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325 lines (224 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

325 lines (224 loc) · 11.1 KB




  • Add clean_non_ascii_chars to remove non-ascii characters from unicode string




  • Added Biomedical literature connector for ingest cli.
  • Add FsspecConnector to easily integrate any existing fsspec filesystem as a connector.
  • Rename to for readability and consistency with the rest of the connectors.
  • Now S3Connector relies on s3fs instead of on boto3, and it inherits from FsspecConnector.
  • Adds an UNSTRUCTURED_LANGUAGE_CHECKS environment variable to control whether or not language specific checks like vocabulary and POS tagging are applied. Set to "true" for higher resolution partitioning and "false" for faster processing.
  • Improves detect_filetype warning to include filename when provided.
  • Adds a "fast" strategy for partitioning PDFs with PDFMiner. Also falls back to the "fast" strategy if detectron2 is not available.
  • Start deprecation life cycle for unstructured-ingest --s3-url option, to be deprecated in favor of --remote-url.


  • Add AzureBlobStorageConnector based on its fsspec implementation inheriting from FsspecConnector
  • Add partition_epub for partitioning e-books in EPUB3 format.


  • Fixes processing for text files with message/rfc822 MIME type.
  • Open xml files in read-only mode when reading contents to construct an XMLDocument.



  • auto.partition() can now load Unstructured ISD json documents.
  • Simplify partitioning functions.
  • Improve logging for ingest CLI.


  • Add --wikipedia-auto-suggest argument to the ingest CLI to disable automatic redirection to pages with similar names.
  • Add setup script for Amazon Linux 2
  • Add optional encoding argument to the partition_(text/email/html) functions.
  • Added Google Drive connector for ingest cli.
  • Added Gitlab connector for ingest cli.




  • Fully move from printing to logging.
  • unstructured-ingest now uses a default --download_dir of $HOME/.cache/unstructured/ingest rather than a "tmp-ingest-" dir in the working directory.



  • no longer fails in some contexts by interpreting DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive as a command
  • unstructured-ingest no longer re-downloads files when --preserve-downloads is used without --download-dir.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing text to be skipped in some HTML documents.





  • Fixes an error causing JavaScript to appear in the output of partition_html sometimes.
  • Fix several issues with the requires_dependencies decorator, including the error message and how it was used, which had caused an error for unstructured-ingest --github-url ....



  • Add requires_dependencies Python decorator to check dependencies are installed before instantiating a class or running a function


  • Added Wikipedia connector for ingest cli.


  • Fix process_document file cleaning on failure
  • Fixes an error introduced in the metadata tracking commit that caused NarrativeText and FigureCaption elements to be represented as Text in HTML documents.



  • Fallback to using file extensions for filetype detection if libmagic is not present


  • Added setup script for Ubuntu
  • Added GitHub connector for ingest cli.
  • Added partition_md partitioner.
  • Added Reddit connector for ingest cli.


  • Initializes connector properly in ingest.main::MainProcess
  • Restricts version of unstructured-inference to avoid multithreading issue



  • Added elements_to_json and elements_from_json for easier serialization/deserialization
  • convert_to_dict, dict_to_elements and convert_to_csv are now aliases for functions that use the ISD terminology.


  • Update to ensure all elements are preserved during serialization/deserialization


  • Automatically install nltk models in the tokenize module.


  • Fixes unstructured-ingest cli.


  • Adds console_entrypoint for unstructured-ingest, other structure/doc updates related to ingest.
  • Add parser parameter to partition_html.


  • Adds partition_doc for partitioning Word documents in .doc format. Requires libreoffice.
  • Adds partition_ppt for partitioning PowerPoint documents in .ppt format. Requires libreoffice.


  • Fixes ElementMetadata so that it's JSON serializable when the filename is a Path object.


  • Added ingest modules and s3 connector, sample ingest script
  • Default to url=None for partition_pdf and partition_image
  • Add ability to skip English specific check by setting the UNSTRUCTURED_LANGUAGE env var to "".
  • Document Element objects now track metadata


  • Modified XML and HTML parsers not to load comments.


  • Added the ability to pull an HTML document from a url in partition_html.
  • Added the the ability to get file summary info from lists of filenames and lists of file contents.
  • Added optional page break to partition for .pptx, .pdf, images, and .html files.
  • Added to_dict method to document elements.
  • Include more unicode quotes in replace_unicode_quotes.


