outlook, Gmail (web interface not software).

  • SMTP is a client-server protocol. It allows reliable data transfer built on top of TCP. It is a push protocol where the sending server pushes the file to the receiving server rather than waiting for the receiver to request it. It is synchronous as the sender awaits a response before issuing next command. It has three phrases of transfer - Handshaking, Transfer of messages, and closure.
  • POP does not handles mails in seperate folders for spam and important ones MAU does it. Most even deletes the mail from server once transferred to recipient. It is poor in handling multiple-client access like from phone, laptop. It has high network bandwidth overhead and it transfers all the email messages, often well before they are read.
  • IMAP keep mail on server where user can keep or delete them. Multiple client can connect to mailbox at once. Enables server side searches i.e. search on server before downloading message.

File Transfer

Application layer protocol, connection-oriented based on client-server architecture that relies on TCP for transferring files or copying it from sender to reciever machine. Problems dealt are two system may use different file system or different directory structure all these problems FTP solve.

We need FTP client software and FTP server with it's username and password.
FTP uses TCP ports for all communications between server and user.

  1. COMMAND Port: This is the main TCP port created when a session is connected. It is used for passing commands and replies.
  2. DATA Port: Each time when files or directories are transffered between server and client, a random TCP data connection is established and data transfer commences over the connection. Once data transfer is complete the connection is closed. Subsequent data connection are establised and termination as required. Data connections are never left open.

Transfer modes-

  1. Active Mode: The client issues a PORT command to the server signalling that it will "actively" provide an IP and port number to open the Data Connection back to the client.
  2. Passive Mode: The client issues a PASV command to indicate that it will wait "passively" for the server to supply IP and port number after which the client will create a Data Connection to the server.

Real-Time User Communication

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application layer protocol in TCP/IP protocol stack. Voice first converted into digital data which is then organized into small packets. These packets are stamped with the destination IP address and routed over the Internet. After recieving packets are recombined and converted digitally to the speaker. Like XBOX Voice, Skype.
Computers, even landlines with ISP connection can do VoIP calls.
Basic components in VoIP are - Phones (End point device), Gateways (Allows non VoIP analog device to communicate), Application Servers, Gatekeeps (Maps phone numbers to IP addresses and grant permission for call setup), Call agents (Handles call routing and setup).
DSP (Digital Signal Processors) are used by devices to perform alaog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion.

IRCs (Internet Relay Chat)

Most popular text based interactive service using TCP/IP on the Internet. It allows text messages exchange in real time. It is multi-user, multi-channel teleconferencing system. It works in client/server architecture. The entire process is - Locating client, relaying message, channel hosting and management.

Architecural Issues Of Internet Relay Chat:

  • Scalibility: This protocol does not scale sufficiently well when used in large arena because all the servers maintain information about all other servers and clients.
  • Reliability: As the only network configuration allowed for IRC servers is that of a spanning tree, each link between two servers is an obvious and quite serious point of failure.
  • Network Congestion
  • Privacy

Remote Login

Telnet (TErminal NETwork) The Telnet protocol offers a user the possibility to connect and log on to any other host in the network from the user's own computer by offering a remote log-in capability. For the connections, Telnet uses the TCP protocol. The user intereacts with Telnet client which is a terminal accepting any keystrokes from keyboard and interpreting them displaying output.
Network Originated and Terminated at the NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) it host both ends so that neither has to store the data. Telnet has set of options and these options can be negotiated through a simple protocol inside the Telnet. The negotiation protocol contains commands DO, WILL, WON'T, DON'T
Telnet does not download or upload like FTP.

Usenet (USErNETwork)

It is like mailing lists, it is also a way of sharing information. It is a collection of special interest groups, called newsgroups. Each newsgroup is devoted to a certain topic. Under each newsgroup, there are many messages called news articles. NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) is used for posting, distributing, retriving USENET news articles among news servers.

World Wide Web

WWW (World Wide Web) is often confused with the Internet. Web is a large transformable-information construct. It is a service, an application of the Internet. It provides a hypertext-hypermedia interface to information resources on the Internet.
Web is a set of technologies that allow information on the Internet to be linked together through the use of links, or connections, in documents. The language used to write these documents with links is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).
Normal way of say reading is linearly it's a common text while in Hypertext it allows in a nonlinear fashion as it contains links to other file (audio, text) or page.
The Web is a client-server system. Web browsers act as clients, making requests to web servers.

