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forked from chevdor/subwasm

Subwasm is a cli utility to inside a Substrate WASM Runtime. It can inspect and compare the metadata of Substrate based runtimes such as Polkadot or Kusama.


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Unfortunately, the crate of the project and its dependencies are squatted on The squatter remains unresponsive and the team does not care. I strongly recommend NOT to install the old version from Check the Install chapter below to see how to install from this repo or use the official binary packages.


The metadata of a given runtime is a critical piece of information as it describes how one can interact with the runtime, what operations are possible and what are the signatures of the calls. It contains the exhaustive list of all the features publicly exposed by the runtime.

This tool only works with Substrate-based runtimes which are >=V11. For earlier versions, you’ll need to connect to an archive node.

Any node can be queried to provide its current metadata. This can be displayed in json format for instance. This is a great way to have a peek at what the runtime can do.

Sample runs

subwasm get

subwasm info

subwasm meta

subwasm diff


subwasm allows:

  • getting the latest metadata from a running node

  • getting the latest runtime (wasm) from a running node

  • getting runtime and metadata at any point of time using a Block hash as reference

  • getting the metadata from a a wasm file without any node

  • extracting information (those not requiring storage) from a runtime as wasm file

  • (de)compress a given runtime WASM


Using Cargo

cargo install --locked --git --tag v0.16.1


MacOS Homebrew users can use:

brew tap chevdor/subwasm
brew install subwasm


wget -O subwasm.deb
sudo dpkg -i subwasm.deb
subwasm --help


Command: --help

`subwasm` allows fetching, parsing and calling some methods on WASM runtimes of Substrate based chains

Usage: subwasm [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  get         Get/Download the runtime wasm from a running node through rpc
  info        The `info` command returns summarized information about a runtime
  version     The `version` command returns summarized information about the versions of a runtime
  metadata    Returns the metadata as a json object. You may also use the "meta" alias
  diff        Compare 2 runtimes
  compress    Compress a given runtime wasm file. You will get an error if you try compressing a runtime that is already compressed
  decompress  Decompress a given runtime wasm file. You may pass a runtime that is uncompressed already. In that case, you will get the same content as output. This is useful if you want to decompress "no matter what" and don't really know whether the input will be compressed or not
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -j, --json     Output as json
  -q, --quiet    Less output
  -h, --help     Print help information
  -V, --version  Print version information

Command: get

Get/Download the runtime wasm from a running node through rpc

Usage: subwasm get [OPTIONS] [URL]

  [URL]  The node url including (mandatory) the port number. Example: ws://localhost:9944 or http://localhost:9933 [default: http://localhost:9933]

      --chain <CHAIN>    Provide the name of a chain and a random url amongst a list of known nodes will be used. If you pass a valid --chain, --url will be ignored --chain local = http://localhost:9933
  -j, --json             Output as json
  -b, --block <BLOCK>    The optional block where to fetch the runtime. That allows fetching older runtimes but you will need to connect to archive nodes. Currently, you must pass a block hash. Passing the block numbers is not supported
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>  You may specifiy the output filename where the runtime will be saved. If not provided, we will figure out an appropriate default name based on a counter: runtime_NNN.wasm where NNN is incrementing to make sure you do not override previous runtime. If you specify an existing file as output, it will be overwritten
  -h, --help             Print help information
  -V, --version          Print version information

Command: info

The `info` command returns summarized information about a runtime

Usage: subwasm info [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]

  [SOURCE]  The wasm file to load. It can be a path on your local filesystem such as /tmp/runtime.wasm or a node url such as http://localhost:9933 or ws://localhost:9944 [default: runtime_000.wasm]

      --chain <CHAIN>  Provide the name of a chain and a random url amongst a list of known nodes will be used. If you pass a valid --chain, --url will be ignored --chain local = http://localhost:9933
  -j, --json           Output as json
  -b, --block <BLOCK>  The optional block where to fetch the runtime. That allows fetching older runtimes but you will need to connect to archive nodes. Currently, you must pass a block hash. Passing the block numbers is not supported
  -h, --help           Print help information
  -V, --version        Print version information

By default, the ID for the Parachain pallet is expected to be 0x01 and the call ID for authorize_upgrade is expected to be 0x02. This default behavior can be overriden by setting the PARACHAIN_PALLET_ID to the ID of your parachain pallet and the AUTHORIZE_UPGRADE_PREFIX to the ID of your choice.