  • Loosen the default cap threshold to 0.5.
  • Add a UNSTRUCTURED_NARRATIVE_TEXT_CAP_THRESHOLD environment variable for controlling the cap ratio threshold.
  • Unknown text elements are identified as Text for HTML and plain text documents.
  • Body Text styles no longer default to NarrativeText for Word documents. The style information is insufficient to determine that the text is narrative.
  • Upper cased text is lower cased before checking for verbs. This helps avoid some missed verbs.
  • Adds an Address element for capturing elements that only contain an address.
  • Suppress the UserWarning when detectron is called.
  • Checks that titles and narrative test have at least one English word.
  • Checks that titles and narrative text are at least 50% alpha characters.
  • Restricts titles to a maximum word length. Adds a UNSTRUCTURED_TITLE_MAX_WORD_LENGTH environment variable for controlling the max number of words in a title.
  • Updated partition_pptx to order the elements on the page


  • Updated partition_pdf and partition_image to return unstructured Element objects
  • Fixed the healthcheck url path when partitioning images and PDFs via API
  • Adds an optional coordinates attribute to document objects
  • Adds FigureCaption and CheckBox document elements
  • Added ability to split lists detected in LayoutElement objects
  • Adds partition_pptx for partitioning PowerPoint documents
  • LayoutParser models now download from HugginfaceHub instead of DropBox
  • Fixed file type detection for XML and HTML files on Amazone Linux


  • Adds requests as a base dependency
  • Fix in exceeds_cap_ratio so the function doesn't break with empty text
  • Fix bug in _parse_received_data.
  • Update detect_filetype to properly handle .doc, .xls, and .ppt.


  • Added partition_image to process documents in an image format.
  • Fixed utf-8 encoding error in partition_email with attachments for text/html


  • Added support for text files in the partition function
  • Pinned opencv-python for easier installation on Linux


  • Added generic partition brick that detects the file type and routes a file to the appropriate partitioning brick.
  • Added a file type detection module.
  • Updated partition_html and partition_eml to support file-like objects in 'rb' mode.
  • Cleaning brick for removing ordered bullets clean_ordered_bullets.
  • Extract brick method for ordered bullets extract_ordered_bullets.
  • Test for clean_ordered_bullets.
  • Test for extract_ordered_bullets.
  • Added partition_docx for pre-processing Word Documents.
  • Added new REGEX patterns to extract email header information
  • Added new functions to extract header information parse_received_data and partition_header
  • Added new function to parse plain text files partition_text
  • Added new cleaners functions extract_ip_address, extract_ip_address_name, extract_mapi_id, extract_datetimetz
  • Add new Image element and function to find embedded images find_embedded_images
  • Added get_directory_file_info for summarizing information about source documents


  • Add support for local inference
  • Add new pattern to recognize plain text dash bullets
  • Add test for bullet patterns
  • Fix for partition_html that allows for processing div tags that have both text and child elements
  • Add ability to extract document metadata from .docx, .xlsx, and .jpg files.
  • Helper functions for identifying and extracting phone numbers
  • Add new function extract_attachment_info that extracts and decodes the attachment of an email.
  • Staging brick to convert a list of Elements to a pandas dataframe.
  • Add plain text functionality to partition_email


  • Python-3.7 compat


  • Removes BasicConfig from logger configuration
  • Adds the partition_email partitioning brick
  • Adds the replace_mime_encodings cleaning bricks
  • Small fix to HTML parsing related to processing list items with sub-tags
  • Add EmailElement data structure to store email documents


  • Added translate_text brick for translating text between languages
  • Add an apply method to make it easier to apply cleaners to elements


  • Added __init.py__ to partition


  • Implement staging brick for Argilla. Converts lists of Text elements to argilla dataset classes.
  • Removing the local PDF parsing code and any dependencies and tests.
  • Reorganizes the staging bricks in the unstructured.partition module
  • Allow entities to be passed into the Datasaur staging brick
  • Added HTML escapes to the replace_unicode_quotes brick
  • Fix bad responses in partition_pdf to raise ValueError
  • Adds partition_html for partitioning HTML documents.


  • Small change to how _read is placed within the inheritance structure since it doesn't really apply to pdf
  • Add partitioning brick for calling the document image analysis API


  • Update python requirement to >=3.7


  • Add alternative way of importing Final to support google colab


  • Add cleaning bricks for removing prefixes and postfixes
  • Add cleaning bricks for extracting text before and after a pattern


  • Add staging brick for Datasaur


  • Added brick to convert an ISD dictionary to a list of elements
  • Update PDFDocument to use the from_file method
  • Added staging brick for CSV format for ISD (Initial Structured Data) format.
  • Added staging brick for separating text into attention window size chunks for transformers.
  • Added staging brick for LabelBox.
  • Added ability to upload LabelStudio predictions
  • Added utility function for JSONL reading and writing
  • Added staging brick for CSV format for Prodigy
  • Added staging brick for Prodigy
  • Added ability to upload LabelStudio annotations
  • Added text_field and id_field to stage_for_label_studio signature


  • Initial release of unstructured