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David Pacheco <>

RFD 115 Improving Manta Data Path Availability

This RFD discusses availability of Manta, including what that means, how we measure it, how we manage it, and concrete steps to improve it. This RFD considers only data path availability, not availability of the jobs tier or any of the system's internal functions (like garbage collection, metering, auditing, and resharding).

This RFD is divided into several sections:

  • Defining data path availability
  • Measuring error count and latency
  • Causes of data path unavailability (a survey of known causes of downtime)
  • Suggested software changes
  • Possible process changes

Defining data path availability

Broadly, availability of a service means that it's working. Availability is often measured in terms of the percentage of client requests that complete successfully. But a concise target like "99.9% available" hides a number of assumptions that affect the calculation: which requests are included, what constitutes a successful request, over what period that is measured, and within what load parameters that target is expected to be met. A more complete discussion of these factors is contained in the appendix below.

We propose that for Manta, "99.9% availability" means that when the system receives incoming requests at a rate within the expected capacity of the system, the percentage of requests completing with a 500-level HTTP response code in any given 5-minute calendar window is no more than 0.1% of total requests in that interval. While this target does not explicitly incorporate latency, internal timeouts on request processing do imply an upper bound on the order of tens of seconds for time-to-first-byte.

Some large deployments additionally have an inbound or outbound throughput target that, combined with a concurrency level, could imply a latency target. For this purpose, an average latency may prove more useful than a 99th percentile latency value. More research is needed to determine an appropriate target for latency.

Measuring error count and latency

Measuring the underlying metrics for availability (error rate and latency) presents its own challenges:

  • Log files vs. live metrics: Polling live metrics is much more efficient than processing log files, though this approach loses data proportional to the polling interval when a component crashes. Log files would include this data, but still lose information about in-flight requests when the component crashes.
  • Observation from Muskie vs. Loadbalancer: Measuring at Muskie doesn't quite represent what end users see, since end users can see timeouts even when Muskie successfully completes a request. However, the loadbalancer doesn't have per-request context, so we can't get a useful request error rate from them. Even if they did, this would not reflect problems clients are having reaching the loadbalancers.
  • Observation from clients would address some of the pitfalls of observing at either Muskie or the Loadbalancer, but we don't generally control clients, and we can't generally collect performance or error data from them (at least not today). We can generate our own load from our own clients, but this is only representative for major issues or when the simulated load comprises a sizable fraction of requests.

Generally, the most efficient, reliable way to measure the error rate and latency uses the Muskie live metrics. We use loadbalancer metrics and simulated clients (e.g., mlive) to supplement this, and potentially as a way to detect incidents, but they don't provide a useful way to measure availability.

Causes of data path unavailability

We group data path unavailability into two broad categories:

  • simple failures: planned upgrade, transient fatal failure, and extended fatal failure of individual instances
  • complex failures: non-fatal failure and failures affecting entire multiple instances

Simple instance failure

The impact of individual instance failure depends on the service. Here is a summary, ordered roughly by increasing severity:

Component Upgrade Transient failure Extended failure
nameservice no impact no impact no impact
authcache in-flight requests only, 100% mitigatable in-flight in-flight
electric-moray in-flight requests only, 100% mitigatable in-flight in-flight
moray in-flight requests only, 100% mitigatable in-flight in-flight
webapi in-flight requests only, 100% mitigatable in-flight in-flight
storage ~1m, limited, mitigatable in-flight same as upgrade, for duration of failure
loadbalancer ~1m, mitigatable in-flight same as upgrade, for duration of failure or until removed from DNS
postgres ~1-5m, not mitigatable ~1m same as upgrade, for ~1-5m

In all cases, only end-user requests that require requests to the specific instances are affected. That is, if there are 90 "webapi" instances and one is upgraded, then we'd expect that about 1.1% of requests in-flight at the moment of upgrade would be affected.


nameservice: Data path DNS resolution uses Cueball, which makes DNS requests outside the per-request path, tries multiple nameservers, and caches results as long as needed. As a result, all single failures, transient or extended, generally have no impact.

authcache, electric-moray, moray, and webapi: The impact of a all single failures, transient or extended, is that in-flight requests fail. Subsequent requests are generally not affected because clients of these servers stop using a backend instance that's offline. For upgrade, impact can be completely avoided operationally via SOP-267, which mostly involves removing these instances from service discovery, waiting for that information to propagate, then completing the update.

