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Lambda with e2e testing


Running e2e tests with endly docker container

mkdir -p ~/e2e
mkdir -p ~/.secret
docker run --name endly -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/e2e:/e2e -v ~/.secret/:/root/.secret/ -p 7722:22  -d endly/endly:latest-ubuntu16.04  

ssh root@ -p 7722 ## password is dev

#### all operation now taking place in endly docker container

endly -v #to check version

endly -c=localhost  ## create localhost credentials with user root/dev
ls -al /root/.secret/localhost.json ## check encrypted credentials created

## generate aws-e2e.json  -> /root/.secret/aws.json  
### @aws-e2e.josn -> {"Region":"xxx", "Key":"yyy", "Secret":"zzz"}

#For use case 6 (Securing sensitive data) and 7 (Multi stack HTTP Gateway) apply prerequisites described in prerequisite.txt and remove skip.txt

cd /e2e
git clone
cd  serverless_e2e/lambda/e2e
endly -r=run


AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that runs a provided code in response to events and automatically manages the underlying compute resources. The event can be fired by a specific trigger, which determines how and when your function executes.



Lambda entry point:

func main() {

where handler supports the following function signatures:

  • func()
  • func() error
  • func(Event) error
  • func() (Output, error)
  • func(Event) (Output, error)
  • func(context.Context) error
  • func(context.Context, Event) error
  • func(context.Context) (Output, error)
  • func(context.Context, Event) (Output, error)

Pull/Push model lambda trigger configuration

  1. Pull-based AWS services: Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and DynamoDB streams or Amazon SQS queues

    • trigger is configured within lambda via Event Source Mapping
  2. Push based AWS services

    • trigger is configured within event source. For example, Amazon S3 provides the bucket notification configuration API
    • source event need necessary permissions to invoke a lambda function



This project provides example for the following native mechanisms:

Direct Function Invocation

    func() (Output, error)
    func(Event) (Output, error)


    func(context.Context, events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error)
  • APIGatewayProxyRequest
// APIGatewayProxyRequest contains data coming from the API Gateway proxy
type APIGatewayProxyRequest struct {
	Resource                        string                        `json:"resource"` // The resource path defined in API Gateway
	Path                            string                        `json:"path"`     // The url path for the caller
	HTTPMethod                      string                        `json:"httpMethod"`
	Headers                         map[string]string             `json:"headers"`
	MultiValueHeaders               map[string][]string           `json:"multiValueHeaders"`
	QueryStringParameters           map[string]string             `json:"queryStringParameters"`
	MultiValueQueryStringParameters map[string][]string           `json:"multiValueQueryStringParameters"`
	PathParameters                  map[string]string             `json:"pathParameters"`
	StageVariables                  map[string]string             `json:"stageVariables"`
	RequestContext                  APIGatewayProxyRequestContext `json:"requestContext"`
	Body                            string                        `json:"body"`
	IsBase64Encoded                 bool                          `json:"isBase64Encoded,omitempty"`
  • Usage
func main() {

func handleRequest(ctx context.Context, apiRequest events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
	request, err := newRequest(apiRequest)
	if err != nil {
		return handleError(err)
	service := New() //you service
	response := service.CountLogs(request)
	responseJSON, err := json.Marshal(response)
	if err != nil {
		return handleError(err)
	return events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{
		StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
		Body:       string(responseJSON),
	}, nil

func handleError(err error) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
	errorLogger.Printf("unable to process request %v", err)
	return events.APIGatewayProxyResponse{
		StatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
		Body:       http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError),
	}, nil

S3 Storage

    func(context.Context, events.S3Event)
  • Event types:
  • s3:ObjectCreated:*
  • s3:ObjectCreated:Put
  • s3:ObjectCreated:Post
  • s3:ObjectCreated:Copy
  • s3:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload
  • s3:ObjectRemoved:*
  • s3:ObjectRemoved:Delete
  • s3:ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated
  • s3:ObjectRestore:Post
  • s3:ObjectRestore:Completed
  • s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject
  • S3Event
type S3Event struct {
	Records []S3EventRecord `json:"Records"`

type S3EventRecord struct {
	EventVersion      string              `json:"eventVersion"`
	EventSource       string              `json:"eventSource"`
	AWSRegion         string              `json:"awsRegion"`
	EventTime         time.Time           `json:"eventTime"`
	EventName         string              `json:"eventName"`
	PrincipalID       S3UserIdentity      `json:"userIdentity"`
	RequestParameters S3RequestParameters `json:"requestParameters"`
	ResponseElements  map[string]string   `json:"responseElements"`
	S3                S3Entity            `json:"s3"`

type S3UserIdentity struct {
	PrincipalID string `json:"principalId"`

Simple Queue Service

    func(ctx context.Context, sqsEvent events.SQSEvent) error
  • SQSEvent
type SQSEvent struct {
	Records []SQSMessage `json:"Records"`

type SQSMessage struct {
	MessageId              string                         `json:"messageId"`
	ReceiptHandle          string                         `json:"receiptHandle"`
	Body                   string                         `json:"body"`
	Md5OfBody              string                         `json:"md5OfBody"`
	Md5OfMessageAttributes string                         `json:"md5OfMessageAttributes"`
	Attributes             map[string]string              `json:"attributes"`
	MessageAttributes      map[string]SQSMessageAttribute `json:"messageAttributes"`
	EventSourceARN         string                         `json:"eventSourceARN"`
	EventSource            string                         `json:"eventSource"`
	AWSRegion              string                         `json:"awsRegion"`

Simple Notification Service

    func(ctx context.Context, snsEvent events.SNSEvent) error
  • SNSEvent
type SNSEvent struct {
	Records []SNSEventRecord `json:"Records"`

type SNSEventRecord struct {
	EventVersion         string    `json:"EventVersion"`
	EventSubscriptionArn string    `json:"EventSubscriptionArn"`
	EventSource          string    `json:"EventSource"`
	SNS                  SNSEntity `json:"Sns"`

type SNSEntity struct {
	Signature         string                 `json:"Signature"`
	MessageID         string                 `json:"MessageId"`
	Type              string                 `json:"Type"`
	TopicArn          string                 `json:"TopicArn"`
	MessageAttributes map[string]interface{} `json:"MessageAttributes"`
	SignatureVersion  string                 `json:"SignatureVersion"`
	Timestamp         time.Time              `json:"Timestamp"`
	SigningCertURL    string                 `json:"SigningCertUrl"`
	Message           string                 `json:"Message"`
	UnsubscribeURL    string                 `json:"UnsubscribeUrl"`
	Subject           string                 `json:"Subject"`
Securing sensitive data

Multi stack HTTP Gateway

Virtual Private Cloud with aerospike and SQS

Error Handling
