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Provisioning AWS Databricks E2

Provisioning AWS Databricks E2

You can provision multiple Databricks workspaces with Terraform.

Simplest multiworkspace

Provider initialization for E2 workspaces

This guide assumes you have databricks_account_username and databricks_account_password for and can find databricks_account_id in the bottom left corner of the page, once you're logged in. This guide is provided as is and assumes you'll use it as the basis for your setup.

variable "databricks_account_username" {}
variable "databricks_account_password" {}
variable "databricks_account_id" {}

variable "tags" {
  default = {}

variable "cidr_block" {
  default = ""

variable "region" {
  default = "eu-west-1"

resource "random_string" "naming" {
  special = false
  upper   = false
  length  = 6

locals {
  prefix = "demo${random_string.naming.result}"

Before managing workspace, you have to create:

Initialize provider with alias = "mws" and use provider = databricks.mws for all databricks_mws_* resources. We require all databricks_mws_* resources to be created within its own dedicated terraform module of your environment. Usually this module creates VPC and IAM roles as well.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    databricks = {
      source = "databricks/databricks"
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 4.15.0"

provider "aws" {
  region = var.region

// initialize provider in "MWS" mode to provision new workspace
provider "databricks" {
  alias    = "mws"
  host     = ""
  username = var.databricks_account_username
  password = var.databricks_account_password

Cross-account IAM Role

Cross-account IAM role is registered with databricks_mws_credentials resource.

data "databricks_aws_assume_role_policy" "this" {
  external_id = var.databricks_account_id

resource "aws_iam_role" "cross_account_role" {
  name               = "${local.prefix}-crossaccount"
  assume_role_policy = data.databricks_aws_assume_role_policy.this.json
  tags               = var.tags

data "databricks_aws_crossaccount_policy" "this" {

resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "this" {
  name   = "${local.prefix}-policy"
  role   =
  policy = data.databricks_aws_crossaccount_policy.this.json

resource "databricks_mws_credentials" "this" {
  provider         = databricks.mws
  account_id       = var.databricks_account_id
  role_arn         = aws_iam_role.cross_account_role.arn
  credentials_name = "${local.prefix}-creds"
  depends_on       = [aws_iam_role_policy.this]


The very first step is VPC creation with necessary firewall rules. Please consult main documentation page for the most complete and up-to-date details on networking. AWS VPS is registered as databricks_mws_networks resource. For STS, S3 and Kinesis, you can create VPC gateway or interface endpoints such that the relevant in-region traffic from clusters could transit over the secure AWS backbone rather than the public network, for more direct connections and reduced cost compared to AWS global endpoints. For more information, see Regional endpoints.

data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {}

module "vpc" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
  version = "3.2.0"

  name = local.prefix
  cidr = var.cidr_block
  azs  = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names
  tags = var.tags

  enable_dns_hostnames = true
  enable_nat_gateway   = true
  single_nat_gateway   = true
  create_igw           = true

  public_subnets = [cidrsubnet(var.cidr_block, 3, 0)]
  private_subnets = [cidrsubnet(var.cidr_block, 3, 1),
  cidrsubnet(var.cidr_block, 3, 2)]

  manage_default_security_group = true
  default_security_group_name   = "${local.prefix}-sg"

  default_security_group_egress = [{
    cidr_blocks = ""

  default_security_group_ingress = [{
    description = "Allow all internal TCP and UDP"
    self        = true

module "vpc_endpoints" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws//modules/vpc-endpoints"
  version = "3.2.0"

  vpc_id             = module.vpc.vpc_id
  security_group_ids = [module.vpc.default_security_group_id]

  endpoints = {
    s3 = {
      service      = "s3"
      service_type = "Gateway"
      route_table_ids = flatten([
      tags = {
        Name = "${local.prefix}-s3-vpc-endpoint"
    sts = {
      service             = "sts"
      private_dns_enabled = true
      subnet_ids          = module.vpc.private_subnets
      tags = {
        Name = "${local.prefix}-sts-vpc-endpoint"
    kinesis-streams = {
      service             = "kinesis-streams"
      private_dns_enabled = true
      subnet_ids          = module.vpc.private_subnets
      tags = {
        Name = "${local.prefix}-kinesis-vpc-endpoint"

  tags = var.tags

resource "databricks_mws_networks" "this" {
  provider           = databricks.mws
  account_id         = var.databricks_account_id
  network_name       = "${local.prefix}-network"
  security_group_ids = [module.vpc.default_security_group_id]
  subnet_ids         = module.vpc.private_subnets
  vpc_id             = module.vpc.vpc_id

Root bucket

Once VPC is ready, create AWS S3 bucket for DBFS workspace storage, which is commonly referred to as root bucket. This provider has databricks_aws_bucket_policy with the necessary IAM policy template. The AWS S3 bucket has to be registered through databricks_mws_storage_configurations.

