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Folders and files

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Project Overview

In this project, we'll build a system that can automatically recognize speech and summarize it. This can be used for automatically transcribing and summarizing lecture recordings, podcasts, or videos.

We'll also include a way to hook up a microphone to automatically record and transcribe audio for live notetaking. This could be used to record and transcribe meetings in real-time.

By the end of this project, you'll have a speech to text project that you can continue to build on.

Project Steps

  • Create a speech recognition system using vosk
  • Add punctuation to the text transcript using recasepunc
  • Summarize the text using a huggingface summarization pipeline
  • Create a widget to record and transcribe live audio


You can find the code for this project here.

File overview:

  • voice.ipynb - the code to summarize text
  • marketplace.mp3 - a 45 second audio clip you can use to test the model
  • marketplace_full.mp3 - a 30 minute audio clip you can use to test the model
  • transcript.txt - the full transcript of marketplace_full

Local Setup


To follow this project, please install the following locally:

  • Python 3.8+
  • Python packages
    • vosk pip install vosk
    • pydub pip install pydub
    • transformers pip install transformers
    • torch pip install torch -f
    • pyaudio pip install pyaudio
    • ipywidgets pip install ipywidgets


You'll need to download a model file to run vosk properly. This will automatically download when you run this code:

from vosk import Model

The full vosk model is large (1+ GB). If you want to use it, just specify vosk-model-en-us-0.22 as the model name.


By default, vosk will output text with no punctuation. To add in punctuation, we'll need a different model. To get this, follow these steps:

  • Download the model here - caution: it's 1 GB+ in size.
  • Extract the zip file into the same directory as your code.


To summarize text, we'll need to download a summarization model. You can download a basic model from huggingface using this code:

from transformers import pipeline
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="t5-small")


Pyaudio can be a little tricky to install, since it depends on system packages. Check the homepage for specific instructions for each OS.


You'll want to download a couple of audio files to test the transcription with: