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This is a simple Bootstrap Server.
Usage: bootstap_server [OPTION]
  -f FILE   Specify BootStrap Information file. Default: ./bootstrap_info.ini
  -p PORT   Set the local UDP port of the Client. Default: 5685

When it receives a Bootstrap Request from a LWM2M Client, it sends commands as
described in the Bootstrap Information file.
This file is a custom .INI file:

Commented lines starts either with a # or a ;
Spaces before [ and key names are ignored. Spaces around = are ignored.
Spaces at the end of lines are ignored.

Supported sections are [Server] and [Endpoint].

[Server] describes a LWM2M Server account. Keys are:
  - id: the short ID of the LWM2M Server. Also used as the instance ID
        to avoid collisions. (MANDATORY)
  - uri: the URI of the LWM2M Server (MANDATORY)
  - bootstrap: supported values are YES or NO. Determines if this
               server is a Bootstrap Server. (Optional, default is no)
  - lifetime: registration lifetime. (optional)
  - security: security mode. Supported values are NoSec, PSK, RPK and
              Certificate. (MANDATORY)
  - public: the client public key or identity as defined by resource
  - server: the server public key as defined by resource /0/x/4
  - secret: the private key or secret key as defined by resource /0/x/5

Keys are hexadecimal strings. No spaces, no dashes. Upper of lower case letters.

[Endpoint] contains the Bootstrap operations. If no Name is specified,
these operations will be sent to any unknown Client that requests
Bootstrap Information. If a Name is specified, the operations will be
sent only to the Client with the matching Endpoint Name. (No wildcards).
Operations are sent in the same order as they appear in this file.

Supported keys for this section are:
  - Name: Endpoint Name of the Client (Optional)
  - Delete: Value must be a valid LWM2M URI. / is allowed. Send a Delete
            operation on the URI.
  - Server: [Value] is a Server ID matching a Server section. Send one
            or two Write operations containing the LWM2M Server
            informations (one operation only for Bootstrap Servers as they
            do not have a matching LWM2M Server Object instance.)

All keywords (section names, key names, "yes", "no", "NoSec", "PSK",
"RPK", "Certificate") are case-insensitive.

Please see the example provided in this folder.