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "root_storage_bucket" {
  bucket = "${local.prefix}-rootbucket"
  acl    = "private"
  versioning {
    enabled = false
  force_destroy = true
  tags = merge(var.tags, {
    Name = "${local.prefix}-rootbucket"

resource "aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration" "root_storage_bucket" {
  bucket = aws_s3_bucket.root_storage_bucket.bucket

  rule {
    apply_server_side_encryption_by_default {
      sse_algorithm = "AES256"

resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "root_storage_bucket" {
  bucket                  =
  block_public_acls       = true
  block_public_policy     = true
  ignore_public_acls      = true
  restrict_public_buckets = true
  depends_on              = [aws_s3_bucket.root_storage_bucket]

data "databricks_aws_bucket_policy" "this" {
  bucket = aws_s3_bucket.root_storage_bucket.bucket

resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "root_bucket_policy" {
  bucket     =
  policy     = data.databricks_aws_bucket_policy.this.json
  depends_on = [aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.root_storage_bucket]

resource "databricks_mws_storage_configurations" "this" {
  provider                   = databricks.mws
  account_id                 = var.databricks_account_id
  bucket_name                = aws_s3_bucket.root_storage_bucket.bucket
  storage_configuration_name = "${local.prefix}-storage"

Databricks E2 Workspace

Once VPC, cross-account role, and root bucket are set up, you can create Databricks AWS E2 workspace through databricks_mws_workspaces resource.

Code that creates workspaces and code that manages workspaces must be in separate terraform modules to avoid common confusion between provider = databricks.mws and provider = databricks.created_workspace. This is why we specify databricks_host and databricks_token outputs, which have to be used in the latter modules.

-> Note If you experience technical difficulties with rolling out resources in this example, please make sure that environment variables don't conflict with other provider block attributes. When in doubt, please run TF_LOG=DEBUG terraform apply to enable debug mode through the TF_LOG environment variable. Look specifically for Explicit and implicit attributes lines, that should indicate authentication attributes used. The other common reason for technical difficulties might be related to missing alias attribute in provider "databricks" {} blocks or provider attribute in resource "databricks_..." {} blocks. Please make sure to read alias: Multiple Provider Configurations documentation article.

resource "databricks_mws_workspaces" "this" {
  provider       = databricks.mws
  account_id     = var.databricks_account_id
  aws_region     = var.region
  workspace_name = local.prefix

  credentials_id           = databricks_mws_credentials.this.credentials_id
  storage_configuration_id = databricks_mws_storage_configurations.this.storage_configuration_id
  network_id               = databricks_mws_networks.this.network_id

  token {
    comment = "Terraform"

output "databricks_host" {
  value = databricks_mws_workspaces.this.workspace_url

output "databricks_token" {
  value     = databricks_mws_workspaces.this.token[0].token_value
  sensitive = true

Data resources and Authentication is not configured errors

In Terraform 0.13 and later, data resources have the same dependency resolution behavior as defined for managed resources. Most data resources make an API call to a workspace. If a workspace doesn't exist yet, authentication is not configured for provider error is raised. To work around this issue and guarantee a proper lazy authentication with data resources, you should add depends_on = [databricks_mws_workspaces.this] to the body. This issue doesn't occur if workspace is created in one module and resources within the workspace are created in another. We do not recommend using Terraform 0.12 and earlier, if your usage involves data resources.

data "databricks_current_user" "me" {
  depends_on = [databricks_mws_workspaces.this]

Provider configuration

In the next step, please use the following configuration for the provider:

provider "databricks" {
  host  = module.e2.workspace_url
  token = module.e2.token_value

We assume that you have a terraform module in your project that creats a workspace (using Databricks E2 Workspace section) and you named it as e2 while calling it in the file of your terraform project. And workspace_url and token_value are the output attributes of that module. This provider configuration will allow you to use the generated token during workspace creation to authenticate to the created workspace.

Credentials validation checks errors

Due to a bug in the Terraform AWS provider (spotted in v3.28) the Databricks AWS cross-account policy creation and attachment to the IAM role takes longer than the AWS request confirmation to Terraform. As Terraform continues creating the Workspace, validation checks for the credentials are failing, as the policy doesn't get applied quick enough. Showing the error:

Error: MALFORMED_REQUEST: Failed credentials validation checks: Spot Cancellation, Create Placement Group, Delete Tags, Describe Availability Zones, Describe instances, Describe Instance Status, Describe Placement Group, Describe Route Tables, Describe Security Groups, Describe Spot Instances, Describe Spot Price History, Describe Subnets, Describe Volumes, Describe Vpcs, Request Spot Instances
(400 on /api/2.0/accounts/{UUID}/workspaces)

As a workaround give the aws_iam_role more time to be created with a time_sleep resource, which you need to add as a dependency to the databricks_mws_workspaces resource.

resource "time_sleep" "wait" {
  depends_on = [
  create_duration = "10s"

IAM policy error

If you notice below error:

Error: MALFORMED_REQUEST: Failed credentials validation checks: Spot Cancellation, Create Placement Group, Delete Tags, Describe Availability Zones, Describe instances, Describe Instance Status, Describe Placement Group, Describe Route Tables, Describe Security Groups, Describe Spot Instances, Describe Spot Price History, Describe Subnets, Describe Volumes, Describe Vpcs, Request Spot Instances
  • Try creating workspace from UI:


  • Verify if the role and policy exists (assume role should allow external id)
