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File metadata and controls

329 lines (235 loc) · 9.46 KB



The current graph has multiple issues:

  • Setting data is a one time event that happens before the graph is shown, making it hard to update the data if it happens to change. Currently the entire graph has to be recreated.
  • Multiple plots on a single graph are unsupported.
  • Reference lines have limited customisation options and user specified locations for reference lines is lacking and clumsy.
  • Approximately 60 settings all specified as public properties on a single class, ScrollableGraphView. This makes both maintenance and adding new features difficult to achieve.

The new proposed API aims to resolve these issues by:

  • Refactoring the current monolithic graph into multiple files and appropriate classes.
  • Using common delegate based patterns as a more robust way of providing the graph with data for multiple plots.
  • Reworking the way reference lines are specified and added to the graph.
  • Providing a new method of configuring the graph, separating the code for the appearance of the graph and the data for the graph.


Proposed API - ScrollableGraphView Class

Creating a Graph

init(frame: CGRect, dataSource: GraphViewDataSource)

Returns a graph instance. The data source for the graph is an object which conforms to the GraphViewDataSource protocol.

Adding/Removing Plots

func addPlot(type: PlotType, id: String, config: PlotConfiguration)

Adds a plot to the graph. Can be called multiple times to add multiple plots. The id for the plot is passed to the dataSource delegate when requesting data.

func removePlot(id: String)

Removes a plot from the graph for a given id.

Adding Reference Lines to the Graph

func addReferenceLines(referenceLines: ReferenceLines)

Adds an instance of ReferenceLines to the graph. Multiple calls will override the previous reference lines.

Giving the Graph Data

var dataSource: GraphViewDataSource

The data source delegate which provides the graph data. This object must conform to the GraphViewDataSource protocol by implementing the following three methods.

func reload()

Causes the graph to recall the delegate functions, to refetch the data. The delegate method numberOfPoints will also be called. This is used when points have been added/removed from the plot.

Using Configuration Files

var configurationFilePath: String

Path to the JSON configuration file.

Proposed API - ScrollableGraphViewDataSource Protocol

func value(forPlot plot: Plot, atIndex pointIndex: Int) -> Double

Provides the y-axis value for a given x-axis index.

func label(forPlot plot: Plot, atIndex pointIndex: Int) -> String

Provides the label that will appear on the x-axis below the point.

func numberOfPoints(forPlot plot: Plot) -> Int

Provides the number of points for each each plot.

Proposed API - ReferenceLines Class

New Customisation Options for Reference Lines

var positionType: ReferenceLinePositionType

Specifies whether references lines are positioned used percentages or absolute values.

var relativePositions: [Double]

An array of positions specified in percentages where the reference lines will be placed. For example, a value of [0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1] would render 5 reference lines at 0%, 50%, 80%, 90% and 100% of the rangeMax.

var absolutePositions: [Double]

An array of positions specified in absolute values where the reference lines will be rendered.

Proposed API - Encapsulating Customisation Settings

Refactoring is required to organise the customisation settings. The PlotConfiguration and GraphConfiguration classes will encapsulate the settings for the plot and graph respectively. These data structures are then passed to the graph via the setConfiguration and addPlot methods.

Proposed API - Configuration Files

In addition to the PlotConfiguration and GraphConfiguration classes, an alternative method of using JSON configuration files to specify the appearance of the graph will be provided.

Example Usage

Creating a graph via Configuration File


class ViewController: UIViewController, ScrollableGraphViewDataSource {
    // Class members and init...
    var linePlotData: [Double] = // data for line plot
    var barPlotData: [Double] =  // data for bar plot
    var xAxisLabels: [String] =  // the labels along the x axis

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let graph = ScrollableGraphView(frame: self.view.frame, dataSource: self)
        graph.configuration = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "configuration", ofType: "json")


    // Other class methods...

    // Implementation for ScrollableGraphViewDataSource
    func value(forPlot plot: Plot, atIndex pointIndex: Int) -> Double {
        switch( {
            case "linePlot":
                return linePlotData[pointIndex]
            case "barPlot":
                return barPlotData[pointIndex]
    func label(forPlot plot: Plot, atIndex pointIndex: Int) -> String {
        return xAxisLabels[pointIndex]
    func numberOfPoints(forPlot plot: Plot) -> Int {
        switch( {
        case "linePlot":
            return linePlotData.count
        case "barPlot":
            return barPlotData.count


// Example JSON configuration file.
        "backgroundColor" : "#FFFFFF",
        "shouldAnimateOnStartup" : true,
        "animationDuration" : 2.0
        "positionType" : "relative",
        "relativePositions" : [0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1]
            "id" : "lineplot",
            "type" : "line",
            "lineWidth" : 5,
            "lineColor" : "#000000",
            "id" : "barplot",
            "type" : "bar",
            "barWidth" : 20,
            "barFillColor" : "#000000",
            "barOutlineColor" : "#333333"

Creating a Graph and Configuring it Programmatically


class ViewController: UIViewController, ScrollableGraphViewDataSource {
    // Class members and init...
    var linePlotData: [Double] = // data for line plot
    var barPlotData: [Double] =  // data for bar plot
    var xAxisLabels: [String] =  // the labels along the x axis

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let graph = ScrollableGraphView(frame: self.view.frame, dataSource: self)
        // Graph Configuration
        // ###################

        let graphConfig = GraphConfiguration()
        graphConfig.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
        graphConfig.shouldAnimateOnStartup = true
        graphConfig.animationDuration = 2.0
        // Reference Lines
        // ###############
        let referenceLines = ReferenceLines()
        referenceLines.positionType = .relative
        referenceLines.relativePositions = [0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1]
        // Adding Plots
        // ############
        let lineConfig = PlotConfiguration()
        lineConfig.lineWidth = 5
        lineConfig.color =
        let barConfig = PlotConfiguration()
        barConfig.barWidth = 20
        barConfig.barFillColor =
        barConfig.barOutlineColor = UIColor.gray
        graph.addPlot(PlotType.line, "lineplot", lineConfig?)
        graph.addPlot(, "barplot", barConfig?)


    // Other class methods...

    // Implementation for ScrollableGraphViewDataSource protocol
    func value(forPlot plot: Plot, atIndex pointIndex: Int) -> Double {
        switch( {
            case "linePlot":
                return linePlotData[pointIndex]
            case "barPlot":
                return barPlotData[pointIndex]
    func label(forPlot plot: Plot, atIndex pointIndex: Int) -> String {
        return xAxisLabels[pointIndex]
    func numberOfPoints(forPlot plot: Plot) -> Int {
        switch( {
        case "linePlot":
            return linePlotData.count
        case "barPlot":
            return barPlotData.count

List of New Protocols and Types

New Protocols


New Types




