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DRIVER - Data for Road Incident Visualization, Evaluation, and Reporting

Build Status


  1. Follow the Installation instructions below
  2. Follow the instructions in doc/



  1. Install Vagrant 1.5+

  2. Install Ansible 1.8+

  3. Install vagrant-hostmanager plugin via:

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
  4. Prevent changes in group_vars/development from being tracked by git.

    • You will likely make changes to group_vars/development to configure your local environment. To make sure you don't commit those changes unless you need to change the default development settings, you can make git not track changes to that file. To do this, run git update-index --assume-unchanged deployment/ansible/group_vars/development.
    • To revert back to tracking changes, run git update-index --no-assume-unchanged deployment/ansible/group_vars/development.
  5. Create gradle/data/driver.keystore

    • To run in development without support for JAR file building:

      touch gradle/data/driver.keystore

      (If you just want to install the DRIVER web interface, do this. You can add Android integration later.)

    • To build schema model JAR files for the Android app, copy the signing keystore to gradle/data/driver.keystore and set the password for the keystore under keystore_password in deployment/ansible/group_vars/development.

  6. (Optional) To enable geocoding, set up Pickpoint in group_vars/development

  7. Install NFS. On Debian/Ubuntu, run:

    sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server
  8. Start the Vagrant VM

    vagrant up

    If you run into issues provisioning the VMs or forget a step, try re-provisioning as needed:

    vagrant provision <vm-name>


Pickpoint is a geocoding service used by DRIVER to obtain lat/lon coordinates from input addresses. DRIVER can work without Pickpoint configured, but to enable geocoding, obtain a pickpoint API key from and enter the key in deployment/ansible/group_vars/development under web_js_nominatim_key.

Running & Configuration

The app is available on http://localhost:7000/, and the schema editor at http://localhost:7000/editor/.

In development environments a default Django superuser will be created for you:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin

Google OAuth

To configure Google OAuth for development, follow these steps to create a web application and credentials for your local DRIVER instance.

When creating a client ID for your web application, use these URLs:

Authorized JavaScript origins:


Authorized redirect URIs:


Once you have the client ID and client secret, add those values to deployment/ansible/group_vars/development and reprovision the app VM as needed:

vagrant provision app


Both Angular apps can be run in development mode via:

./scripts/ editor serve


./scripts/ web serve

You will need to run these commands in separate terminals if you'd like to have both running at the same time.

The frontend app will be available on port 7002 at http://localhost:7002 and the schema editor will be available on port 7001 at http://localhost:7001. Both will reload automatically as changes are made.

To make requests to a Django runserver directly (for example, to perform interactive debugging in the request-response cycle), run:

./scripts/ runserver

You should then be able to access the Django runserver on port 3001 of the app VM at http://localhost:3001.

Front end files are mounted inside the app Vagrant VM at /opt/schema_editor for the Angular editor and /opt/web for the Angular interface.

Updating existing translation files

New Angular translation tokens should be added to i18n/exclaim.json with a value of "!". The English translation (en-us.json) is automatically built from exclaim.json. New tokens are also propagated to other translations via a grunt task:

./scripts/ web translate

Adding a new translation file

Place the new JSON file in the i18n folder. Add the file to the i18nForeignLanguages var in Gruntfile.js. To enable the language to be selected via the language picker, add an item to the languages list in deployment/ansible/group_vars/development. Setting rtl to true will enable right-to-left CSS changes.


To update the Docker container images to reflect environment changes (Such as changed Python packages), provision the app VM:

vagrant provision app



To run the Javascript automated tests, use:

./scripts/ web test

Testing Data


Geographic boundaries are used to filter records to a defined area, such as a region or state. These boundaries are created by uploading shape files to the editor, http://localhost:7000/editor under "Add new geographies".

For developers at Azavea, use the and files available in the DRIVER project folder on the fileshare. For non-Azavea users, upload a zipped shapefile containing the boundaries of the jurisdictions where you plan to operate DRIVER. If you don't have such a shapefile, Natural Earth is a good place to start."

After uploading each the file, select name as the display field, then hit save. Either refresh the page or navigate somewhere else in between uploads.


Record data can be populated from a CSV file that contains named columns for "lat", "lon", and "record_date". A file with semi-realistic data can be found in scripts/sample_data/sample_traffic.csv for use. For developers at Azavea, CSV files containing historical data can be downloaded from the /data folder of the project's directory in the fileshare, with names of the format <city or agency>_traffic.csv.

