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The GroupPolicyXtended Module

This module contains cmdlets for Group Policy management


In order to install the module, open a PowerShell prompt and paste the following line (triple-click to select all of it), then press [ENTER].

$wc=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;$wc.UseDefaultCredentials=$true;iex $wc.DownloadString("")

The module is installed into C:\Users<username>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\GroupPolicyXtended


Run Update-GroupPolicyXtended to update the module to the latest version



This function retrieves Group Policy event log entries filtered by Correlation ID from the specified computer

###Get-GPProcessingtime The Get-GPProcessingtime cmdlet gets Group Policy processing time for the user and computer related Group Policies that are processed on the specified computer(s).

###Set-GPLogging The Set-GPLogging cmdlet enables or disables Group Policy Service or Group Policy Preferences logging.

###Get-GPLogging The Get-GPLogging cmdlet retrieves information about the Group Policy Service Debug or Group Policy Preference logging configuration set on a computer.

###Update-GroupPolicyXtended Run this cmdlet to update the module to the latest version.