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AML Dialects 1.0

AML Dialect defines a set of constraints over a RDF data-model composed by a graph of nodes connected by properties.

In this data-model, all node types and properties have associated terms that must have been defined in a AML Vocabulary. Additionally, the AML Dialect also defines a mapping of this nodes over a set of modular documents (including partial definitions encoded in fragments and libraries of reusable components), that encode a mapping function capable of transforming document instances of the dialect encoded in YAML or JSON documents into RDF graphs encoded in JSON-LD documents.

An AML Dialect processor must accept this set of constraints and the projection over the modular documents and produce a parsing logic for the mapping function according to the syntactical rules defined in this specification.

Dialect declaration

Dialect documents are declared using the #%Dialect 1.0 header. Documents must provide a name for the dialect and a version number, using the dialect and version properties, respectively.

#%Dialect 1.0

dialect: Validation Profile

version: “1.0”

This information will be used to define the required declaration header for the document instances of the new dialect. In this example, dialect document instances must use the following document declaration header:

#%Validation Profile 1.0

The AML processor must have loaded the dialect definition in advance for the processor to be able to process the document instances. To solve this problem, authors of document instances can optionally provide information about the location of the dialect definition to processors, linking it directly in the header of the document instance:

#%Validation Profile 1.0 | <>

When encoding dialect document instances using JSON syntax, is not possible to use headers as it is the case in dialect document instances encoded using YAML syntax. In this case, a $dialect linking directive can be used to declare the dialect for the document instance:

  "$dialect": "Validation Profile 1.0"

Using vocabularies

Dialects provide a mapping from vocabulary terms to the structure of a graph of data nodes. The uses property can establish this mapping by importing vocabularies in the dialect document:

  validation: validation.aml

Class terms and property terms from the vocabulary can then be referenced using the alias declared in the vocabularies property.

In the definition of a dialect, the external property can also explicitly reference external vocabularies, as defined in the AML Vocabulary spec. For example we could use as an external vocabulary:


Node mappings

The property nodeMappings introduces the declaration of all the nodes in the model. The nodes describe the mapping of vocabulary terms to the type of the node and its properties, as well as the constraints associated with each node.

Nodes are declared as a map from node names to node definitions.

The type of each node must be defined by the classTerm property. Each node has also an associated mapping of node properties, defined by a label and a property mapping definition.

The following example defines a node mapping:


    classTerm: validation.Profile
        propertyTerm: schema-org.description

In this case, we declare a new type of node in the model profileNode and we associate the class term validation.Profile with the type of node. The mapping of properties include two properties: profile mapped to the property term; and description mapped to schema-org.description.

The meaning of this mapping can be provided using closed world semantics via W3C SHACL and defining a data shape constraint over the model data graph for the mapping we have just described:

base:profileNode rdf:type shacl:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetClass validation:Profile ;
  sh:property base:profileNode/property/profile ;
  sh:property base:profileNode/property/description .

base:profileNode/property/profile sh:path schema-org:name .

base:profileNode/property/description sh:path schema-org:description .

Once this node is mapped to a document instance, it can be used to encode information about a profile, using the labels for the properties declared in the mapping:

#%Validation Profile 1.0

profile: OpenAPI
description: a test validation profile for AMF

When parsed, this document will generate the following RDF data graph:

  rdfs:type validation:Profile ;
  schema-org:name "OpenAPI" ;
  schema-org.description "a test validation profile for AMF"

Property mappings

A property can be constrained over instances of the model when declaring the property mapping of a data node.

Property Description SHACL semantics
range allowed data type for the objects of the property shacl:datatype
mandatory the property must be present in the node, default false shacl:minCount 1
pattern a regular expression that must match the value of the property shacl:pattern
minimum minimum value for the property shacl:minInclusive
maximum maximum value for the property shacl:maxInclusive
enum closed set of values this property value must belong to shacl:in
allowMultiple multiple objects can be used in the value of this property, default false remove shacl:minCount

Some other properties in the property mapping can be used to define different ways of connecting the information in the document instance:

Property Description
sorted Indicates that the values of the property must be stored preserving the declaration order
mapKey declares a key nesting with the range node (see Nesting by key)
mapValue declares a value nesting with the range node (see Nesting by key value)

Finally, some properties can be used to allow users to work explicitly with unions of nodes:

Property Description
typeDiscriminator mapping from values to vocabulary classes used to disambiguate the type of node
typeDiscriminatorName name of the property used to declare the value of the discriminator

For example, the following property mapping will be translated into the SHACL constraint shape shown below:


    classTerm: validation.Profile
        mandatory: true
        pattern: [a-z]+[A-Za-z]*

SHACL constraint shape:

base:profileNode rdf:type shacl:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetClass validation:Profile ;
  sh:property base:profileNode/property/profile .

base:profileNode/property/profile sh:path schema-org:name ;
  sh:minCount 1 ;
  sh:pattern "[a-z]+[A-Za-z]*" .

Literal mappings

Property mappings can map literal propertyTerms from a vocabulary to scalar values in properties of the AST nodes in the document instance.

These mappings might have scalar data type in the mapping that will identify the correspondent XSD type associated to the mapping.

The list of valid literal mapping values and the associated XSD data type can be found in the following table:

Literal mapping Data type
string xsd:string
integer xsd:integer
boolean xsd:boolean
float xsd:float
decimal xsd:decimal
double xsd:double
duration xsd:duration
dateTime xsd:dateTime
time xsd:time
date xsd:date
anyUri xsd:anyUri
uri xsd:anyUri
anyType xsd:anyType
any xsd:anytype

An additional custom type is also available:

Literal mapping Custom data type Description
number shapes:number Any numeric data type

Using literal ranges in property mappings will introduce the corresponding SHACL constraint that will be used by the AML processor to validate the parsed document instance graph.