In order to import record data you will have to obtain an Authorization header and its API token. To do this, log in to the web application, then open the network tab in web developer tools and reload the page. Inspect the request headers from an API request and pull out the value of the Authorization header, for example Token f1acac96cc79c4822e9010d23ab425231d580875.

Using the API token, run:

python scripts/ --authz 'Token <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>' scripts/sample_data/

Note that the import process will take roughly two hours for the full data set; you can cut down the number of records with head on the individual CSVs.

The script will also create a schema for you. If you already have a schema in place, and simply want to load data associated with that schema, you will need to modify the script accordingly: change the schema_id = create_schema(...) line with schema_id = 'replace-this-with-the-existing-schema-id'.

To load mock black spots, run:

python scripts/ --authz 'Token <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>' /path/to/black_spots.json

Mock black spot data is available in scripts/sample_data/black_spots.json.

To load mock interventions, run:

python scripts/ --authz 'Token <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>' /path/to/interventions_sample_pts.geojson

Mock intervention data is available in scripts/sample_data/interventions_sample_pts.geojson.

To generate black spot and load forecast training inputs, run:

python scripts/ /path/to/roads.shp /path/to/records.csv

More information on the requirements for loading data can be found in the scripts/ directory.


You can't request records with associated costs successfully until you configure some costs. To do this, navigate to your editor (by default on http://localhost:7000/editor/), select "Incident" from record types in the menu on the left. (If there are multiple record types named "Incident", delete all but one.) Select "Cost aggregation settings", then:

  • Choose a currency prefix in "Cost Prefix" (e.g., $, but anything is fine)
  • Select "Incident Details" in "Related Content Type"
  • Choose "Severity" in "Field"
  • Then decide how much money you think human lives, human physical security, and property are worth


TODO: Notes on creating a production superuser and adding a production OAuth2 application

Using OAuth2 / Getting tokens

Get a token:

curl -X POST -d "grant_type=password&username=<user_name>&password=<password>" -u"<client_id>:<client_secret>" http://localhost:7000/o/token/


    "access_token": "<your_access_token>",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 36000,
    "refresh_token": "<your_refresh_token>",
    "scope": "read write groups"

Note: If you're experiencing SSL errors with cURL, your version of cURL may not have the right certificate authorities installed. Try passing the -k parameter to curl.

Making requests with a token:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" http://localhost:7000:/api/record/
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" http://localhost:7000:/api/recordschema/

Restricted access (disabled in development to allow access to the browsable API):

Add an additional scope parameter to token request:

curl -X POST -d "grant_type=password&username=<user_name>&password=<password>&scope=read" -u"<client_id>:<client_secret>" http://localhost:7000/o/token/

Now, this token will have read-only access to the API.


Releases use a github_changelog_generator tool written in ruby.

  • Make sure your develop is up-to-date
  • Start the Gitflow release:
    git flow release start <your release version>
  • docker run -ti --rm -v ${PWD}:/changelog -w /changelog ruby:2.5 /bin/bash
  • From the container:
    gem install github_changelog_generator
  • Then, to generate the changelog since the last release:
    $ export RELEASE_VERSION=<your release version>
    $ export LAST_RELEASE=<the most recent tag>
    $ export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your github personal access token>
    $ github_changelog_generator "WorldBank-Transport/DRIVER" \
        --token ${GITHUB_TOKEN} \
        --since-tag ${LAST_RELEASE} \
        --future-release ${RELEASE_VERSION} \
        --base \
        --no-issues \
        --no-issues-wo-labels \

It's important to include the since-tag argument, since without it, the changelog generator will include everything that went into 1.0.0, which is a lot of stuff and not super meaningful, since 1.0.0 is "what was there when we decided to start using semantic versioning." Note: We've had some problems with the since-tag argument not being respected; if this happens, manually delete the duplicate entries and update the GitHub diff link.

  • Include the CHANGELOG in your release branch
  • Git flow publish the release:
    git flow release publish <your release version>
  • Open a PR for your release
  • Wait for a successful build and approval (from whom?), then:
    $ git flow release finish <your release version>
    $ git checkout master
    $ git tag -f <your version>  # git-flow puts the tag on `develop`
    $ git push origin master
    $ git checkout develop
    $ git push origin develop
    $ git push [-s] --tags
