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WOVN.php Instructions

Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Getting Started
  3. Configuration
  4. Environment Variable
  5. Bug Report

1. Requirements

WOVN.php requires PHP 5.3 or higher. WOVN.php has no third-party dependencies. Depending on your configuration, you might have to install and/or activate the Apache module mod_rewrite (see Section 2.3.2. and Section 3.2.).

WOVN.php has been tested with Apache 2 and Nginx. We provide installation instructions for both.

2. Getting Started

2.1. Download WOVN.php

To install WOVN.php, you have to manually download WOVN.php from our Github repository. The root directory of WOVN.php must be place at the root of your website's directory. In the rest of this document, we consider the root directory of your website to be /website/root/directory.

$ cd /website/root/directory
$ wget -O
$ unzip; mv WOVN.php-master WOVN.php

Note on updates: When you need to update WOVN.php, you can simply replace all the content of WOVN.php directory with the content of the new version.

2.2. Basic configuration

In order for WOVN.php to work with your project, you need to fill a configuration file. You have to choose from either a .ini configuration file or a .json configuration file.

For .ini configuration files, the file must be named wovn.ini and be placed at the root of your website's directory. You can start from the sample file at WOVN.php/wovn.ini.sample.

$ cp WOVN.php/wovn.ini.sample wovn.ini

Note: Starting from version 1.3.0, you must create the configuration file in JSON format if you want to make use of the custom_domain URL pattern. The .json configuration file must be named wovn.json and be placed at the root of your website's directory. You can start from the sample file at WOVN.php/wovn.json.sample. Additionally, you need to set a mod_env Apache internal environment variable called WOVN_CONFIG for WOVN.php to start using the JSON config file. For example, you can set this variable by adding SetEnv WOVN_CONFIG to your .htaccess file.

$ cp WOVN.php/wovn.json.sample wovn.json

In this section, we give you the basic configuration you should use to get started. You can find complete details of WOVN.php configuration at Section 3. To get started, you need to know at least your project token, the original language of your website and the languages your website can be translated into by To obtain your project token, you can visit your project dashboard, click on "INTEGRATION METHODS" and then select the "PHP Library" installation method.

Bellow is an example of wovn.ini for a project with token "TOKEN", original language English (en) and translated languages Japanese (ja) and French (fr).


project_token = TOKEN
url_pattern_name = query
default_lang = en
supported_langs[] = ja
supported_langs[] = fr


    "project_token": "TOKEN",
    "url_pattern_name": "query",
    "default_lang": "en",
    "supported_langs": [
    "encoding": "UTF-8"

At the end of this stage, the file structure of you website should look like below.


+ /website/root/directory
  + WOVN.php
  - wovn.ini


+ /website/root/directory
  + WOVN.php
  - wovn.json

2.3. Activate WOVN.php

In order for WOVN.php to localize your website, you need to activate content interception. There are two activation methods depending on how you web pages are generated. If your web pages are generated by PHP files, please follow the instructions for dynamic websites below. If your web pages are pure HTML, please follow the instructions for static websites below.

2.3.1. For dynamic websites

When your web pages are generated by PHP files, you need to require WOVN.php interception script within each PHP file generating content. Please use the following code. It must be inserted at the beginning of PHP files.


2.3.2. For static websites

When your web pages are pure HTML, you need to create a wovn_index.php file that you will use to serve and localize your HTML pages. We recommend you to start with the sample that we provide.

$ cp WOVN.php/wovn_index_sample.php wovn_index.php

Note for SSI users: if you are using our sample wovn_index.php, please follow the # SSI USER instructions inside the code.

Once your wovn_index.php is setup, you need to configure your website so that any request to HTML pages are redirected to wovn_index.php. If you are using an Apache server, please follow the instructions for Apache. If you are using Nginx (without Apache), please follow the instructions for Nginx.

Redirect to wovn_index.php with Apache

For redirecting requests to wovn_index.php, we recommend using .htaccess configuration with mod_rewrite PHP module. Please follow the official instructions for installing and activating mod_rewrite module (in some cases, mod_rewrite is already installed but not activated).

