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Component Linking

The Component Model enables multiple complementary forms of linking which allow producer toolchains to control which Core WebAssembly modules do or don't share low-level memory. At a high-level, there are two primary axes of choices to make when linking:

  • shared-everything vs. shared-nothing:
  • inline vs. import

When two modules are linked together to share Core WebAssembly memory and table instances, it is called shared-everything linking. In this case, the linked modules must have been compiled to agree on an implicit toolchain- or language-defined ABI. As an example, two modules compiled against the WebAssembly/tool-conventions C/C++ ABI could be shared-everything-linked together.

When two modules that have been packaged as components are linked together, it is not possible for them to share the same memory or table instances and so this form of linking is called shared-nothing linking. In this case, the modules need to agree on the component-level types that stand between them, with each module being allowed to have a different ABI for producing and consuming component-level values of the common component-level types.

A further sub-classification between dynamic and static is useful when describing shared-everything linking:

In shared-everything dynamic linking, the producer toolchain keeps the Core WebAssembly modules handed to the runtime separate, thereby allowing the runtime to more-easily share the compiled machine code of common modules (such as libc, libpython or libjpeg). Importantly, while this linking is "dynamic" from the perspective of the producer of the individual modules, the set of dynamically-linked modules is still statically declared to the runtime before execution, allowing the runtime to perform traditional AOT compilation of each module (separately). (For fully-runtime dynamic linking, see below.)

In shared-everything static linking, the producer toolchain eagerly fuses intermediate units of WebAssembly code together to produce a single module that is handed to the runtime. Since this form of linking is handled by the producer toolchain, it's completely invisible to the Component Model and the runtime and thus mostly only relevant when talking about entire end-to-end workflows (like we'll do next).

Regardless of whether or not memory is shared when linking, when two (child) modules or components are linked together to create a new (parent) component, the Component Model gives two options for how the parent represents its children:

  • A parent component can inline its children, literally storing the child module or component binaries in a contiguous byte range inside the parent (via the core:module and component sections in the binary format).
  • A parent component can import its children, using the import name to refer to modules or components stored in an external shared registry that is mutually known to later stages in the deployment pipeline (specifically with the depname case of importname in the text and binary format).

Given this terminology, the following diagram shows how the different forms of linking can be used together in the context of C/C++:

Digging into the steps of this diagram in more detail:

The process starts by using a tool like wit-bindgen to generate C headers that expose core function signatures derived from the Canonical ABI. WIT type information that is needed later to build a component can be stored in a custom section that will be opaquely propagated to the component-specific tooling by the intervening Core WebAssembly build steps.

Next, each C/C++ translation unit is compiled to a WebAssembly Object File using clang, optionally archived together using ar, and finally shared-everything statically-linked using wasm-ld, all without any of these tools knowing about the Component Model.

A single Core WebAssembly module can be trivially wrapped into a component using a tool like the wasm-tools component new command. Multiple Core WebAssembly modules can be shared-everything dynamically-linked together by a tool ike the component link command, which supports both loading modules into linear memory automatically (in the style of or manually (in the style of dlopen()). For a low-level sketch of how dynamic linking works at the WAT level, see this example.

Lastly, multiple components can be shared-nothing-linked together using language-agnostic composition tools like wac. Since the output of composition is itself a component, composite components can themselves be further composed with other components. For a low-level sketch of how shared-nothing linking works at the WAT level, see this example.

With both wasm-tools link and wac, the developer will have the option to either store child modules or components inline or to import them from an external registry. This registry toolchain integration is still in progress, but by reusing common support libries such as wasm-pkg-tools, higher-level tooling can uniformly interact with multiple kinds of storage backends such as local directories, OCI Wasm Artifacts stored in standard OCI Registries and warg registries. Of note, even when modules or components are stored inline by earlier stages of the build pipeline, when creating an OCI Wasm Artifact, a toolchain can (hypothetically, existing tools don't do this yet) enable deduplication by content-hash of common modules or components by placing them in separate OCI layers which are imported via hashname by the root component stored in the first layer of the OCI Wasm Artifact.

Fully-runtime dynamic linking

While many use cases for dynamic linking are covered by what is described above, there are still some use cases that require "fully-runtime" dynamic linking where code is dynamically loaded that was not known (or may not have even existed) when execution started.

One use case for fully-runtime dynamic linking is JIT compilation (where the running WebAssembly code generates the bytecode to be linked). This is possible in browsers today by having WebAssembly call into JS and using the JS API. Doing so from pure WebAssembly has been included in Core WebAssembly's list of future features since the beginning of WebAssembly. This is a nuanced feature for many reasons including the fact that many WebAssembly execution environments don't provide the raw OS primitives (viz., making writable pages executable) to enable a WebAssembly runtime to perform the native JIT compilation necessary for performance. In any case, addressing this use case is ideally outside the scope of the Component Model.

Another major use case for fully-runtime dynamic linking is implementing plugins that can be dynamically selected by WebAssembly code from a large and/or dynamically-populated store or registry. Such plugin models are sufficiently diverse (in how plugins are secured, discovered, transported, and compiled) that it's difficult to design a generic Component Model feature to support them all well. Based on this, it seems that the right place to address this use case above the Component Model, using an interface defined in WIT and allowing different platforms and applications to tailor the interface to their needs.

For example, using the Preview 2 feature set of Component Model, a simple dynamic plugin interface might look like the following:

interface plugin-loader {
  load: func(name: string) -> plugin;
  resource plugin {
    handle-event: func(event: string, args: list<string>) -> string;

The expectation here is that, if plugins are implemented by components, the plugin handle returned by load points to a component instance created by the host and the method calls to handle-event call exports of that component instance.

While plugin-loader uses generic string types in the signature of handle-event, a particular application's plugin interface would naturally be customized to use whatever WIT types were appropriate, including handles to application-defined resource types. Because the signature of calls into the plugin are specified statically, a host can separately AOT-compile component plugins (e.g., on upload to the store or registry) into a native shared object or DLL that can be efficiently loaded at runtime.

(There are a number of ways to improve upon this basic design with additional post-Preview 2 features of WIT and the Component Model.)