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Emotion Detection using Deep Learning

Instructor Information

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Balaji Chippada LinkedIn YouTube Instagram

Course Link

Course Link Language
Emotion Detection using Deep Learning Hinglish

Note: This is the free but quality course offered by CampusX.


This course covers the techniques and methods of using deep learning models for the task of emotion detection in various applications with the help of Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN). Students will learn how to build, train, and apply deep learning models to recognize and classify emotions from data.

Key Highlights:

  • Understanding how CNNs work
  • Understanding the various popular CNN architectures
  • Understanding Transfer Learning
  • Understanding deep learning concepts
  • Implementing emotion detection using CNN
  • Practical hands-on experience of deploying the project

What you will learn:

  • Develop deep learning skills
    • Learn the fundamentals of deep learning and its applications in emotion detection
  • Implement emotion recognition models
    • Build and train neural networks to detect emotions from images
  • Hands-on project experience
    • Gain practical experience by working on projects that involve emotion detection using deep learning