Data node mappings

Data node mappings can be connected to describe the full shape of the expected data model graph. This set of connected nodes also describe at the same time the full structure of the dialect document instance, understanding the property mappings defined in the dialect as a mapping function of the tree of AST nodes in the document instance over the generated output graph.

Nodes can be connected using different syntactic styles to allow more expressivity in the design of the dialect syntax using some of the allowed properties in a nodeMapping.

Simple node nesting

The simplest way of connecting node mappings is by specifying the reference of another node in the range property of the parent node:


    classTerm: validation.ShapeValidation
        range: string
        propertyTerm: shacl.message
        range: string

    classTerm: validation.Profile
        propertyTerm: validation.validations
        range: shapeValidationNode

In the previous example, we have defined two node mappings: profileNode and shapeValidationNode and we have connected them through the validations property mapped to the property term.

With these mappings, dialect document instances will validate the following syntax:

#%Validation Profile 1.0

profile: My Profile
  name: my validation
  message: this is a validation

The previous document, when parsed, will generate the following RDF graph:

  rdfs:type validation:ShapeValidation ;
  schema-org:name "My Profile" ;
  validation:validations [

    rdfs:type validation:ShapeValidation
    schema-org:name "my validation" ;
    schema-org:message "this is a validation"


The SHACL semantics for this way of nesting of nodes are shown in the following translation of the dialect mappings:

base:profileNode rdf:type shacl:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetClass validation:Profile ;
  sh:property base:profileNode/property/profile ;
  sh:property base:profileNode/property/validations .

base:profileNode/property/profile sh:path schema-org:name ;
  sh:datatype xsd:string .

base:profileNode/property/validations sh:path validation:validations ;
  sh:maxCount 1 ;
  sh:node base:shapeValidationNode .

base:shapeValidationNode rdf:type shacl:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetClass validation:ShapeValidation ;
  sh:property base:shapeValidationNode/property/name ;
  sh:property base:shapeValidationNode/property/message .

base:shapeValidationNode/property/name sh:path schema-org:name ;
  sh:datatype xsd:string .

base:shapeValidationNode/property/message sh:path sh:message ;
  sh:datatype xsd:string .

More than one node mapping can be specified as the range of a property mapping. In this case any of those data node shapes will satisfy the parsing and the SHACL validation:

    classTerm: validation.Profile
        propertyTerm: validation.validations
          - shapeValidationNode
          - queryValidationNode
          - functionValidationNode

SHACL semantics:

base:profileNode rdf:type shacl:NodeShape ;
  sh:targetClass validation:Profile ;
  sh:property base:profileNode/property/validations .

  sh:or (
      sh:maxCount 1 ;
      sh:path validation:validations ;
      sh:node base:shapeValidationNode ;
      sh:maxCount 1 ;
      sh:path validation:validations ;
      sh:node base:queryValidationNode ;
      sh:maxCount 1 ;
      sh:path validation:validations ;
      sh:node base:functionValidationNode ;
 ) .

Multiple node nesting

Optionally, the designer of the dialect can allow multiple values instead of a single one in the range of the mapped property. This can be expressed using the allowMultiple property with a value of true.


    classTerm: validation.ShapeValidation
        range: string
        propertyTerm: shacl.message
        range: string

    classTerm: validation.Profile
        propertyTerm: validation.validations
        range: shapeValidationNode
        allowMultiple: true

With these mappings, dialect document instances will have to use the following syntax:

#%Validation Profile 1.0

profile: My Profile
  - name: my validation
    message: this is a validation
  - name: other validation
    message: this is another message

In the SHACL mapping, the generation of the sh:maxCount 1 assertion would be omitted. By default the nested nodes will be stored in the graph without any particular order. The sorted boolean property can be used to enforce ordering in the nested nodes. In this case the generated graph will keep the nodes in an ordered RDF collection.



In AML it is possible to represent a sequence of nodes as a map. This can be achieved by introducing an extra layer of nesting between parent and child nodes. Take a look at the following examples:

Dialect (without nesting)

      range: string
      range: ChildNodeMapping
      allowMultiple: true

      range: string
      range: string

Without nesting

name: parent
  - name: child1
    favoriteColor: red
  - name: child2
    favoriteColor: blue

With nesting key

name: parent
    favoriteColor: red
    favoriteColor: blue

As it can be observed in the above example the children property used to have a sequence as its range which could be re-written as a map. This was done by introducing new keys associated with the name property of the child node. The name property will be known as the key-mapped property mapping (formal definition coming shortly) since its value is mapped from the keys of the extra nesting layer.

For some cases it is possible to go a step further and not only define a key-mapped property mapping but also to define a value-mapped property mapping. Take a look at the following example:

Dialect (without nesting)

      range: string
      range: ColorNodeMapping
      allowMultiple: true

      range: string
      range: string

Without nesting

name: Color palette
  - name: red
    code: FF0000
  - name: blue
    code: 0000FF

With nesting key and value

name: Color palette
  red: FF0000
  blue: 0000FF

In the first example, with nesting keys only, the value of the extra nesting layer was mapped to the rest of the node mapping as any other node-node mapping pair. With node value mapping, the value of the extra nesting layer gets mapped to another property mapping without having to specify the property mapping label like name or code for each color. Both the color name and code properties where mapped from the keys and values of the map.