Web Page

It is a document that can be displayed in a web browser. Webpages can be either static or dynamic. Static means the page is constant or unchanging while dynamic means the page changes. Therefore, static web pages contain the same pre-built content each time the page is loaded, while the content of dynamic web pages can be generated on the fly. Stamdard HTML pages are static. Dynamic on the other hand contain server-side code such as PHP, ASP that allows the server to generate unique content each time the page is loaded. For example the server might display current date and time. Many dynamic pages use server-side code to access database information, which enables the web page content to be generated from information stored in a database. The dynamic page request is addressed by a two-level response system that includes a web server and an application server. The web server's primary job is to display the site content while the application server is in charge of the logic, the interaction between the user and displayed content.

Web Site

A website is a collection of web pages that are under one domain. A webpage can be accessed by one URL and it can also be generated on the fly.

Web Application

While websites can be primarily infomormational a Web Application (or Web Apps) allow the user to perform actions. A web app is a client-server software application for which the client runs in a web browser.

Web Service

A web application is an application that is accessed through a web browser running on client machine, whereas a web service is a system of software that allows different machines to interact with each other through a network. A web service does not necessarily have a UI. Example like Paypal.

Web Architecture

Architecture can be two-tier client-server architecture, three-tier or multitier. Each tier is a platform (client or server) with unique responsibility. More tier means more scalability but also expensive.

World Wide Web Challenges

  • Abundance: With phenomenal growth of web volume is very high. The web is noisy.
  • Web search results usually have low precision and recall.
  • Heterogeneity: data online is all type table, image, etc. hence unstructured
  • Duplication

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Websites interacts with webservers with a simple application level protocol called HTTP which runs on top of TCP/IP. HTTP is a client-server protocol that defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and what action web servers and browser should take in response to various commands.

It uses a request/response paradigm. It is a pull protocol the client pulls information from server instead of server pushing information down to the client. HTTP is also a stateless protocol i.e. each request-response exchange is treated independently. It is also media independent any kind of data can be sent with it.
Initially HTTP 0.9 came which was simple protocol for raw data transfer across the Internet. Then HTTP 1.0 and later HTTP 1.1. HTTP 2.0 was released in 2015 it recieved critism allowing binary instead of textual, allowed push from server unlike pull and has some encryption issues too.

Non-Persistent HTTP

Non-Persistent connection is in which only one object can be sent over a TCP connection. HTTP 1.0/1.1 use this. Two RTT (Round Trip Time) time taken to send a small packet to travel from client to server and back:

  • One RTT to initiate TCP connection
  • Second for HTTP request and first few bytes of HTTP response to return
  • Rest of the time is taken in transmitting the file. Non-persistent HTTP causes OS overhead hence many browsers open parallel TCP connections to fetch response.

Total Time for 10 objects = 10 * 2 = 20 RTT

Persistent HTTP

To over non-persistent came persistent connection through which multiple objects can be sent over a single TCP conenction between server and client.
Client initiates a TCP connection to server (Handshake) Server accepts and acknowledges. Client sends HTTP request to which server responds.

Total Time for 10 objects = 1 * 1 + 10 = 11 RTT


  • Handshaking: For opening a TCP connection, the user on client side inputs the URL containing address. Web browser ask DNS for IP address of the URL. Then a connection is established.
  • Client Request
  • Server Response
  • Closing (Optional)

Request Message

  • Request Method: GET, HEAD(Return header of response), POST, PUT(Store the body of response for future GET request), DELETE(Respond no file for future requests), TRACE(Request server to return a copy of complete HTTP request), OPTIONS(Returns options available for URL), CONNECT(It is used to convert a request connection into transparent TCP/IP tunnel. It is usually done to facilitate SSL Secured Socket Layer encryption), COPY, MOVE
  • Request-URI: It identifies the resource for which the request needs to be applied.
  • HTTP Version: 1.1 is used nowadays
  • Headers: They are a form of message metadata. Enlighted way of it's usage makes application sophisticated by maintaining sessions, control authentications, etc. Header name is not case sensitive. Three types of headers - General Headers: Provides information about the message and do not describe the body. Used for like time purpose or indicating if connection is closed. Request Headers: Provides additional informations to request data like data format, output format, etc. Entity Headers: Contains information about body in case request message has no body. Like content type, length, etc.
  • Message Body

Response Message

  • Status Line: It consists three parts - HTTP version, status code, status phrase.

