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Coffea Introduction

To install coffea:

python3 -m pip install coffea --user

All coffea documentation is hosted at

Getting Started

Begin by cloning the repository,

git clone
cd WrCoffea

Running the analyzer


The command below will locally analyze one root file from the 2018 UL DY+Jets background MC sample:

python3 2018 DYJets --hists example_hists.root --max_files 1

The output is a root file (example_hists.root) containing histograms of kinematic variables across all basic analysis regions, and a root file with branches of the 3-object invariant mass ($m_{ljj}$) and 4-object invariant mass ($m_{lljj}$) (example_masses.root).


To run the analyzer, a sample set and process must be specified as arguments:

Mandatory Arguments

  • Year: Currently, only 2018 exists, but there are also plans to include the rest of Run II (2016 and 2017).
  • Process: The process to be analyzed. Options for background processes are DYJets, tt+tW, tt_semileptonic, WJets, Diboson, Triboson, ttX, SingleTop, or to analyze signal MC samples, use Signal.
  • Signal Mass: If the process is Signal, then the signal masses must also be specified via the flag --mass, for example --mass MWR3000_MN2900. To see all possible signal points, use --help.

Optional Arguments

--hists: Generate a root file with histograms of kinematic observables. --masses: Generate a root file with branches of the 3-object invariant mass ($m_{ljj}$) and 4-object invariant mass ($m_{lljj}$) (only implemented if the process is Signal). --max_files: Generate a root file with branches of the 3-object invariant mass ($m_{ljj}$) and 4-object invariant mass ($m_{lljj}$) (only implemented if the process is Signal).

To run the analyzer without computing any output files (perhaps for debugging purposes), omit both --hists and --masses.

For more information, enter:

python3 --help