Feature definition

In AML it is possible to:

  • Map only the key of a key-value entry to a property mapping value by its name
  • Map both key and value of a key-value to a pair of property mappings values by their names

These changes are merely syntactical; neither the parsed graph for the dialect instance, nor the SHACL semantics for the constraint are affected by nesting.

Concepts definition

To add this extra nesting level it is necessary to have two node mappings in the dialect definition in which one is the range of some property mapping of the other (e.g. PaletteNodeMapping & ColorNodeMapping).

The mentioned node and property mappings are defined as follows:

Source node mapping: is the node mapping responsible for parsing the dialect instance node higher in the nesting hierarchy (e.g. PaletteNodeMapping)

Range node mapping: is the node mapping responsible for parsing the dialect instance node lower in the nesting hierarchy (e.g. ColorNodeMapping)

Source property mapping: is the property mapping (in the source node mapping) that connects the source node mapping and the range node mapping via its range (e.g. PalatteNodeMapping.colors)

How to include nesting in Dialect definitions

Mapping only the key

To map the key of a key-value entry in the dialect instance to the value of some property mapping in the range node mapping it is necessary to define a mapKey facet in the source property mapping:

  • mapKey selects the property mapping in the range node mapping to map to the key by its name

The target property mapping of the mapKey facet is defined as the key-mapped property mapping.

Consideration case for unions

If the range node mapping was a union node mapping it is required that either:

  • Every union member provides a definition for the key-mapped property mapping.
  • The mapKey facet defines a property mapping from each union member

It is also required that removing the label of the key-mapped property mapping does not introduce ambiguities (see [Selecting the appropriate member from a union when parsing a document instance](#Selecting the appropriate member from a union when parsing a document instance))

Example 1: simple definition

Dialect with nesting

      range: Range
      mapKey: keyProperty

      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string
      range: string

With nesting

    propertyA: valueOfPropertyA
    propertyB: valueOfPropertyB

As it can be seen in the dialect definition from the above example, there are two node mappings Source and Range being these the source node mapping and range node mapping respectfully. Source defines a property mapping sourceProperty (the source property mapping) whose range is Range and map key is keyProperty.

In the dialect instance, the value of the sourceProperty is a map containing only one entry with key valueOfKeyProperty and value another map (nested map). Since the keyProperty property mapping was marked as the map key of sourceProperty, the key valueOfKeyProperty will be set as the value of the keyProperty property mapping. For this same reason it will not be necessary to write explicitly the keyProperty name for it. On the other hand, the value of the mentioned key-value entry (the nested map) contains the entries for the reminder property mappings propertyA and propertyB.

The below example shows how the dialect instance would look if no map key was defined for sourceProperty:

Without nesting:

  keyProperty: valueOfKeyProperty
  propertyA: valueOfPropertyA
  propertyB: valueOfPropertyB

Notice that all the property mappings (keyProperty, propertyA, propertyB) from the range node mapping (Range) have the same nesting level.

Example 2: unions with same property mapping

Dialect with nesting

      range: UnionRange
      mapKey: keyProperty # defined in all members

    - MemberA
    - MemberB
    - MemberC
      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string
      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string
      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string

With nesting

  nodeA: # MemberA.keyProperty
    propertyA: hello # MemberA.propertyA
  nodeB: # MemberB.keyProperty
    propertyB: hello # MemberB.propertyB
  nodeC: # MemberC.keyProperty
    propertyC: hello # MemberC.propertyC
Example #: unions with different property mappings

Dialect with nesting

      range: UnionRange
        MemberA: keyPropertyA
        MemberB: keyPropertyB
        MemberC: keyPropertyC
    - MemberA
    - MemberB
    - MemberC
      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string
      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string
      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string

With nesting

  nodeA: # MemberA.keyPropertyA
    propertyA: hello # MemberA.propertyA
  nodeB: # MemberB.keyPropertyB
    propertyB: hello # MemberB.propertyB
  nodeC: # MemberC.keyPropertyC
    propertyC: hello # MemberC.propertyC
Validation of key mapping definitions

Failing to meet the following conditions will raise a violation in the dialect definition:

  • Only property mappings with literal ranges can be defined as key-mapped property mapping

  • For non-union range node mappings, the value of the mapKey facet should match some property mapping in the range node mapping by either its name

  • For union range node mappings, the value of the mapKey facet should either:

    • Match some common property mapping in all union members
    • Define an existing property mapping for each and every union member from the in the range node mapping in a map with the syntax UnionMember: propertyMappingFromUnionMember
  • Removing the key-mapped property mapping label does not introduce ambiguities in union member selection

Mapping both key and value

To map the value of a key-value entry in the dialect instance to the value of some property mapping in the range node mapping the mapValue facet must be defined in the source property mapping (having already defined a mapKey facet):

  • mapValue selects the property mapping in the range node mapping to map to the value by its name

The target property mapping of the mapValue facet is defined as the value-mapped property mapping

Consideration case for unions

It is not possible to define a value mapping when the range node mapping is a union node mapping.

Example 1

Imagine you want to generate in the graph a list labels, with a name property for the label name and a value property for the value of the label.