1xx series (Informational) - Represents provisional responses
100 (continue) - server recieved initial part now want other
101 (switching) - server switching protocol
102 (processing)

2xx series (Success) - Indicates that the client's request are recieved, understood and accepted successfully.
201 (created)
202 (accepted)

3xx series (Re-directional) - Indicates additional actions must be taken like HEAD or GET method by user.
301 (moved permanently)
302 (found)

4xx series (Client error)
400 (bad reques)
401 (unauthorized) - The request has failed to authorized
403 (forbidden) - Request is valid but server is refusing
404 (not found)
408 (request timeout)
415 (unsupported media type)

5xx series (Server error)
500 (Internal Server Error)
501 (Not Implemented)
502 (Bad Gateway)
503 (Service Unabailable)
504 (Gateway timeout)
505 (HTTP version not supported)
511 (Network authentication required).

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

It provides secure connection. It is not a protocol but it is just the result of combination of HTTP and SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocol. It sends and recieves everything in the encrypted form, adding the element of safety.

  • It verifies that you are directly to the server that you think you are talking to.
  • Ensuring that only the server can read what you send it, and only you can read what it sends back.


HTTP is stateless protocol. Cookies (name value pair) are an application-based solution provide state retention over a stateless protocol. They are small piece of information that are sent in response from the webserver to the client. Cookies are the simplest technique used for storing client state. It cannot be a software means cannot be programmed hence cannot contain viruses. However it can be used by spyware to track user's browsing activites. They are stored on client's computer and have a lifespan and are destroyed after that. Cookies are browser specific.

Creating a cookie is simple after recieving an HTTP request, a server can send a Set-Cookie header with the response.

Set-Cookie: =

Cookies types - Session Cookie, Persistent or tracing cookie, Secure Cookie (When HTTPS connection encrypted cookies are secure), Zombie Cookie (Ther are automatically recreated after the deletion)


Fetching something over the network is both slow and expensive. Large response require roundtrips between the client and server. Ability to cache as result provides reuse previously fetch resource. It can reduce network latency.

  • Browser Cache
  • Intermediary Caching Proxies (Web Proxies): Any server in between the client and your infrastructure can cache certain content as desired.
  • Reverse Cache: Server Infrastructure can implement it's own cache for backend services.

A web proxy is the most commonly used caching service. A proxy is an application program or a computer system that behaves like an intermediary between servers and clients looking for services from these servers. To access a resource, a client sends the request to proxy instead of the original web server. The proxy in turn searches for the resource in its cache. If the resource is found, it is delivered to the client. Otherwise it contacts the specified server and gets the resource puts that resource in local cache and finally returns it to the client.

Cache Consistency: It maintains that the cached copies are updated.

  • Pull method: In this mechanism, each web page cached is assigned a time-to-serve field, which indicates the time of storing the web page in the cache. An expiration time is also maintained if time expires a fresh copy is maintained.
  • Push method: In this method the web server is assigned the responsibility of making all cached copies consistent with the server copy. Advantage of this is modification only happens when server is modified hence no wastage but it provides load to the server.

Evolution Of Web

Web 1.0

It was defined as a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. It was static and somewhat monodirectional model with websites publishing the information for anyone at any time. This early Web was primarily informational in nature offering an online presence for resources, allowing the retrieving of relevant information, and reading it. It was one person or organization pushing content out to many people via websites and e-mail newsletters as a one-way communication.

Web 2.0

Internet was reimagined as a generic exchange platform, where any user becomes a content provider. Web 2.0 also known as Read-Write Collabrative Web. Technologies like - comments, blogs and wikis.

RSS Feeds (Rich Site Summary) is a tool with Web 2.0 that allows users to access updates to online content in a standardized computer-readable format.

