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Kubeflow Pipelines Kustomize Manifest Folder

Install Kubeflow Pipelines

This folder contains Kubeflow Pipelines Kustomize manifests for a light weight deployment. You can follow the instruction and deploy Kubeflow Pipelines in an existing cluster.

To install Kubeflow Pipelines, you have several options.

  • Via GCP AI Platform UI.
  • Via an upcoming commandline tool.
  • Via Kubectl with Kustomize, it's detailed here.

Install via Kustomize

Deploy latest version of Kubeflow Pipelines.

It uses following default settings.

  • image: latest released images
  • namespace: kubeflow
  • application name: pipeline

Option-1 Install it to any K8s cluster

It's based on in-cluster PersistentVolumeClaim storage.

kubectl apply -k cluster-scoped-resources/
kubectl wait crd/ --for condition=established --timeout=60s
kubectl apply -k env/platform-agnostic/
kubectl wait pods -l application-crd-id=kubeflow-pipelines -n kubeflow --for condition=Ready --timeout=1800s
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/ml-pipeline-ui 8080:80

Now you can access it via localhost:8080

Option-2 Install it to GCP with in-cluster PersistentVolumeClaim storage

It's based on in-cluster PersistentVolumeClaim storage. Additionally, it introduced a proxy in GCP to allow user easily access KFP safely.

kubectl apply -k cluster-scoped-resources/
kubectl wait crd/ --for condition=established --timeout=60s

kubectl apply -k env/dev/
kubectl wait applications/pipeline -n kubeflow --for condition=Ready --timeout=1800s

# Or visit
kubectl describe configmap inverse-proxy-config -n kubeflow | grep

Option-3 Install it to GCP with CloudSQL & GCS-Minio managed storage

Its storage is based on CloudSQL & GCS. It's better than others for production usage.

Please following sample for a customized installation.

Option-4 Install it to AWS with S3 and RDS MySQL

Its storage is based on S3 & AWS RDS. It's more natural for AWS users to use this option.

Please following AWS Instructions for installation.

Note: Community maintains a repo e2fyi/kubeflow-aws for AWS.


If the installation is based on CloudSQL/GCS, after the uninstall, the data is still there, reinstall a newer version can reuse the data.

### 1. namespace scoped
# Depends on how you installed it:
kubectl kustomize env/platform-agnostic | kubectl delete -f -
# or
kubectl kustomize env/dev | kubectl delete -f -
# or
kubectl kustomize env/gcp | kubectl delete -f -
# or
kubectl delete applications/pipeline -n kubeflow

### 2. cluster scoped
kubectl delete -k cluster-scoped-resources/


Permission error installing Kubeflow Pipelines to a cluster


kubectl create clusterrolebinding your-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=[your-user-name]

Samples requires "user-gcp-sa" secret

If sample code requires a "user-gcp-sa" secret, you could create one by

  • First download the GCE VM service account token Document

    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create application_default_credentials.json \
      --iam-account [SA-NAME]@[PROJECT-ID]
  • Run

    kubectl create secret -n [your-namespace] generic user-gcp-sa --from-file=user-gcp-sa.json=application_default_credentials.json`

Folder Structure


  • User facing manifest entrypoints are cluster-scoped-resources package and env/<env-name> package.
    • cluster-scoped-resources should collect all cluster-scoped resources.
    • env/<env-name> should collect env specific namespace-scoped resources.
    • Note, for multi-user envs, they already included cluster-scoped resources.
  • KFP core components live in base/<component-name> folders.
    • If a component requires cluster-scoped resources, it should have a folder inside named cluster-scoped with related resources, but note that base/<component-name>/kustomization.yaml shouldn't include the cluster-scoped folder. cluster-scoped folders should be collected by top level cluster-scoped-resources folder.
  • KFP core installations are in base/installs/<install-type>, they only include the core KFP components, not third party ones.
  • Third party components live in third-party/<component-name> folders.

For direct deployments

Env specific overlays live in env/<env-name> folders, they compose above components to get ready for directly deploying.

For downstream consumers

Please compose base/installs/<install-type> and third party dependencies based on your own requirements.


Constraints for namespaced installation we need to comply with (that drove above structure):

  • CRDs must be applied separately, because if we apply CRs in the same kubectl apply command, the CRD may not have been accepted by k8s api server (e.g. Application CRD).
  • A Kubeflow 1.0 constraint is that we should separate cluster scoped resources from namespace scoped resources, because sometimes different roles are required to deploy them. Cluster scoped resources usually need a cluster admin role, while namespaced resources can be deployed by individual teams managing a namespace.