You could declare the syntax in your dialect as a map of key-value pairs in the following way:

    classTerm: myvocab.Label
        propertyTerm: myvocab.labelName
        range: string
        propertyTerm: myvocab.labelValue
        range: string
    classTerm: myvocab.TopLevel
        propertyTerm: myvocab.labels
        range: LabelNode
        mapKey: name
        mapValue: value

Using this syntax a document for this dialect could declare a list of labels in the following way:

  label1: a
  label2: b

The generated RDF graph will look like this:

  rdf:type myvocab:TopLevel ;
  myvocab:labels [
    rdf:type myvocab.Label
    myvocab:labelName "label1" ;
    myvocab:labelValue "a"
  ] , [
    rdf:type myvocab.Label
    myvocab:labelName "label2" ;
    myvocab:labelValue "b"
Validation of nesting with value mapping

Failing to meet the following conditions will raise a violation in the dialect definition:

  • Only property mappings with literal ranges can be defined as value-mapped property mapping (allowMultiple: true is accepted)
  • The mapValue facet can only be defined if mapKey is defined (and valid) as well
  • The value of the mapValue facet should match some property mapping in the range node mapping by its name
  • The value of the mapValue facet cannot match the same property mapping as the mapKey facet
  • Mandatory property mappings in the range node mapping must be either key-mapped or value-mapped property mappings
  • Union node mappings cannot be defined as range node mappings with key-value nesting

Some considerations for nesting & further validations

  • The range of the source property mapping will allow multiple objects in its value (defaults to allowMultiple: true). Setting the allowMultiple facet to false will result in a violation in the dialect definition.
  • When mapping both key and value, additional non-mandatory property mappings which are neither key-mapped nor value-mapped will not be parsed. This is valid behavior. Nevertheless these scenarios should result in a warning in the dialect definition to prevent undesired behaviors.
  • Value-mapped property mappings allow only scalar ranges. Other modeling alternatives are should be used when a map is needed as the range of a value-mapped property mapping, like extracting a new node mapping and using only key-mapped property mappings.
  • Unions are allowed only when defining key-mapped properties. Unions allow to unify different node mapping structures into a single one. When defining both key-mapped and value-mapped property mappings the structure for every value of the source property mapping shares the same structure key:value (since value-mapped property mappings have literal ranges).


Unions are a mechanism for declaring a set of nodeMappings (literals not supported) that can be used in different parts of a dialect. Each of the node mappings in a union is called a member of that union.

Dialects support declaring two kinds of unions. These are:

  • Union range: union set as the range of a property mapping
  • Union node: union set as an independent node mapping

Union range

To declare a union range a non-empty array of nodeMappings members must be specified as the value for the of the range facet of a property mapping

For example:

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Union Range
version: 1.0
      allowMultiple: true
        propertyTerm: vocab.unionProp
        range: [ A, B ]

Union node

To declare a union node a non-empty array of nodeMappings members must be specified as the value for the of the union facet of a node mapping

For example:

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Union Node
version: 1.0
      - A
      - B

Union nodes cannot define additional property mappings

Selecting the appropriate member from a union when parsing a document instance

The AML processor must be able to disambiguate the appropriate union member to parse when parsing a document instance. To achieve that disambiguation the AML processor requires hints to make the selection. Those hints can be obtained via two mechanisms:

  • Implicitly using Schema inference
  • Explicitly using Type discriminators

Schema inference

In schema inference the AML processor automatically selects the appropriate union member based on hints provided by the schema represented by a node mapping.

It selects the union member for which the node in the document instance can be bound to its set of property mappings. This means the node in the document instance defined values for at least the mandatory properties of the union member, regardless if those values are valid or not.

If the ability to bind property mappings is satisfied for more than one union member this will be considered ambiguous and invalid.

To avoid ambiguity it is required that in the dialect definition:

  • The set of property mapping names in each union member is not equal to any other union member's same set.

Failing to meet this condition will result in a violation because it introduces un-avoidable ambiguity (see example 4)

To avoid ambiguity it is recommended that in the dialect definition:

  • All members of a union define at least one mandatory property
  • The set of mandatory property mappings names in each union member is not equal to any other union member's same set.

Failing to meet these conditions will result in warnings because it can introduce eventual ambiguity (see example 3)

Note: only property mapping names are checked because ranges can be other sources of ambiguity

Example 1: no ambiguity

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Union Node
version: 1.0
        range: string
        mandatory: true
        range: string
        mandatory: true
        range: string
        mandatory: true
        range: string
        mandatory: true

      - A
      - B

This node will be parsed as node A because only node A's property mappings can be bounded

propertyA: some value for property A
propertyX: some value for property X

Example 2: no ambiguity

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Union Node
version: 1.0
        range: string
        mandatory: true
        range: string
        mandatory: true
        range: string
        mandatory: false
        range: string
        mandatory: true

      - A
      - B

This node will be parsed as node A because only node A's property mappings can be bounded

propertyA: some value for property A
propertyX: some value for property X

This node will be parsed as node B because only node B's property mappings can be bounded

propertyB: some value for property B
propertyX: some value for property X

This node will be parsed as node B because only node B's property mappings can be bounded (propertyB is optional while propertyA is mandatory)

propertyX: some value for property X

Example 3: eventual ambiguity

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Union Node
version: 1.0
        range: string
        mandatory: false
        range: string
        mandatory: true
        range: string
        mandatory: false
        range: string
        mandatory: true

      - A
      - B

This node will be parsed as node A because only node A's property mappings can be bounded

propertyA: some value for property A
propertyX: some value for property X

This node will be parsed as node B because only node B's property mappings can be bounded

propertyB: some value for property B
propertyX: some value for property X

This node is ambiguous because both set of property mappings (from nodes A & B) can be bounded. Recall that both propertyA & propertyB are non mandatory so this node could be parsed as either node A or node B.

propertyX: some value for property X

Example 4: un-avoidable ambiguity

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Union Node
version: 1.0
        range: integer
        mandatory: true
        range: string
        mandatory: true

      - A
      - B

In this example ambiguity cannot be avoided by dialect definition. Recall that only property mapping names are checked for ambiguity.