Bellow is the .htaccess configuration you should use.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  # For path pattern, remove language code
  # RewriteRule ^/?(?:ar|eu|bn|bg|ca|zh-CHS|zh-CHT|da|nl|en|fi|fr|gl|de|el|he|hu|id|it|ja|ko|lv|ms|my|ne|no|fa|pl|pt|ru|es|sw|sv|tl|th|hi|tr|uk|vi|km)($|/.*$) $1 [L]

  # Don't intercept .cgi files, as they won't execute
  RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \.cgi
  RewriteRule .? - [L]

  # Intercept only static content: html and htm urls
  # Warning: do not remove this line or other content could be loaded
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /$ [OR]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \.(html|htm|shtml|php|php3|phtml)
  # Use the wovn_index.php to handle static pages
  RewriteRule .? wovn_index.php [L]

Alternatively, you can also copy the file htaccess_sample from WOVN.php directory. We suggest that you use this file as a starting point of your customized .htaccess file.

$ cp WOVN.php/htaccess_sample .htaccess

Redirect to wovn_index.php with Nginx

For redirecting to wovn_index.php, you need to update your Nginx configuration (/etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf). Below is an highlight of the code you need to add in the configuration file.

server {
  # ...

  # php configuration
  location ~ \.php$ {
    # ...

  location / {
    # ...

    # WOVN.php interception ####################################################

    # intercept static content with WOVN.php
    if ($uri ~ (/|\.(html|htm))$) {
      rewrite .? /wovn_index.php;

3. Configuration

You can configure WOVN.php from the wovn.ini file. Below we describe all parameters you can set.

3.1. Required parameters

Below is the list of all parameters that you have to set for WOVN.php to work.

Parameter Description Example
project_token project token. project_token = TOKEN
default_lang Website's original language. default_lang = en
supported_langs Website's original language
and translatable languages.
supported_langs[] = ja
supported_langs[] = fr
url_pattern_name Pattern how to set language code into URL. url_pattern_name = query


This parameter defines how web page URLs will be modified to include the language information. WOVN.php supports three patterns.

Option Description URL Examples
url_pattern_name = query Insert language code into query. [Original]
url_pattern_name = path Insert language code into head of path. [Original]
url_pattern_name = subdomain Insert language code into domain. [Original]
url_pattern_name = custom_domain Set domain and path. [Original]

Note for path pattern users: You need to change your server settings to strip the language codes off of the URL before it is processed by you scripts.

For Apache users, you can add the following rule at the top of your .htaccess. You will need to activate the mod_rewrite Apache module. Please follow the official instructions for installing and activating mod_rewrite module (in some cases, mod_rewrite is already installed but not activated).

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^/?(?:ar|eu|bn|bg|ca|zh-CHS|zh-CHT|da|nl|en|fi|fr|gl|de|el|he|hu|id|it|ja|ko|lv|ms|my|ne|no|fa|pl|pt|ru|es|sw|sv|tl|th|hi|tr|uk|vi)($|/.*$) $1 [L]

For Nginx (without Apache) users, you need to update your Nginx configuration (/etc/nginx/conf.d/site.conf). Below is an highlight of the code you need to add in the configuration file.

server {
  # ...

  # php configuration
  location ~ \.php$ {
    # ...

  location / {
    # ...

    # WOVN.php interception ####################################################

    # strip language code off of $uri
    rewrite ^/(ar|eu|bn|bg|ca|zh-CHS|zh-CHT|da|nl|en|fi|fr|gl|de|el|he|hu|id|it|ja|ko|lv|ms|my|ne|no|fa|pl|pt|ru|es|sw|sv|tl|th|hi|tr|uk|vi)(/.*)$ $2;

    # ...

Way to set custom_domain pattern:

With custom_domain pattern, you can set domain and path for all languages in supported_langs. Starting from version 1.3.0, you must create the configuration file in JSON format if you want to make use of the custom_domain URL pattern.




  "url_pattern_name": "custom_domain"


This parameter is valid and required, when url_pattern_name is custom_domain. Set custom_domain_langs for all languages declared in supported_langs.




  "custom_domain_langs": {
    "en": { "url": "" },
    "ja": { "url": "" },
    "fr": { "url": "" }

For the example above, all request URLs that match* will be considered as requests in English language. All request URLs other than the above that match* will be considered as requests in Japanese langauge. And, request URLs that match* will be considered as requests in French langauge. With the above example configuration, the page in Japanese language will have the URL as English language.

custom_domain_langs setting may only be used together with the url_pattern_name = custom_domain setting.

If this setting is used, each language declared in supported_langs must be given a custom domain.

The path declared for your original language must match the structure of the actual web server. In other words, you cannot use this setting to change the request path of your content in original language.

3.2. Optional parameters

In this section we detail more options you can use with WOVN.php. Some of them are dependant to the structure of your website whileothers are more advanced and should be used for performance optimization.