storage: For all write requests and for read requests for objects with at least two copies (the default), the impact a single storage zone failure is that in-flight requests fail. Similar to the components above, subsequent requests will avoid this zone, and the impact can be completely mitigated operationally. (Reads for objects with only one copy stored in the affected zone will fail while the zone is offline. For upgrades, this is usually about 1 minute.)

loadbalancer: Transient failures affect only in-flight requests. Extended failures affect all requests to this zone while the zone is offline unless an operator removes the public IP from public DNS (and that propagates). For upgrades, this typically takes about 1 minute, and it's operationally avoidable as with the other zones.

postgres. All single-instance failures, transient or extended, are expected to impact service for ~1-5 minutes, either for the component to be restarted or failover to occur. In both cases, PostgreSQL may need to replay any uncheckpointed WAL records, which we operationally try to limit to only a few minutes' worth of work. There is no SOP for operationally mitigating this today.

Complex failures

We believe that the vast majority of Manta unavailability in both JPC and SPC in the last year has resulted not from simple component failure described above, but more complex failures. These are not so easily categorizable, so we will take them in turn.

PostgreSQL lag and associated issues. In 2017, we found that Manta was susceptible to major downtime incidents relating to PostgreSQL replication lag. This has been discussed extensively in tickets like MANTA-3283, MANTA-3402, and many incident tickets. Fundamentally, there are two types of lag that can accumulate:

  • replication replay lag, which reflects transactions that have been replicated but not yet applied. This can accumulate without bound on both sync and async peers. Failover time is bounded below by the time required to replay these transactions, and this is a constraint from PostgreSQL. Further, transient replication failures (e.g., a TCP connection failure between primary and sync) can result in downtime windows for the time required to catch up again.
  • checkpoint lag, which reflects data replicated and applied, but not yet checkpointed. This affects primaries, syncs, and asyncs. With the current Manatee implementation, failover time is bounded below by the time required to replay uncheckpointed transactions on all peers.

Replication lag accumulates when WAL write speed on the primary exceeds replay speed on the sync and async. As a result, lag issues can be caused either by excessive write volume or pathological replay performance. There are two factors that contribute to high write volume:

  • High client write volume intrinsically results in large WAL volume. This is unavoidable, but is believed to be a small part of the problem (relative to other issues below).
  • The current Manta schema is believed to contribute to more WAL writes than necessary: see MANTA-3399, MANTA-3401. Addressing this requires MORAY-424 and MORAY-425. (These changes may also significantly improve the overall object write throughput of each shard.)
  • This in turn was exacerbated by the default directory structure used for multi-part uploads. This was fixed in the software under MANTA-3427 and MANTA-3480 and deployed under CM-1356.

While high write volume can be a problem, the far bigger problem was slow replay performance, which was caused by a number of issues:

  • While write operations on the primary database are serviced by hundreds of threads, replay operations on downstream peers are serviced by a single thread. This is a deep issue with the PostgreSQL replication design. We worked around this (fairly successfully) by creating our own prefetcher, called pg_prefaulter.
  • Databases were initially deployed with a 16K recordsize (see MANATEE-330). Because PostgreSQL writes 8K blocks, a large number of PostgreSQL write operations required a read-modify-write in ZFS. Once the database size exceeded physical memory, the streaming write workload effectively became a random read workload. We changed the recordsize for new deployments to 8K under MANATEE-370, and we applied that operationally to the SPC under MANTA-3453, CM-1329, and CM-1341. The mismatched record size was a major contributor to both replay lag and checkpoint lag.
  • One deployment used a particular model of disk drive that we found would starve read operations in the face of writes. Ticket ROGUE-28 describes in detail how a round of read operations would remain outstanding while the disk completed several rounds of write operations. We have removed this model of disk from all SPC deployments.

The combination of these last three issues was especially devastating: what should have been a streaming write workload became a random-read workload from a single-thread from disks that would starve read operations for seconds at a time.

Lag alone does not induce downtime -- another failure is required to do that. Most commonly:

  • An unusually high rate of uncorrectable ECC errors in DIMMs, resulting in a large number of unexpected system resets. This is described in OPS-2638.
  • Operating-system non-responsiveness resulting from memory allocator reap activity (see OS-6363, now fixed). This issue was exacerbated by MANTA-3338, also now fixed.
  • PostgreSQL timing out replication connections as a result of OS-6363. This behavior was disabled under MANATEE-372.