Type discriminators

Type discriminators are explicit hints defined by the dialect that tell the AML processor which union member to select

The dialect must define a special property as the typeDiscriminatorName and a series of distinct values that can be bound to such property. Each of those values must be listed under the typeDiscriminator facet and must define a 1-to-1 correspondence with each of the union members.

Discriminator properties do not have semantics, their only purpose is to disambiguate between union members.

Discriminators can be defined for both Union nodes and Union ranges

Example using Union nodes:

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Test Unions
version: 1.0

        propertyTerm: vocab.text
        range: string
        propertyTerm: vocab.text
        range: string

      - A
      - B  
    typeDiscriminatorName: kind
      TypeA: A
      TypeB: B

This example will be parsed as node A because the value of the kind property marked as discriminator is TypeA which corresponds with the A node as marked in the typeDiscriminator facet.

text: Hello world
kind: TypeA

Example using Union ranges:

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Test Unions
version: 1.0

        propertyTerm: vocab.text
        range: string
        propertyTerm: vocab.text
        range: string

        propertyTerm: vocab.unionProp
          range: [ A, B ]
          allowMultiple: true
          typeDiscriminatorName: kind
            TypeA: A
            TypeB: B

In this case the first element of the unionProperty will be parsed as node A and the second as node B for the same reason as in the previous example.

  - text: This will be parsed as node A
    kind: TypeA
  - text: This will be parsed as node B
    kind: TypeB 

The rules for defining discriminators are following:

  • Both typeDiscriminator and typeDiscriminatorName facets must be defined in conjunction with non-null values
  • Both typeDiscriminator and typeDiscriminatorName can only be defined for union nodes or union ranges
  • The values listed in the typeDiscriminator facet must be distinct and have a 1-to-1 correspondence with each union member
  • The typeDiscriminatorName facet cannot define a type discriminator property which overrides any property mapping from any of the union members
  • The typeDiscriminatorName facet cannot define a type discriminator property which overrides any type discriminator property from any of the union members

If a document instance defines as the value of the type discriminator property a value which is not included in the list defined by the typeDiscriminator facet, that instance is invalid.

Invalid example:

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Test Unions
version: 1.0

        propertyTerm: vocab.text
        range: string
        propertyTerm: vocab.text
        range: string

      - A
      - B  
    typeDiscriminatorName: kind
      TypeA: A
      TypeB: B

This example is invalid because TypeC is not listed in the typeDiscriminator facet.

text: Hello world
kind: TypeC

Note: the use of discriminators is recommended because they erase the posbility of ambiguity

Document model mapping

To use the node mappings and constraints defined in the dialect to support new types of documents, we must map the node mappings to the different types of modular documents supported by AML:

  • Documents: stand-alone documents that can encode a main element of the domain and declare auxiliary elements that then can be referenced in the document
  • Modules: libraries containing sets of declarations of reusable definitions that can be referenced from other types of documents
  • Fragments: non-standalone documents encoding a single element that can be included in other types of documents

The mapping in a dialect is achieved through the documents property. The value of this property is a mapping with 3 possible keys:

Property Description
root nodes that can be declared and encoded in the root document for the dialect
module nodes that can be declared in a library for the dialect
fragments nodes that can be encoded into fragments for the dialect

Defining the root document mapping

Root documents can encode one type of node, and declare many types of nodes using the following properties:

Property Description
encodes main node mapping that will be encoded at the root level of the dialect document
declares mapping from declaration key to the type of nodes that can be declared for that key

Consider the following example mapping:


    classTerm: validation.ShapeValidation
        range: string
        propertyTerm: shacl.message
        range: string

    classTerm: validation.Profile
        propertyTerm: validation.validations
        range: shapeValidationNode
        allowMultiple: true


    encodes: profileNode
      localValidations: shapeValidationNode

We are stating that the modular documents for this dialect will encode a profileNode mapping and will be able to declare shapeValidationNodes introduced by the property localValidations.

For example:

#%Validation Profile 1.0

# the declarations here
    name: my validation
    message: this is a message

# the main encoded element
profile: My Profile
  - validation1 # using the declaration

Defining module mappings

Modules can declare multiple elements that then can be reused from other documents using the library.

The module mapping can be defined using the following properties:

Property Description
declares mapping from declaration key to the type of nodes that can be declared for that key

Consider the following example mapping:


    classTerm: validation.ShapeValidation
        range: string
        propertyTerm: shacl.message
        range: string

    classTerm: validation.Profile
        propertyTerm: validation.validations
        range: shapeValidationNode
        allowMultiple: true


    encodes: profileNode
      localValidations: shapeValidationNode

      libraryValidations: shapeValidationNode

We have expanded the documents mapping to support libraries of validations, declared using the property libraryValidatons.

For example:

#%Library / Validation Profile 1.0

# Starting the declarations here

    name: my validation
    message: this is a message

    name: other validation
    message: this is the other message

In the declaration of the AML dialect, we need to provide to the dialect processor the identifier of the dialect. The dialect processor can then determine how to parse the document.

From the main dialect document we can use the library using a library alias reference introduced with the uses keyword or through $ref link:

#%Validation Profile 1.0

# using the library
  vals: validations_library.yaml

# the main encoded element
profile: My Profile
  - vals.validation1 # using the declaration

Defining fragment mappings

Fragments are not-stand-alone documents that need to be included in other documents to be re-used.

