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Acolyte.NET is a helper library with a lot of useful classes and extension methods that you need in your everyday work.


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Acolyte.NET is a helper library with a lot of useful classes and extension methods that you need in your everyday work. So, do not reinvent the wheel, use this library instead!

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About library

Library contains classes, helper static classes and many extension methods. Each of these is divided into one of the following categories.

Table of content [click to expand]

Assertions (C#)

Collections (C#)

  • AsyncEnumerableExtensions — contains useful methods to work with async enumerable items (IAsyncEnumerable was introduced in C# 8.0);
  • ConcurrentHashSet — represents a thread-safe set of values;
  • DictionaryExtensions — contains extension methods to simplify work with associative collections;
  • EnumerableExtensions – extends LINQ methods to work with enumerable items;
  • InverseComparer — allows to invert every object of IComparer type;
  • IHaveCreationTime — provides read-only DateTime property to use by TimeBasedConcurrentDictionary;
  • TimeBasedConcurrentDictionary — extends the standard ConcurrentDictionary class with time-based logic (this collection cleans up expired objects when calling any method).

Common (C#)

  • Constants — provides some constants (say “No” to magic numbers and strings);
  • EnumExtensions — contains extension methods for enumeration values;
  • EnumHelper — contains common logic to work with enumeration values (like static methods in the standard Enum class);
  • GuidExtensions — contains extension methods for Guid values;
  • IClonable<T> — provides generic interface to clone objects (the standard IClonable interface provides Clone method with the object return type);
  • MathHelper — provides a set of useful mathematic methods;
  • Maybe — represents similar interface to Nullable struct but for reference types;
  • TypeExtensions — contains extension methods for Type class;

Bits (C#)

Monads (C#)

  • MonadExtensions — provides a set of monadic functions (simplify using functional style in C#);

Data (C#)

Exceptions (C#)

IO (C#)

Threading (C#)

  • NoneResult — represents an object with no result (used for track Task objects);
  • ResultOrException — represents an object with result or exception value from completed tasks;
  • TaskExtensions — contains extension methods to work with tasks;
  • TaskHelper — contains common logic to work with tasks (like static methods in the standard Task class);
  • ThreadHelper — contains additional logic to work with Thread class;
  • ThreadPoolHelper — contains additional logic to work with ThreadPool class.

XML (C#)

  • XDocumentParser — represents a XML document parser;
  • XmlHelper — provides serialization and deserialization methods to work with XML.

Functional (F#)

  • Throw — represents F#-style usage of some assertion extensions;
  • Utils — provides useful methods to work with F# values;
  • SeqEx — contains additional methods to work with seq (i.e. IEnumerable<T>).

Usage examples

Check examples solution here.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Acolyte.Assertions;
using Acolyte.Collections;
using Acolyte.Common;
using Acolyte.Threading;

namespace Acolyte.Examples
    internal static class Samples
        internal static IEnumerable<T> GenerateCollection<T>(Func<T> generator, int count)
                nameof(count), includedLowerBound: 1, includedUpperBound: 1000

            return Enumerable
                .Range(0, count)
                .Select(_ => generator());

        internal static IEnumerable<string> GetItemsByPattern(IEnumerable<string> source,
            string pattern)

            return source.Where(item => Regex.IsMatch(item, pattern));

        internal static void OutputCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection)

            Console.WriteLine($"Collection: [{collection.ToSingleString()}].");

        internal static int DistanceBetweenMinAndMax(IEnumerable<int> source)

            (int minValue, int maxValue) = source.MinMax();
            return maxValue - minValue;

        internal static async Task ExecuteAllTasksSafe(params Task[] tasks)
            IReadOnlyList<Result<NoneResult, Exception>> resultObjects =
                await TaskHelper.WhenAllResultsOrExceptions(tasks);

            IReadOnlyList<Exception> exceptions = resultObjects.UnwrapResultsOrExceptions();

            string separator = Environment.NewLine;
            const string emptyCollectionMessage = "No exceptions occurred.";
            string exceptionsToLog = exceptions.ToSingleString(
                emptyCollectionMessage, separator, selector: ex => ex.ToString()



Target .NET Standard versions are 2.0 and 2.1 for libraries. Version of C# is 9.0, version of F# is 5.0.

License information

This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.

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