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Setting Up the Environment

adamcaudill edited this page Oct 4, 2014 · 5 revisions

To run the tools, you need to be on Windows with .NET 4.0 installed.

To set up a build environment, you need to:

  • Install Visual Studio 2012 Express (for building the tools).
  • Install SDCC (Small Device C Compiler) suite to C:\Program Files\SDCC (for building the firmware and patches).

Run DriveCom as below to obtain information about your drive:

DriveCom.exe /drive=E /action=GetInfo

where E is the drive letter. This should tell you the type of controller you have (such as PS2251-03 (2303) -- the only type this software currently supports) and the unique ID for your flash chip.

To perform flashing operations with the tools, you will need a burner image appropriate for your drive. You will need to know the type of controller you have and the page size for your flash chip (2K, 4K, 8K). See Obtaining a Burner Image for more information.

The Patriot 8GB Supersonic Xpress drive typically uses an 8K burner image.

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