We can define which types of fragments are supported in our dialect using the fragments property and the nested encodes property.

The value of this property is a mapping from fragment header identifier to node mapping that the fragment must satisfy:

Property Description
encodes mapping from fragment header identifier to the type of nodes that can be encoded in that fragment

Consider the following mapping:


    classTerm: validation.ShapeValidation
        range: string
        propertyTerm: shacl.message
        range: string

    classTerm: validation.Profile
        propertyTerm: validation.validations
        range: shapeValidationNode
        allowMultiple: true


    encodes: profileNode
      localValidations: shapeValidationNode

      Validation: shapeValidationNode

With this mapping, we can define a fragment for the dialect with the following shape validation:

#%Validation / Validation Profile 1.0

# the encoded validation
name: my validation
message: this is a message

This fragment can be used from the main dialect document through a !include link:

#%Validation Profile 1.0

# the main encoded element
profile: My Profile
  - !include validation_fragment.yaml

Document model mapping options

The document model mapping can be customized with the following options inside the options property. These apply to all the defined documents in the document mapping.

Property Description Values
selfEncoded Indicates if the base unit URI is the same as the URI of the encoded node in the unit true: same URI
false (default): different URIs
declarationsPath Location for parsed declarations IDs string.
Example: some/path/to/declarations
keyProperty Indicates if the dialect to parse a dialect instance is identified by a property or a header true: identified by property DIALECT_NAME: DIALECT_VERSION
false (default): identified by header #%DIALECT_NAME DIALECT_VERSION
referenceStyle Determines the style for inclusions between the defined documents in the document mapping RamlStyle (default): inclusions using !include tag
JsonSchemaStyle inclusions using $ref map

Dynamic composition of documents

Sometimes is not possible to know in advance which kind of documents are going to be composed, or we want to provide an expansion point in our dialect where other types of documents from external dialects are linked.

We can achieve this declaring dynamic property mappings, using the special value anyNode as the value of the range property in the mapping.

Consider the following example:

#%Dialect 1.0
dialect: Test Dynamic Node
version: 1.0


    classTerm: v.Root
        propertyTerm: v.dynamic
        range: anyNode

    encodes: RootNode

In this case the range of the dynamic property mapping in the RootNode has been declared to be anyNode that means that any valid node can be inserted in that position of the AST of the document.

For example, any fragment can be included:

#%Test Dynamic Node 1.0

dynamic: !include external_fragment.yaml

In order for the AML processor to be able to parse the external fragments the document instance must include the explicit link to the dialect in the document header.

Dynamic nodes can also be declared inline nested under the dynamic nodes. In this case, in order for the AML processor to be able to parse the nested AST, the nodeMapping in the external dialect must be declared in the top level node of the dynamic tree using the $dialect linking directive. Notice that the reference must be a JSON pointer to the node mapping in the external dialect, not only to the dialect document.

For example:

#%Test Dynamic Node 1.0

  $dialect: external_dialect.yaml#/declarations/TopLevelNode
  label: this is declared in ‘TopLevelNode’ of ‘external_dialect.yaml’

ID/URI generation and customization

By default every AML processor must generate automatic URIs identifying every node in the parsed information graph. URIs will be generated as hash URIs based on the location of the parsed node in the document AST.

The root node of the document will be identified by the #/ fragment. Declarations will be introduced by fragments using the declaration value defined in the document mapping.

Node mappings declarations in a dialect document will be defined under the #/declarations fragment path.

The final ID/URI associated to a node in the parsed graph can be controlled using the $id directive. The value of $id can be a relative or absolute URI that will be used to identify the parsed node for that AST node in the output graph.

Overriding the base of an ID/URI

The different ID/URI generation mechanisms can be combined with the $base directive to override the base of an ID/URI.

We define the base of a URI as

The beginning part of a URI until the first (inclusive) '#' character or else the first '/' (inclusive) character (excluding the ones from the protocol) if no '#' character is defined

The $base directive can be used from the document to replace the base (as defined above) by the value defined by such directive.

The $base directive replaces the base for any ID, regardless if it was set explicitly by some mechanisms such as idTemplate or the $id directive, or if it was automatically generated by the AML processor.

Example 1: idTemplate base delimited by '#'


        mandatory: true
        range: string
    idTemplate: "{a}" 

Document without base:

a: my-resource

parses to:

{ "@id": "" }

Document with base:

a: my-resource

parses to:

{ "@id": "" }

Example 2: idTemplate base delimited by '/'


        mandatory: true
        range: string
    idTemplate: "{a}" ## first '/' after

Document without base:

a: my-resource

parses to:

{ "@id": "" }

Document with base:

a: my-resource

parses to:

{ "@id": "" }

Example 3: $id base delimited by '#'

Document without base:

some-property: some-value

parses to:

{ "@id": "" }

Document with base:

some-property: some-value

parses to:

{ "@id": "" }

$base for idTemplate

Defining idTemaplate in the dialect might generate some unwanted situations when overriding the base. Concretely, the following two definitions might be unwanted:

  • Template variables defined in the base causing the $base directive to override them (e.g. idTemplate: http://{env}{resource}, here the env variable will be overwritten by $base).

    This will result in a warning in the dialect definition.

  • Templates that only consist of a base URI causing the $base directive to override the full template (e.g. idTemplate: htpp://, here the full template will be overwritten by $base)

    This will NOT result in any warnings/violations in the dialect definition.

ID templates


ID template is a mechanism to set the ID of a parsed node (from a dialect instance) using the value of different properties of the node (in that dialect instance).