Parameter required url_pattern_name Description
lang_param_name query Setting query parameter
custom_lang_aliases query, path, subdomain Setting language codes different from Wovn's default values
ignore_paths all Setting paths that should be excluded from translation
ignore_regex all Setting regex expressions on paths that should be excluded from translation
ignore_class all Setting the HTML classes that should be excluded from translation
no_index_langs all Prevents search indexing, specified languages will not be embedded in SEO optimization tags
no_hreflang_langs all Specified languages will not be embedded in SEO optimization tags
encoding all Setting HTML content encoding
api_timeout all Setting timeout for translation requests
api_timeout_search_engine_bots all Setting timeout for translation requests for search engine bots
disable_api_request_for_default_lang all Enable/disable translation requests for the defaut language
use_proxy all Enable/disable use of proxy
override_content_length all Enable/Disable recalculation of Content-Length and update
check_amp all Enable/Disable translation for AMP pages
site_prefix_path path Changes where the language code is inserted
custom_domain_langs custom_domain Use custom domains for supported languages
insert_hreflangs all Enable/disable addition of link tag with hreflang attribute
use_cookie_lang all Enable redirect based on WOVN language cookie, if present
compress_api_requests all Enable gzip compression for outbound requests to translation API
logging all Enable and configure error logging
translate_canonical_tag all Enable the translation of canonical tag URL
outbound_proxy_host all HTTP proxy server host used to connect to WOVN API
outbound_proxy_port all HTTP proxy server port used to connect to WOVN API


This parameter is only valid for when url_pattern_name = query.

It allows you to set the query parameter name for declaring the language of the page. The default value for this setting is lang_param_name = wovn, such that a page URL in translated language English has the form

If you instead set the value like this


lang_param_name = language


"lang_param_name": "langauge"

The above URL example would have the form


This parameter allows you to redefine the language codes used by WOVN.php. For instance, if you want to use "japanese" instead of "ja" and "french" instead of "fr", then you should configure the config file as below.


custom_lang_aliases[ja] = japanese
custom_lang_aliases[fr] = french


"custom_lang_aliases": {
  "ja": "japanese",
  "fr": "french"

Note for path URL pattern users: You need to update your .htacces or Nginx configuration accordingly. For the example above, |ja| and |fr| would become |japanese| and |french| respectively in the expression ar|eu|bn|bg|ca|zh-CHS|zh-CHT|da|nl|en|fi|fr|gl|de|el|he|hu|id|it|ja|ko|lv|ms|my|ne|no|fa|pl|pt|ru|es|sw|sv|tl|th|hi|tr|uk|vi.


This parameter tells WOVN.php to not localize content withing given directories.

The directories given will only be matched against the beginning of the URL path.

For instance, if you want to not localize the admin directory of your website, you should configure WOVN.php as below.


ignore_paths[] = /admin


  "ignore_paths": ["/admin"]

With this configuration, WOVN.php will ignore the following URLs

but allow the following


This parameter is similar to ignore_paths (see above) except that you can use regular expressions instead.

For instance, if you want to not localize the search pages, you should configure wovn.ini as below. WOVN.php will localize but not nor


ignore_regex[] = "/\/search\/\d\d\//"


  "ignore_regex": ["/\/search\/\d\d\//"]


This parameter tells WOVN.php which HTML fragments it should ignore when localizing. The classes given by ignore_class are HTML element classes. All HTML elements with one or more ignored class would not be translated by WOVN.php.

For instance, if you want to ignore every HTML elements of class ignore and no-translate, you should configure WOVN.php as below.


ignore_class[] = ignore
ignore_class[] = no-translate


  "ignore_class": ["ignore", "no-translate"]


This parameter tells WOVN.php which languages should not have hreflang tags embedded (used for SEO).

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="">


no_hreflang_langs[] = en


  "no_hreflang_langs": ["en"]


This parameter tells WOVN.php which languages's HTML should be set noindex to avoid index by web crawler. It also prevents hreflang tags from being embedded (see no_hreflang_langs).

For instance, if you want to avoid index for English pages, add en as below. <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag will be inserted inside head tag for English pages.


no_index_langs[] = en


  "no_index_langs": ["en"]


This parameter tells WOVN.php which encoding you use for you files. WOVN.php supports 8 encodings: UTF-8, EUC-JP, SJIS, eucJP-win, SJIS-win, JIS, ISO-2022-JP and ASCII. If you do not set the encoding, WOVN.php will detect it automatically. However, encoding detection might take time, so we recommend you to set the encoding for better performances.

