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Injection is Datadog's strategy to instrument application without touching application code. Currently, This strategy is implemented by adding ddtrace to your application's Gemfile to instrument your application).

  • Supports Ruby on Rails and Hanami application
  • Requires bundler version 2.3 or above
  • Does not support frozen Gemfile or vendoring gems (Bundler's Deployment Mode or setting BUNDLE_PATH)


Bundler vendors gems from a specific location, instead of system default.

bundle config path vendor/cache
# or
BUNDLE_PATH=vendor/cache bundle install
# or
bundle install --path=vendor/cache

Bundler freezes the Gemfile to prevent the Gemfile.lock to be updated after this install.

bundle config set frozen true
# or
bundle install --frozen

Bundler's Deployment Mode would freeze the Gemfile and vendor gems from vendor/cache.

bundle config set deployment true
# or
bundle install --deployment


There's an internal gitlab build pipeline ships pre-installed ddtrace deb and rpm packages.

Currently, we support

Environment version
Ruby 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
Arch amd64
glibc 2.28+

In order to ship ddtrace and its dependencies as a pre-install package, we need a few tweaks in our build pipeline.

  • Use multiple custom built Ruby images to build native extensions. Those images are based on Debian buster to support older distribution and Ruby is compiled as a static library with --disable-shared option which disables the creation of shared libraries (also known as dynamic libraries or DLLs).
  • Install ffi gem with its built-in libffi native extension instead of using system's libffi.
  • After gem installation, the native extensions would be store in extensions/x86_64-linux/3.2.0-static/(see Gem.extension_api_version). We symlink those directories to remove the -static suffix so user’s ruby can detect those .so files and make sure files have read permission.