It remains true that when lag is high, major network disruptions or transient failures of a compute node, the operating system, or PostgreSQL itself can result in extended downtime. However, with the above mitigations in place (MPU directory structure changed, prefaulter in place, recordsize changed to 8K, poorly-performing disks swapped out), we have not seen a significant accumulation of lag under the normal workload. With OS-6363 and MANATEE-372 fixed and a reduced rate of DIMM failures, we believe we have had many fewer instances of a replication connection being severed unexpectedly.

As part of working these issues, we addressed several queueing issues in Moray, including MORAY-397 and MORAY-437. Additional improvements are also planned. Some of these had the side effect of turning previously long requests into failures, resulting in other incidents. We updated the configuration to reduce this, and it has not been a problem since the above changes to fix pathological PostgreSQL performance.

Memory leaks (and excessive usage) We have had a couple of memory leaks (or excessive memory usage) that contributed to a significant increase in latency and reduction in overall system throughput. In extreme cases, this could result in timeout errors from clients. These are covered by MORAY-454, MANTA-3538, and MORAY-455, all of which have been fixed. These issues were generally root-caused from the initial occurrences using postmortem debugging (i.e., core files and mdb_v8). They were fixed and the fixes deployed within a few days. We also had instances that were more complex to debug (such as MANTA-3338).

Network switch failures. In JPC, NETOPS-852 (blocked ports resulting from a firmware issue on certain switches) has resulted in a number of storage zones becomes unreachable. This has resulted in at least two incidents in which not enough storage zones were available to allow Manta to take any writes.

Insufficient quotas on some Manatee zones after transient failures. Under SCI-297 and related incidents, we saw shards fail after having run out of local disk space. The cause is believed to be one of MANATEE-386, MANATEE-332, or MANATEE-307, where cleanup mechanisms have failed fatally. This has generally been mitigated via monitoring until the underlying issues are addressed.

Incorrect service discovery from loadbalancers. Several issues (now fixed) caused loadbalancers to continue to use webapi instances that were not healthy, or caused loadbalancers to be restarted when not necessary. These are discussed under MANTA-3079 and MANTA-2038 (both now fixed).

Transient connection management issues. A very small ambient error rate was caused by MORAY-422 (now fixed).

Resharding. Resharding operations currently require individual shards to be offline for writes while hash rings are updated in all electric-moray instances. (See RFD 103.) The severity of this is not very clear because immediate plans only involve resharding regions that are already out of capacity, and future reshard operations are not yet clear.

Major database upgrades. Last year saw major PostgreSQL updates from 9.2 to 9.6 in production deployments. In stock configuraiton, this requires several hours of downtime per shard because peers need to be rebuilt and replication re-established. Options exist to improve this (e.g., allow writes to only the single peer during this mode); however, at this time, we do not expect to make another major PostgreSQL upgrade in the foreseeable future.

Out-of-scope causes

Transit issues. A number of client-visible incidents have resulted from failures in the network circuits being used between clients and Manta. These are beyond the scope of this RFD.

Insufficient storage capacity. In several SPC deployments, Manta ran out of capacity well ahead of the ability to provision more. This seems worth mentioning, but this failure mode is beyond the scope of this RFD.

Suggested software changes

We believe that most of the downtime in the last year was not caused by simple component failure or planned updates. (Interestingly, very few issues appear to have started with rollout of a bad change.) That said, most of the complex failures leading to downtime have been addressed already, leaving mostly work to reduce the impact of planned updates and PostgreSQL takeovers:

Summary Severity Tickets
postgres: planned takeover time high MANATEE-380, MANTA-3260
postgres: unplanned takeover time high MANTA-3260
webapi: planned updates moderate MANTA-2834
loadbalancer: planned upates moderate N/A -- needs further specification
resharding: write downtime moderate MANTA-3584
moray: planned updates low MANTA-2834, MANTA-3233
electric-moray: planned updates low MANTA-2834, MANTA-3232
authcache: planned updates very low MANTA-2834, MANTA-3585
storage: planned updates very low MANTA-3586
postgres: major version bump very low N/A -- needs further specification

A few incidents were caused by operational problems that can be monitored -- e.g., switch port failure or unexpected high disk utilization. These conditions are currently being monitored, and more sophisticated monitoring is also being put together.

Additionally, in order to be able to confidently update components without fear of generating incidents, we should be seriously considering canary deployments. See MANTA-3587 for details.