For instance, if your website files are encoded in UTF-8, you should configure WOVN.php as below.


encoding = UTF-8


	"encoding": "UTF-8"


This parameter tells WOVN.php the maximum amount of time that can be spent on localizing content with our API. Indeed, we centralize most of our localization logic on separate servers at and WOVN.php delegates most of the job to them. Setting up the api_timeout will tell WOVN.php how long to wait for an answer from our API. If the API is too long to respond, the original content will be served. By default, the api_timeout is set to 1 second.

For instance, if you want to increase the default timeout up to 2 seconds, you should configure wovn.ini as below.


api_timeout = 2


	"api_timeout": 2


A variation of api_timeout, integer, configures the translation API request timeout in seconds if WOVN.php has detected a request to be coming from a search engine bot. Currently, bots from Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, DuckDuckGo and Baidu are supported.

This setting defaults to 5.


  "api_timeout_search_engine_bots": 5


api_timeout_search_engine_bots = 5


This parameter tells WOVN.php whether or not it should use our localization API when content is requested in original language. By default, the disable_api_request_for_default_lang option is set to 0 (false). It means that WOVN.php will use our localization API even if the content does not have to be translated. When this setting is set to 1, you may notice more server resource being used. This is because WOVN.php has to do some HTML parsing that our localization API usually does (for instance, to insert hreflang information). However, it will save web page loading time since it does not send a request to our API. If you experience no resource issues, we recommand you to deactivate API requests for original language as below.


disable_api_request_for_default_lang = 1


	"disable_api_request_for_default_lang": true


This parameter tells WOVN.php whether or not your content is served through a proxy. By default, this setting is set to 1 (true). If your content is served through a proxy, WOVN.php needs to know it when gathering information based on requested URL.


use_proxy = 1


	"use_proxy": true

When use_proxy is active, WOVN.php will attempt to use URL protocol and host from HTTP Headers X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host. These are standard fields for proxy forwarding.

Furthermore, WOVN.php will look for HTTP Header X-Forwarded-Request-Uri. This may be manually set in order for WOVN.php to see the original client requested URI (i.e "/japan/tokyo.html"). If using mod_proxy and the ProxyPass directive, for example, this HTTP Header may be set with the RequestHeader directive as follows

ProxyPass        /japan
ProxyPassReverse /japan
RequestHeader    setifempty X-Forwarded-Request-Uri "expr=%{REQUEST_URI}"


This parameter tell WOVN.php whether or not it should update the response header "Content-Length". For performance optimization, override_content_length is set to 0 (false) by default. If you need to maintain the response header "Content-Length" update, you should set override_content_length to 1 (true).


override_content_length = 1


  "override_content_length": true


This parameter tells WOVN.php not to process your content if it is an AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) compliant page.The default is disabled. If you enable this parameter, WOVN.php will not change the content. Therefore, we do not add any WOVN script tags.


check_amp = 1


  "check_amp": true


This parameter tells WOVN.php to only process requests under the specified path. When translating URLs, the language identifier will be inserted after this prefix path. This parameter is valid only when url_pattern_name is path.

For example, only* is processed when sitePrefixPath = dir is set. When is translated to English, language identifier will be added after specified path like URL which is not matched is not processed and snippet will not be inserted.


site_prefix_path = dir1/dir2


  "site_prefix_path": "dir1/dir2"


This parameter tells WOVN.php to insert link tag with hreflang. If setting is on, the tag like <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=""> will be inserted for published languages.

If setting is off, WOVN.php doesn't add any change to link tag with hreflang.


insert_hreflangs = 1


  "insert_hreflangs": true


This parameter tells WOVN.php if it should turn on the included WOVN.php diagnostics tool. The default value is false. Please do not set this parameter unless you were told to do so.

If you set this parameter to true, you must also set the wovn_diagnostics_username and wovn_diagnostics_password parameters.

