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Installing Docker

General installation instructions are on the Docker site, but we give some quick links here:

For GPU support, install compatible NVIDIA drivers with CUDA9.0 and CUDNN 7.6

Running the container

Build the container:

$ docker build -t isk

To run the image:

$ docker run --gpus all -it isk

If you want to train with a dataset on your local machine, or make inference on images or videos, mount a volume to share this data with the docker container:

$ docker run --gpus all -v /path/to/data/folder:/image-segmentation-keras/share -it isk

If graphical interface is needed, to show results, like predict_video --display, first let docker to use system interface. In your local host, type this line once:

$ xhost +local:docker

And run the container with access to X11:

$ docker run --gpus all -v /path/to/data/folder:/image-segmentation-keras/share -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix --env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -it isk