  1. Blogging: It allows sharing thoughts to the world. Weblog (personal journal or newsletter), Blogger (someone who writes blog), Blogosphere (online community of bloggers and their writings), Permalink (permanent link: these are static link say for an article the URL can be dynamic with dynamic factors on it that may change we don't want that it will not be good for search engine ranking or for our blogs cite so we provide permalink), Blog-roll(Online community that a blogger targets or finds interesting) Example: Blogger, Wordpress
  2. Social Networking Sites
  3. Podcasts: It is basically just an audio (or video) file however difference is when new podcasts are released its automatically delivered to the suscriber's device. Podcatcher software is used for delivery.
  4. Wikis
  5. Micro-blogging: It is the practice of posting small pieces of digital content which could be text, pictures, links, short videos or other media on the Internet. Microblogging enables user to write brief messages. Example - Twitter.
  6. Social Bookmarking: It is a way to store, organize, search, manage and share collections of websites. Users save links to websites. These bookmarks are usually public and can be shared among a group. Example - Digg, Technorati.
  7. E-portfolios

Web 3.0

Currently most of web content is suitable for human use. The Web now has a huge amount of decentralized data which can be accessed by various simple and standardized methods. Though this decentralized data is primarily machine accessible. It should also be made machine understandable. Web 3.0 is also known as the semantic web. According to W3C Sementaic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise and community boundaries.
The core of Semantic Web Technologies includes four components - metadata (it is machine processable), ontologies (It adds meanings to make data machine understandable), Logic modules (For interface mechanism) and finally software agents (to accomplish intelligent tasks).

Metadata captures part of the meaning of data. We annotate the natural language of web content explicitly with semantic metadata. The semantic metadata encodes the meaning(semantics) of the content, which can be interpreted by machines.

Big Data

It is defined as high-volume, high-velocity & high-varity of information assets that demand cost-effective, innovation forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making. Like - Social Network data, Buisness Data, IOT (Internet Of Things) Data generated by other machines to communicate.


Web Information Retrieval

Information retrieval is retrieving the amount of information a user needs in a specific situation for solving his/her current problem. It models documents and rank them based on a user query

Web IR is different from classical IR for two reasons, Concept and technologies: Web is unlimited source of information with users from wide cross-section of society seeking to find information efficiently.

WebIR Tools - Search Tools(General Purpose, Directories), Search Services

Search tool provides a UI where user specify query and browse the result. It employs 'robots' that index web documents. It searched that indexed document for query. General Purpose (google, altavista) hides the organization & content of index. Directories (yahoo) shows the directory like hirerarchy.

Search Services broadcasts query to different search engines & various other IR sources and then later combine the results removing duplicates. (metacrawler)

Indexing Process

The indexing process filters document to relevant information for query processor to work efficiently. It involves

  1. Text Acquisition: Search engines have crawler or bots which is programmed to visit websites and read their pages. It gathers the document and stores it in document repository.
  2. Text Transformation: Once text is acquired, we need to capture it in index terms. parsing(Identifying text tokens in documents to recognize structural elements. Markup language defines struture in tag which gets identified), stop-word removal(Commonly occuring words are removed like the, is), stemming(removing suffixes like games become just game), link analysis and information extraction(Identifies classes of indexed terms) takes place.
  3. Index Creation: Document statistics such as count of words occurence is maintained in index.

Query Process

Google Page Rank

Google search uses multiple crawlers on different single threaded asynchronous machines to fetch data from over 300 web servers in parallel. All pages get downloaded on disk. Then indexer reads from disk and extracts relevant part then store in other disk. The ranking algorithm of Google tells priority, it was proposed by Larry Page & Sergey Brin.

The general idea is when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for other page. More votes implies more importance to that page.

Web Development Basics

Most of the times the terms web server & application server are interchangable, key differences are:

  • Web server is mostly designed to server static content though web servers have plugins to support scripting languages like Perl, PHP, ASP through which these servers can also be dynamic
  • Most application servers have web servers as integral part. Means an application server can do whatever web servers are capable of plus having application level services like connection pooling, messaging services.
  • Web Servers (Apache, Tomcat) Application Server (Oracle, WebSphere)

Markup Languages: HTML, CSS
Programming Languages: Javascript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Objective-C, Swift, Java
Framework (Built to make working with programming languages easier): Meteor (Full stack javascript), Node.js(Server side javascript), Ruby on rails(Full stack ruby), Django (Full stack python), Ionic (Mobile), Bootstrap (UI for HTML, CSS, Javascript), Content Management System - CMS (Wordpress, Drupal), NET (Fullstack), Angular (Front end javascript)
Libraries (Enables large functionality without writing): jQuery
Databases: MongoDB(No SQL), MySQL, Oracle(Enterprise SQL), Neo4j(Graph based NoSQL)
Protocols: HTTP(How data from website gets to browser), Distributive Data Protocol - DDP(It uses websockets to maintain consistent website connection without refreshing update), Representation State Transfer - REST(Used by API for HTTP requests)
Data Formats: JSON, XML, CSV

