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A filter utility for filtering database records when using TypeORM.

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Due to the limited support for generic types especially in graphql, it becomes difficult to write generic DTOs(data transfer objects) or generic input types.

Consider the following example using nestjs:


  name: 'organisations',
export class OrganisationEntity {
  id: string;

    type: 'varchar',
    length: 200,
    unique: true,
  name: string;

    type: 'varchar',
    length: 200,
    unique: true,
    nullable: true,
  registrationNumber?: string;

    type: 'varchar',
    nullable: true,
  address?: string;

    type: 'varchar',
    nullable: true,
  numberOfEmployees: string;

    type: 'varchar',
    nullable: true,
  countryOfOperation: string;

    type: 'varchar',
    nullable: true,
    length: 150,
    unique: true,
  email: string;

    type: 'enum',
    nullable: true,
    enum: OrganisationTypeEnum,
  organisationType?: OrganisationTypeEnum;

  @CreateDateColumn({ nullable: true })
  createdAt?: string;

  @UpdateDateColumn({ nullable: true })
  updatedAt?: string;

    type: 'varchar',
  ownerId: string;

The type FindOptionsWhere for find operations in typeorm:

export declare type FindOptionsWhere<Entity> = {
    [P in keyof Entity]?: FindOptionsWhereProperty<NonNullable<Entity[P]>>;

Assuming we use this to create a FindOrganisation DTO:

class FindOrganisationDTO implements FindOptionsWhere<OrganisationEntity> {
  @Field(() => !D, {nullable: true})
  id?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  name?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  registrationNumber?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  address?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  numberOfEmployees?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  countryOfOperation?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  email?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  organisationType?: OrganisationTypeEnum;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  createdAt?: string;

  @Field(() => String, {nullable: true})
  updatedAt?: string;

  @Field(() => ID, {nullable: true})
  ownerId: string;

The DTO class above would work for simple filters. Even then you have the following problems to name a few:

  • If theOrganisationEntity changes, you'd have to update it in the DTO as well
  • What if you entity was way larger?
  • What about advanced filters likebetween orin ? How do you type those in graphql


With this package you could provide an input resembling this in graphl:

  "getOrganisationsRequestDto": {
    "paginateOptions": {
      "page": 1,
      "limit": 10
    "findOptions": {
     "where": {
       "logicalOperator": "OR",
        "fields": ["numberOfEmployees"],
        "operators": ["Equal"],
        "fields": ["numberOfEmployees"],
        "operators": ["Equal"],

and have nice advanced filtering in typeorm.

Note: This is not limited only to graphql. You can convert the object above to a query parameter in rest-apis.


  1. Write the following input types in src/lib/filter.ts:

    import { Field, InputType, registerEnumType } from '@nestjs/graphql';
    import {
    } from 'class-validator';
    import { getEnumKeys } from 'src/shared/utils';
    import { Type } from 'class-transformer';
    import {
    } from 'typeorm-advanced-filter-util';
    registerEnumType(ConditionalOperator, {
      name: 'ConditionalOperator',
    registerEnumType(LogicalOperator, {
      name: 'LogicalOperator',
    export class FilterMemberDto implements FilterMember {
      @Field(() => [String])
      fields: string[];
      @Field(() => [String])
      values: string[];
      @Field(() => [ConditionalOperator])
      operators: ConditionalOperator[];
    export class FilterDto implements Filter {
      @Field(() => LogicalOperator)
      logicalOperator: LogicalOperator;
      @Field(() => [FilterMemberDto])
      filters: FilterMemberDto[];
    export class OrderByDto implements OrderBy {
      @Field(() => [String])
      fields: string[];
      @Field(() => [String])
      values: TOrderDirection[];
    export class FindOptionsDto {
      @Field(() => FilterDto, { nullable: true })
      @ValidateNested({ each: true })
      @Type(() => FilterDto)
      where?: Filter;
      @Field(() => OrderByDto, { nullable: true })
      @ValidateNested({ each: true })
      @Type(() => OrderByDto)
      order?: OrderByDto;
    export { ConditionalOperator, LogicalOperator };

Note: Import ConditionalOperator and LogicalOperator from your code's src/lib/filter.ts in your controllers/resolvers/services/etc. This is because you've registered them in src/lib/filter.ts using registerEnumType(nestjs code-first approach). Therefore the metadata are associated with these. Hence importing them from 'typeorm-advanced-filter-util' and re-registering them elsewhere in your code will cause nestjs graphql to throw a duplicate type error.