Declaring an ID template

ID templates are specified in the dialect definition. These are set using the idTemplate facet for the node mapping responsible for parsing the desired node. The value of an idTemplate facet must be a string which can include zero or more ID template variables written between curly braces (e.g. {myTemplateVariable}). ID template variables must match one of the property mappings in that same node declared in that same node.

Union nodes cannot set ID templates because these don't declare property mappings. ID templates must be set for each union member.

Setting the parsed node ID with an ID template

When parsing a dialect instance, the ID template variables get replaced by the actual URL-encoded values (a.k.a. percent-encoded) of the matching property mappings. The resulting string must be a valid URI which will be assigned as that node's ID.

Note: The corresponding properties will contain the original non URL-encoded value.

Valid examples

Example 1: simple case

      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
      range: string
      range: string
Dialect Instance
countryName: Argentina
personId: 1562340
firstName: Lionel
lastName: Messi
Parsed node
  "@id": "",
  "countryName": "Argentina",
  "personId": "1562340",
  "firstName": "Lionel",
  "lastName": "Messi"

Notice that the ID of the parsed node gets set using the provided template, replacing the template variables {countryName} and {personId} with the values of the parsed property mappings countryName and personId, which in this case are Argentina and 1562340

Example 2: URL-encoded string

      range: string
      mandatory: true
      unique: true
Dialect Instance
fullName: Lionel Messi
Parsed node
  "@id": "",
  "fullName": "Lionel Messi"

Notice that the space character ' ' in the dialect instance gets encoded as %20 in the node ID but keeps its original value in the parsed property.

Validation of an ID template definition

When not met the following conditions will raise a violation in the dialect definition:

  • An ID template variable does not match any property mapping
  • An ID template variable matches a non-mandatory property mapping
  • An ID template variable matches a non-unique property mapping
  • An ID template variable matches a property mapping with a non-scalar range
  • An ID template variable matches a property mapping that allows multiple values (allowMultiple: true)
  • Defining an ID template on a union node
  • Defining an ID template which will never produce a valid URI

Document nodes linking

In AML it is possible to link nodes directly in the parsed graph. This is done by enabling linking in the dialect definition. Example of linked nodes can be:

  • Nodes from the same document
  • Nodes from other documents parsed with the same dialect
  • Nodes form other documents parsed with a different dialect

AML linking is enabled in the dialect definition using the isLink: [boolean] facet for a property mapping.


Link target

Target node: is the node which will be the target of the link property

Target document: is the document which defines the target node

Target node mapping: is the node mapping responsible for parsing the target node. It is the range of the link property mapping. It can be defined either within the same dialect, in a dialect library or in a fragment.

Target dialect/library: is the dialect/library which defines the target node mapping. If the target node mapping is defined in a fragment, then it is the dialect/library that includes that fragment.

Link source

Source node: is the node which is parsed with the link property mapping

Source document: is the document which defines the source node

Source node mapping: is the node which defined the link property mapping

Source dialect/library: is the dialect/library which defines the source node mapping. If the source node mapping is defined in a fragment, then it is the dialect/library that includes that fragment.

Example usage

Source node mapping:

      range: Person
      isLink: true

Source document:


Parsed source document:

  "@id": "...",
  "@type": ["#/declarations/MyNode", "meta:DialectDomainElement", "document:DomainElement"],
  "data:myLinkProperty": {
    "@id": "",
    "@type": ["#/declarations/Person", "meta:DialectDomainElement", "document:DomainElement"]

In this example we define that the property myLinkProperty which points to a node of type Person is a link. This means that, in the document, the value of the myLinkProperty will be used to construct the ID of the target node. This can be seen in the ID of the node value of the data:myLinkProperty property in the parsed source document.

Another important aspect to notice is that links are typed. The node value of the data:myLinkProperty property in the parsed source document has a @type property which includes the original Person type we have defined in the source dialect.

Target node IDs can be constructed in two ways: URI links and ID template links.

URI links

URI links are the most straight forward. These are defined as:

URI link: link property value which represents the URI of the target node

In URI links the ID of the target node is provided "as-is" in the document. This ID can be represented in multiple ways:

  • A string representation with the URI of the target node
  • A map representation containing the $id entry

Example usage

Source node mapping:
      range: Person
      allowMultiple: true
      isLink: true
Source document:
  -           # URI link string
  - $id:      # URI link map

In this example all of the nodes in the array point to the same node using different representations of URI links. URI links can point to any node regardless of where it was defined, as long a URI is provided for it.

ID template links

ID template links re-use idTemplate definitions from the target node mapping to construct links target URIs. ID template links are defined as follows:

ID template links: link property map value that represents the values for the variables defined in the id template of the target node mapping

In practice these are maps of property-scalar values. The target node ID will be formed in the same way as a non-link node ID with idTemplate. For more information see the idTemplate documentation.


Target node mapping:
      range: string
      renge: string
Target document:
# Target node ->
a: people
b: JohnDoe
Source node mapping:
      range: TargetNodeMapping
      isLink: true
Source document:
myLinkProperty: # Link to
  a: people
  b: JohnDoe

As you can see in the above example, both the target node and the link node use the same ID template definition to construct the node ID & target ID respectively.


Links are validated as follows:

  • Scalars cannot be linked, setting a scalar as the range of a link property mapping will result in a violation in the source dialect definition (because scalars are not nodes with IDs)
  • $id directive from URI Links cannot be mixed with variable definitions from the idTemplate from ID Template Links. Mixing both mechanisms will result in a violation in the source document definition.