Client-Side Scripting Server-Side Scripting
User browser has all the code and page is altered Dynamic pages are created, browser requests server
Executed on user's computer Executed on server's computer
Cannot access database Can access database
Faster Response Time Slower Response Time
Uses - Interactive webpages, make page work dynamically, interact with storage, provide an interface between user and server, send request to the server Uses - Processing user inputs, displays requested pages, structured web applications, interaction with server and storage, interact with databases
Advantages - Allow for more interactive by immediately responding to user's actions, improve usability of web sites, can be substituted with HTML if user browser doesn't support scripts User does not need to download plugins like java or flash, scripts are hidden from view making them more secure, Generally quicker to load then client side scripting
Disadvantages - Not all browsers supports scripts, Different browser may even support differently, More development time & effort might require Disadvantages - Requires scripting softwares to be installed on the server, Nature of dynamic scripts create security but in some cases giving access to servers by hackers, Many tools Requires databases in order to store dynamic data
Javascript, VB Script, HTML, CSS, AJAX, jQuery PHP, ASP.NET, Javascript, Java and JSP, Python (Django), Ruby (Rails)

Model-View-Controller Architecture


  • Simultaneous Development (Multiple developers can work simultaneously on model, controller & views)
  • High Cohesion (Enables logical grouping of related actions on a controller)
  • Low Coupling Low coupling between M-V-&-C
  • Ease Of Modification
  • Multiple Views For a Model


  • Code navigation can be complex
  • more skillset requirement
  • decomposing a feature in 3 requires more user consistency

Client Side Technologies

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

Tag Usage Attributes
html Specifies HTML document
head header
title browser title
body main browser contetn link, alink, vlink, background, bgcolor, text
br brings new line
p Paragraph align
h1, h2, h3, h4... headings align
b bold
i italic
u underline
center center aligns
tt displays text in typewriter font
hr horizontal line
sub sub text like H2O
sup sup text like x2
ol ordered list start, Type="A,a,1,I or i"
ul unordered list Type="disc, square or circle"
dl defination list
li list item
dt defination term
dd defination description
img image align, alt, border, height, width, hspace, vspace
strike text strikethrough
span Used to group inline elements style="color:blue"
table creating a table align, bgcolor, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, width
tr table row align, valign, bgcolor
td table data align, vlign, rowspan, colspan, width, height
th table header align, vlign, rowspan, colspan, width, height
a anchor href
form html form
input form textbox
textarea form textarea
<ol start="50">


  <dd>Black hot drink</dd>
  <dd>White cold drink</dd>


<form action="/action_page.php" method="get">
  First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br>
  Last name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)


  • Efficiency in design: Create rules and apply them on many
  • Consistency: Style consisten on every page
  • Greater control over layout and appearance
  • Faster page downloads
  • Low maintenance


  • Fragmentation: CSS renders differently on different browser so tested perfectly before going live
  • Lack of security

Inline Style sheet

<h1 style="color: blue; font-style: italic"> Yo </h1>

Internal Style sheet Within head enclosed with < style > < /style >
External Style sheet

    <link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="/path/stylesheet.css" TYPE="text/css">
body {
    background-color: #DCDCDC;
    max-width: 800px;
    margin: auto;
    font-size: 18;
    background-color: #CCCCCC;
    width: 100%;
    padding: 10;
    float: right;
    padding-left: 30px;
    border: 2px solid black;
    margin: 10 10 10 10;
    width: 250px;

usage of css class .notice
<div class="notice" ><p>Notice</p></div>


  • An interpolated language
  • Embedded within html
  • Minimal syntax, easy to learn
  • Supports quick development & easy to learn
  • Designed for programming user events
  • Platform independent
  • Improves the user interface of a website
  • Validates user input before sending to server
  • It doesn't have any design, multithreading or networking capabilities
<p id="demo"></p>
<script language="javascript">
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 24 + 12;
    window.alert("Hi! and Welcome");
    first = window.prompt("Enter some value", "0");


  • Easy to use
  • Responsive features
  • Consistent design
  • Compatible with browsers
  • Open source


Technologies Server-side scripting refers to the dynamic generation of web pages served up by the web server, as opposed to static web pages in the server storage that are served up to the web browser.