Note: We used class-valdiator and class-transformer for validation

  1. Indto/get-organisations.dto.ts:
import { FindOptionsDto } from 'src/lib/filter.ts';
import {
} from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { Type } from 'class-transformer';
import { ValidateNested, IsOptional } from 'class-validator';

export class GetOrganisationsDto {
  @ValidateNested({ each: true })
  @Type(() => PaginationOptionsDto)
  @Field(() => PaginationOptionsDto)
  paginateOptions: PaginationOptionsDto;

  @ValidateNested({ each: true })
  @Type(() => FindOptionsDto)
  @Field(() => FindOptionsDto, { nullable: true })
  findOptions?: FindOptionsDto;

The PaginationOptionsDto was crafted with Pagination from nestjs-typeorm-paginate

  1. Inorganisation.resolver.ts
 @Query((_returns) => GetOrganisationsResponseDto)
 public async getOrganisations(
   getOrganisationsDto: GetOrganisationsDto,
 ): Promise<GetOrganisationsResponseDto> {

   return this.organisationSvc.getOrganisations(getOrganisationsDto);
  1. Inorganisation.service.ts
import { buildWhere, Filter , OrderBy, buildOrder} from 'typeorm-advanced-filter-util';
import { FindManyOptions, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import {
} from 'nestjs-typeorm-paginate';

public async getOrganisations(
   data: GetOrganisationsDto,
 ): Promise<GetOrganisationsResponseDto> {
   try {
     const { paginateOptions, findOptions } = data;
     const paginationOptions: IPaginationOptions<IPaginationMeta> = {
       ...(paginateOptions as IPaginationOptions),
       route: '/organisation',
     const searchOptions: FindManyOptions<OrganisationEntity> = {
       where: findOptions?.where ? buildWhere(<Filter>findOptions.where) : {},
       order: findOptions?.order
         ? buildOrder(<OrderBy>findOptions?.order)
         : {},
     const organisations = await paginate<OrganisationEntity>(

     return {
       error: [],
       status: HttpStatus.OK,
       organisations: getStruct(organisations),
   } catch (error) {
     return {
       error: [],
       status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
       organisations: null,

Notice we used nestjs-typeorm-paginate for pagination but you can use whatever applies in your implementation.

Logical Operators

Making an AND filter query/request

const mockFilterInput: Filter = {
      logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.AND,
      filters: [
          fields: ['firstname'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.ILike],
          values: ['%fred #%'],
          fields: ['lastname'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.Like],
          values: ['%Doh #%'],

Making an OR filter query/request

 const mockFilterInput: Filter = {
      logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.OR,
      filters: [
          fields: ['username'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.Equal],
          values: ['johndoe'],
          fields: ['email'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.Equal],
          values: [''],
          fields: ['phone'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.Equal],
          values: ['+233247000000'],

Making an AND OR filter query/request

const mockFilterInput: Filter = {

  const mockFilterInput: Filter = {
      logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.OR,
      filters: [
          fields: ['firstname', 'lastname', 'age'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.ILike, ConditionalOperator.ILike, ConditionalOperator.Equal],
          values: ['john', 'doe', '30'],
          fields: ['powerups'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.NotLessThan],
          values: ['400'],
          fields: ['ratings', 'likes'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.MoreThanOrEqual, ConditionalOperator.Between],
          values: ['3', JSON.stringify([100, 500])],
          fields: ['tags'],
          operators: [ConditionalOperator.In],
          values: [JSON.stringify(['courageous', 'strong', 'skillful'])],

Note: For array types like between, in, etc, make sure to JSON.stringify the array.

Issues, contributions etc are welcome. Thanks 😉


A filter utility for filtering database records when using TypeORM.







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