Both URI Links and ID Template Links support the use of the $base directive. When using the $base directive all the validations described in the $base definition apply to links as well. For more information see the $base documentation in the spec.

Validation for URI Links

URI links also include the following extra validations:

  • Defining $base without $id will result in a violation in the source document definition

Validation for ID Template links

When using the ID Template links all the validations described in the idTemplate definition apply to ID Template Links as well.

ID Template Links also include the following extra validations:

  • Defining properties in the document which do not relate to variables in the idTemplate will result in violations in the source document definition. The only exception are discriminator properties when the target node mapping is a union node (for more info see the discriminator definition).

Node mapping extension

In AML it is possible to extend node mappings definitions with the extends facet.

The value of the extends facet should be the name of another node mapping, which called the Parent node mapping. The node defining the extends facet will be called consequently the Child node mapping.

Extending a node mapping reuses the definitions from the parent node mapping that are not defined in the child node mapping. These include:

  • Property mappings
  • ID Templates

Property mappings in the child node mapping that share the same name as some property mapping the parent node mapping override that parent property mapping. In the same way ID Templates defined in the child node mapping override ID Templates defined in the parent node mapping.

Extension is neither subtyping nor polymorphism

In AML node mapping extension is purely structural. This means that when parsing a dialect instance node the node mapping responsible for parsing that node is a combination of the mapping structure defined in the parent and child node mappings.

Semantics are not affected by extension. Class terms from parent node mapping are not reflected in child node mapping. The hierarchical relationship between semantic terms should be represented in an AML Vocabulary, not in a dialect.

The best approximation for polymorphism are union nodes. These allow to group several node mappings into one single node mapping. The relationship between a union node and each of its members in neither hierarchical nor semantic, it is only structural, just like in node mapping extension. See Unions for more details.


Example 1: basic extension

  classTerm: myExternal.ParentClass
      propertyTerm: myExternal.parentProperty
      range: string

  classTerm: myExternal.ChildClass
  extends: ParentNodeMapping
      propertyTerm: myExternal.childProperty
      range: string
Dialect instance (ChildNodeMapping)
parentName: Anakin Skywalker
childName: Luke Skywalker
Parsed node
  "@id": "...instance.yaml#/encodes",
  "@type": [
  "": "Anakin Skywalker",
  "": "Luke Skywalker"

As seen in the above example, the parsed node contains both properties:

  • derived from the parent property mapping parentName
  • derived from the child property mapping childName

Notice that only the class term was included in the @types facet of the node. This is due to the structural non-semantic relationship of node mapping extension.

Example 2: property mapping override

  classTerm: myExternal.ParentClass
      propertyTerm: myExternal.parentProperty
      range: string
  classTerm: myExternal.ChildClass
  extends: ParentNodeMapping
      propertyTerm: myExternal.childProperty
      range: string
Dialect instance (ChildNodeMapping)
myProperty: I'm overriden by the child property mapping
Parsed node
  "@id": "...instance.yaml#/encodes",
  "@type": [
  "": "I'm overriden by the child property mapping"

The above example showcases a child property mapping that overrides a parent property mapping.

Both the child and parent node define the myProperty property mapping, each mapping to and respectfully. As seen in the parsed node the overrides the because both share the same myProperty property mapping name.

Example 3: ID Template extension

  classTerm: myExternal.ParentClass
      propertyTerm: myExternal.parentProperty
      range: string
      mandatory: true
  classTerm: myExternal.ChildClass
  extends: ParentNodeMapping
      propertyTerm: myExternal.childProperty
      range: string
      mandatory: true
Dialect instance (ChildNodeMapping)
nodeId: my-example-node
Parsed node
  "@id": "",
  "@type": [
  "": "my-example-node"

In the above example the parent node defines an ID Template which is reused by the child node. This can be seen in the parsed node as its ID matches the template definition from the parent while the nodeId property mapping matches the child property

Notice that ID Template variables must match property mappings in the parent node mapping definition which can be then optionally overriden by child property mappings. See ID Templates.


Node mapping extension definition validations:

  1. Defining node mapping extensions in which either the parent or child node mapping is a union node will raise a violation in the dialect definition. Union nodes cannot define property mappings nor ID Templates so it does not make sense to define extensions between these and will be considered an error.
  2. ID Template definitions from parent node mappings are validated in child mappings as if were defined by the child node mapping. All the mentioned validations in ID Templates apply for child node mappings as well.
  3. Property mappings from parent node mappings cannot share property terms with any of the property mappings from the child node. Doing so will result in a violation in the dialect definition.

Node mapping extension dialect instance validations:

  1. Non-overriden property mappings from parent node mappings will produce the same validations in child node mappings as if were defined by the child node mapping in dialect instance validation. Example: defining a mandatory property mapping in the parent node means that nodes parsed with either the parent or child node mappings must satisfy this mandatory property mapping (unless overriden by the child node).

Reference styles

AML processors must support three different styles of references across the modular document instances for a dialect:

Include references

Include references marked by the referencing directive introduced by the strings !include or $include can be used to reference to the encoded node of a fragment

Library aliases

Nodes collected in a reusable library document can be referenced in a target document using a library alias using the use keyword to introduce the library alias and then a {alias}.{declaration} notation for the actual node reference

Hash references

Hash references, introduced by the $ref referencing directive whose value must be the ID/URI of the referenced element, for example within a library.

Dialect references

Dialect references, introduced by the $dialect referencing directive can be used to provide information about the dialect for a full document, for example, when using JSON syntax for a dialect instance document or for the node mapping in a dynamic node.