For more details, please refer to the Wovn Diagnostics Tool section.


enable_wovn_diagnostics = true


  "enable_wovn_diagnostics": true


This parameter is required when you set enable_wovn_diagnostics to true. This will be the username WOVN will use to gain access to the WOVN.php diagnostics tools.


wovn_diagnostics_username = wovn_diagnostics_username


  "wovn_diagnostics_username": "wovn_diagnostics_username"


This parameter is required when you set enable_wovn_diagnostics to true. This will be the password WOVN will use to gain access to the WOVN.php diagnostics tools.


wovn_diagnostics_password = wovn_diagnostics_password


  "wovn_diagnostics_password": "wovn_diagnostics_password"


When set to true, WOVN.php will attempt to redirect a request to the default language to the language set in the wovn_selected_lang cookie. No redirect will happen if no such cookie is set.


use_cookie_lang = true


  "use_cookie_lang": true


When set to true, WOVN.php will attempt to compress requests made to the translation API if possible. Set to true by default.


compress_api_requests = true


  "compress_api_requests": true


Configures WOVN.php's internal logging. When this section is included in wovn.json, WOVN.php's internal logging is enabled. WOVN.php's internal logging uses error_log() to log its messages.

destination: Optional, can only have the value of file. If this is set, WOVN.php's logs will be written into a file defined by path. If this not set, logs will be written to PHP's default handling location of error_log.

path: Required if destination is set. Configures which file WOVN.php's logs will be written to. Must be a fully qualified path.

max_line_length: Optional, defaults to 1024. Lines longer than this setting will be truncated.


  "logging": {
    "destination": "file",
    "path": "/var/logs/error_log.log",
    "max_line_length": 5124


logging[destination] = "file"
logging[path] = "/var/logs/error_log.log"
logging[max_line_length] = 5124


Configures if WOVN.php should automatically translate existing canonical tag in the HTML. When set to true, WOVN.php will translate the canonical URL with the current language code according to your url_pattern_name setting. This setting defaults to true.

Example: <link rel="canonical" href=""> may be translated to <link rel="canonical" href=""> if you are using path URL pattern.


  "translate_canonical_tag": true


translate_canonical_tag = true

outbound_proxy_host / outbound_proxy_port

Configures if WOVN.php should connect to our API using a proxy server. outbound_proxy_host should be set to the proxy server host. outbound_proxy_port should be set to the proxy server port number.


  "outbound_proxy_host": "",
  "outbound_proxy_port": "8080",


outbound_proxy_host =
outbound_proxy_port = 8080

4. Environment Variable


This environment variable sets the language code of the translation target as retrieved from the HTTP request. The user can get the target language code from this environment variable and arbitrarily change the behavior of their program.

For example.

if ($_ENV['WOVN_TARGET_LANG'] == 'fr') {
    ... some kind of your code ...


This environment variable allows the user to change the default wovn.ini or wovn.json path to an arbitrary configuration file path. For example, you can make changes as follows

Users can set $_SERVER['WOVN_CONFIG'] before loading wovn_interceptor.php.

$_SERVER['WOVN_CONFIG'] = ... your config path ...;


Or, users can use .htaccess to set as follows.

SetEnv WOVN_CONFIG /path/to/wovn.ini

Note on configuration file path: The path to the configuration file must be an absolute path.

5. Bug Report

To help us finding a solution to your issue we will require some information. First we need to know on which web pages you encounter the issue, as well as steps to reproduce. If possible, we would also need test accounts if your issues occur on web pages behind authorization (we recommend you to use a staging server for that matter).

If your problems are happening on your server side (widget <script> tag not inserted, language not detected, redirections not correctly handled, etc), we usually need more information. To help us find a solution to your issue as soon as possible, we would need to know information like the followings.

Info Description
PHP version must be 5.3 or higher
WOVN.php version You can check with src/version.php
Structure Snapshots of your website's directories and files structure
wovn.ini Your wovn.ini
wovn_index.php Your wovn_index.php, if it is used
index.php Your index.php
Server type Nginx / Apache / both
Server config Your Nginx configuration file / Your all .htaccess of Apache
Log Error log when an error occurs
Request restriction Request to with 443 port must be allowed
Using SSI Whether you are using SSI(Server Side Includes)

Wovn Diagnostics Tool

WOVN.php ships with a diagnostics tool that automatically gathers information for debugging purposes. This tool is shippped disabled by default.

To enable the Wovn Diagnostics Tool, please do the following tasks:

  1. Add enable_wovn_diagnostics parameter in your wovn.ini configuration file, and set it to true.
  2. Add wovn_diagnostics_username in your wovn.ini configuration file, and set it to a username of your choice. The diagnostics tool cannot be used if a username is not set.
  3. Add wovn_diagnostics_password in your wovn.ini configuration file, and set it to a password of your choice. The diagnostics tool cannot be used if a password is not set.

The configuration will take effect immediately.

Please only enable the diagnostics tool when it is necessary to do so.