Possible process changes

It's one thing to address known causes of unavailability in order to maximize a service's uptime. If we want to establish specific consequences for quantified levels of downtime (i.e., an SLA with specific availability targets), we would want to:

  • Establish better historical monitoring of error rates. We have historical data in access logs, but we only have a limited amount of data readily accessible in real time, which makes it very hard to evaluate an historical error rate.
  • Establish a target error budget, as described in The Calculus of Service Availability. An error budget quantifies the amount of downtime per period (e.g., per month) that's allowed by the SLA. This provides criteria for operational decision-making -- for example, if we want to roll out a risky change, we can use the error budget to assess our current risk tolerance. Obviously, this is only effective so long as the availability requirements that define the error budget actually match customers' expectations.
  • Establish better ways of associating specific periods of downtime with specific issues. In order to prioritize work on improving availability, we want to quantify the error budget consumed by each issue.
  • Implement canary deployments with straightforward rollback controls, mentioned earlier. This piece is essential to be able to reliably deploy updates when any downtime is so costly. (As an example, in at least two of the cases involving memory leaks that resulted in significant reductions in Manta throughput, a canary-based deployment ought to have quickly identified the issue and facilitated rapid rollback.)

At this time, it's not clear whether we want to focus on quantifying an error budget, but the other pieces are likely worth prioritizing.

Appendix: Defining Availability

This section discusses a number of assumptions that go into a phrase like "99.9% availability".

Over what time period is the rate measured? For an issue that affects 5% of requests in a 5-second window, what's the impact to availability? Over those 5 seconds, availability might be 95%. Over the surrounding minute, availability might be 99.6%. Within arbitrarily short periods within that window, availability might be 0%. In reality, these windows are often not even so well-defined as "5% of the requests over a 5-second period", so choosing the time interval becomes a real problem. Further, the finer this interval, the more expensive it is to measure availability.

Exactly what constitutes a successful request? Does latency count? In many systems, performance is part of correctness -- and certainly pathological performance often results in broken systems. If Manta completes all requests with successful status codes, but at twice the normal latency (or half the normal request throughput), is that still considered 100% available? This question has deep implications for at least two reasons.

First, internal to a distributed system, when an internal subrequest encounters an error, there is often a choice to be made: fail the entire end user request or retry the subrequest (possibly to a different backend instance). And there's a corresponding tradeoff: retrying the request can increase the probability of a successful end user request, but at increased latency, particularly if the nature of the underlying failure is a timeout. This approach can result in architectures where several layers of the stack issue retries, resulting in potentially significant latency. Additionally, in many situations, it's preferable to have a quick failure than a slow one. For this reason, Manta takes as a design principle that we should avoid retries for internal requests, and rather that end users should retry requests according to whatever policy works for them. This is the most transparent option, but has downsides of its own: clients need to know to retry, and when they don't, they perceive that availability is worse than it would be with the other approach. Even with effective retry policies in clients, this approach makes typical metrics of availability look worse -- a real problem that presents real monitoring and organizational challenges.

Another example of a major design choice affected by whether latency is part of availability is that there are several situations today that result in periods of brief unavailability that are architecturally very difficult to eliminate, including brief periods of transition during resharding operations. One approach to addressing this is to simply pause incoming requests during this window. This can technically eliminate failures -- at a potentially significant hit to latency. Which approach is actually preferable? This may depend on end users.

Does it matter which requests are affected? Many incidents affect only some class of operations -- such as write operations, or write operations only to particular subsets of the Manta namespace. If the write completion rate is 0%, but writes make up only 1% of the workload, are we still satisfied that the service is 99% up?

What about when a system is overloaded? If a service is physically built out to process 1 million requests per second and receives 10 million requests per second, the best-case scenario is a 10% success rate. (In practice, achieving this is itself quite difficult.)

Public cloud environments present the illusion of infinite capacity, but physical systems have limits; this only works in public clouds because most individual customers there are small enough that major changes in their behavior do not meaningfully affect the system's utilization in the short term, and in the long term, utilization changes are predictable enough that additional physical capacity can be built up before growth results in overload.

The situation is different for managed, private deployments, which are often built to meet specific target capacities for a small number of end users. Operators are still expected to monitor utilization and plan capacity expansion to avoid overload, but behavior changes by the handful of end users can significantly affect overall utilization in the short term.

Service-level agreements (SLAs) exist to define expectations between customers and service providers, and real-world SLAs define consequences for missing targets. See, for example, the Amazon S3 SLA, which only considers explicit error responses (i.e., ignores latency); examines error rate in 5-minute windows; and credits end users based on a monthly average of these error rates.