  • Read data submitted by the user
  • Generate HTML dynamically based on user input
  • Determine information about the client browser
  • Access database systems
  • Exploit the HTTP protocol Perl, ASP, PHP, Node.js

PHP (Personal Home Page)

Server side scriptting language used to make HTML dynamic. Considering the Model-View-Controller for web application development. A server is needed to be run since it's a server-side language. XAMPP or other which supports PHP

        <title>My First PHP page</title>
        echo "<h1>Hello World!</h1>";

We asked the server to type Hello World

echo date("r");

PHP is similar to C/C++ when it comes to basic syntax, though it has its own variations. The PHP interpreter provides the functionality to "preprocess hypertext," which means executing PHP commands and producing the desired HTML.

  • Semicolon termination
  • Space insensitive
  • Keywords - if, else, while, echo...
  • Variable names case sensitive
  • // for comment (or #) or /* */
  • Variable start with $ followed by it's name
$txt = "Hello World!";
$num = 12;
$arr = array("val1", "val2", "val3");
$multiArr = array(
        "name" => "Ankit Priyarup",
        "email" => "",
        "name" => "Anukriti",
        "email" => "",
echo $txt . "\n";
if ($num > 50)
    echo $num . "\n";
    echo "LOSER" . "\n";
echo $arr[0] . "\n";
echo $multiArr[1]["name"] . "\n";
  • constants declared with define("KEY", VAL); doesn't require $ prefix to access
define("SITE_URL", "");
echo "Thanks for visiting homepage - " . SITE_URL;

strlen(string), strev(string), str_word_count(string)

function getSum($num1, $num2)
    $sum = $num1 + $num2;
    echo "sum is: " . $sum;
getSum(10, 20);
$odd_numbers = [1,3,5,7,9];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($odd_numbers); $i=$i+1)
    $odd_number = $odd_numbers[$i];
    echo $odd_number . "\n";
class Student
    public function __construct($first_name, $last_name) {
        $this->first_name = $first_name;
        $this->last_name = $last_name;

    public function say_name()
        echo "My name is " . $this->first_name . " " . $this->last_name . ".\n";

$anu = new Student("Anukriti", "Kumar");


  • PHP is very flexible you can add it anywhere in HTML by just using the tag
  • No jar, preprocessor, no compiler, and deployment dependency exists
  • It's very simple to test & deploy


  • Relatively slower than other advanced server-side languages like Node.js
  • PHP is not suitable for making larger applications
  • PHP is open source, meaning anyone can access it. If there are bugs in the source code, it can be used by people to explore the weakness of PHP

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
  Name: <input type="text" name="fname">
  <input type="submit">

    // collect value of input field
    $name = $_POST['fname'];
    if (empty($name)) {
        echo "Name is empty";
    } else {
        echo $name;


Node.js - Server Side JavaScript

  • Node.js is suitable for complex applications that need powerful processing
  • Node.js uses JavaScript as the front-end and back-end language
  • Node.js applications are much faster than PHP

Web Frameworks


Django is a full stack high-level Python web framework. It follows the MVT Architecture

  1. URLs: A URL mapper is used to redirect HTTP requests to the appropriate view based on the request URL. The URL mapper can also match particular patterns of strings or digits that appear in an URL.
  2. M stands for Model: The data access layer contains anything and everything about the data—how to access it, how to validate it, which behaviors it has, and the relationships between the data.
  3. T stands for Template: The presentation layer contains presentation-related decisions—how something should be displayed on a web page or other type of document.
  4. V stands for view: The business logic layer contains the logic that accesses the model and defers to the appropriate templates. This works as the bridge between models and templates.

Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an open-source, full-stack framework written in Ruby for developing database-backed web applications. MVC based design. A model in a Ruby on Rails framework maps to a table in a database. A controller is the component of Rails that responds to external requests from the web server to the application and responds to the external request by determining which view file to render. A view in the default configuration of Rails is an .erb file. It is typically converted to output HTML at runtime

Web Databases

A web database is a database that can be queried and/or updated through the World Wide Web. It is a system for storing information that can then be accessed via a web site. For example, an online community may have a database that stores the usernames, passwords, and other details of all its members. Database technology concerns about adopting the right database model and breaking the "one model fits all" approach to handle data.

SQL (Structured Query Language) Popular SQL databases - MySQL, Oracle NOSQL - Non Relatational, Distributive data - MongoDB, Neo4j

In MySQL data is in table format, In MongoDB it's in JSON object oriented format in Neo4j it's graph based JSON object.