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Generative AI for Vision

Instructor Information

Instructor name Instructor LinkedIn profile Youtube Github
Mokarbeen Ansari LinkedIn YouTube

Course Link

Course Link Language
Generative AI for Vision Hinglish

Note: This is the free but quality course offered by CampusX.


This course dives deep into Generative AI techniques specifically focusing on Stable Diffusion, Diffusion models, GANs, Variational Autoencoders, and leveraging hugging face models for cutting-edge projects. Gain hands-on experience in implementing advanced AI models for vision applications.

Key Highlights:

  • Explore Stable Diffusion models
  • Master GANs and Variational Autoencoders
  • Hands-on projects with hugging face models

What you will learn:

-Understanding Stable Diffusion - Learn the fundamentals of Stable Diffusion models and how they enhance generative AI applications.

  • Mastering GANs and VAEs
    • Deep dive into Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) for image generation and manipulation.
  • Project Implementation with Hugging Face
    • Implement advanced vision projects using pre-trained models from Hugging Face library.


Instructor name Link
Session 1 - introduction to GEN AI for Vision YouTube
Session 2 - Representation of Images YouTube
Session 3 - Basics of Diffusion Models YouTube
Session 4 - Prompt Engineering for Images YouTube
Session 5 - Project building and deployment YouTube
Website Description Free/Paid Link
DALL-E 2 AI-powered image generation by OpenAI, creates images from textual descriptions. Paid, with limited free use Link
MidJourney AI tool for generating images based on textual prompts, known for artistic and surreal results. Paid, with limited free use Link
DeepArt Turns photos into artworks using styles of famous artists via deep neural networks. Paid Link
Artbreeder Collaborative image generation using genetic algorithms and machine learning. Free, with paid options Link
RunwayML Provides a variety of AI tools for creatives, including image generation and editing. Paid, with free trial Link
NightCafe Studio AI art generator that transforms photos into art with various styles and algorithms. Free, with paid options Link
Deep Dream Generator Online tool for creating dream-like images using Google's DeepDream algorithm. Free, with paid options Link
Jasper Art AI tool for creating unique images and illustrations from textual inputs. Paid Link
BigGAN ImageNet High-quality image generation using BigGAN models from DeepMind. Free Link
StyleGAN2 Generates high-fidelity images using NVIDIA's StyleGAN2 architecture. Free Link
GANPaint Studio Interactive tool for generating images with GANs, allowing users to edit the generated scenes. Free Link
PaintsChainer AI-based automatic colorization tool for black-and-white images or sketches. Free, with paid options Link
Pix2Pix Converts sketches into realistic images using conditional GANs. Free Link
DeepDream Image generation tool using Google's DeepDream neural network. Free Link
NeuralStyle.Art Generates artworks by combining the content of one image with the style of another. Free, with paid options Link
Craiyon Formerly known as DALL-E mini, it generates images from text prompts. Free Link
Let's Enhance Uses AI to upscale images without losing quality, and also offers various image enhancement tools. Free, with paid options Link
VQ-VAE-2 Generates high-quality images using vector quantized variational autoencoders. Free Link
GauGAN NVIDIA's AI painting tool that turns doodles into photorealistic landscapes. Free Link
DeepArtEffects AI-based tool to turn photos into art using various styles and filters. Paid, with limited free use Link
Playground AI AI art generator offering various creative tools for image generation. Free, with paid options Link
Photolemur AI photo enhancer that automatically improves image quality. Paid Link
Prisma Transforms photos into artworks using AI-powered filters inspired by famous artists. Free, with paid options Link
Artisto AI video and photo editor that applies artistic effects to images and videos. Free, with paid options Link
DeepArt.IO Uses deep learning to create artworks in the style of famous paintings. Paid Link