Command: version

The `version` command returns summarized information about the versions of a runtime

Usage: subwasm version [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]

  [SOURCE]  The wasm file to load. It can be a path on your local filesystem such as /tmp/runtime.wasm or a node url such as http://localhost:9933 or ws://localhost:9944 [default: runtime_000.wasm]

      --chain <CHAIN>  Provide the name of a chain and a random url amongst a list of known nodes will be used. If you pass a valid --chain, --url will be ignored --chain local = http://localhost:9933
  -j, --json           Output as json
  -b, --block <BLOCK>  The optional block where to fetch the runtime. That allows fetching older runtimes but you will need to connect to archive nodes. Currently, you must pass a block hash. Passing the block numbers is not supported
  -h, --help           Print help information
  -V, --version        Print version information

Command: meta

Returns the metadata as a json object. You may also use the "meta" alias

Usage: subwasm metadata [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]

  [SOURCE]  The wasm file to load. It can be a path on your local filesystem such as /tmp/runtime.wasm or a node url such as http://localhost:9933 or ws://localhost:9944 [default: runtime_000.wasm]

      --chain <CHAIN>    Provide the name of a chain and a random url amongst a list of known nodes will be used. If you pass a valid --chain, --url will be ignored --chain local = http://localhost:9933
  -j, --json             Output as json
  -m, --module <MODULE>  Without this flag, the metadata command display the list of all modules. Using this flag, you will only see the module of your choice and a few details about it
  -b, --block <BLOCK>    The optional block where to fetch the runtime. That allows fetching older runtimes but you will need to connect to archive nodes. Currently, you must pass a block hash. Passing the block numbers is not supported
  -f, --format <FORMAT>  You may specifiy the output format. One of "human", "scale", "json", "json+scale", "hex+scale" [default: human]
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>  You may specifiy the output filename where the metadata will be saved. Alternatively, you may use `auto` and an appropriate name will be generated according to the `format` your chose
  -h, --help             Print help information
  -V, --version          Print version information

Command: diff

Compare 2 runtimes

Usage: subwasm diff [OPTIONS] [SRC_A] [SRC_B]

  [SRC_A]  The first source [default: runtime_000.wasm]
  [SRC_B]  The second source [default: runtime_001.wasm]

  -a, --chain-a <CHAIN_A>  Provide the name of a chain and a random url amongst a list of known nodes will be used. If you pass a valid --chain, --url will be ignored --chain local = http://localhost:9933
  -j, --json               Output as json
  -b, --chain-b <CHAIN_B>  Provide the name of a chain and a random url amongst a list of known nodes will be used. If you pass a valid --chain, --url will be ignored --chain local = http://localhost:9933
  -h, --help               Print help information
  -V, --version            Print version information

Command: compress

Compress a given runtime wasm file. You will get an error if you try compressing a runtime that is already compressed

Usage: subwasm compress [OPTIONS] <INPUT> <OUTPUT>

  <INPUT>   The path of uncompressed wasm file to load
  <OUTPUT>  The path of the file where the compressed runtime will be stored

  -j, --json     Output as json
  -h, --help     Print help information
  -V, --version  Print version information

Command: decompress

Decompress a given runtime wasm file. You may pass a runtime that is uncompressed already. In that case, you will get the same content as output. This is useful if you want to decompress "no matter what" and don't really know whether the input will be compressed or not

Usage: subwasm decompress [OPTIONS] <INPUT> <OUTPUT>

  <INPUT>   The path of the compressed or uncompressed wasm file to load
  <OUTPUT>  The path of the file where the uncompressed runtime will be stored

  -j, --json     Output as json
  -h, --help     Print help information
  -V, --version  Print version information

Environment variables

In addition to the command line flags, you can also pass one of the following ENV variables:

# This is a sample .env file. It is not needed if you
# are using defaults if you want to use the default defined
# below.

# POLKADOT_HTTP=http://localhost:9933
# POLKADOT_WS=ws://localhost:9944

Sample runs

Fetch a runtime from a running node

We will start by fetching the runtime from a node.

Please note that you will likely need to connect to an archive node to retrieve an older runtime (<V11). A runtime takes around 2MB of storage on-chain and thus, older versions are pruned and will no longer be accessible if you are connecting to a non-archive node.

Here we get the latest version of the runtime, the 3 commands do the same since they all use the default values:

subwasm get
subwasm get --url http://localhost:9933
subwasm get --url http://localhost:9933 --output runtime_000.wasm

Here we get an older runtime, back when Polkadot was at block 20 !

subwasm get brew tap chevdor/subwasm --block 0x4d6a0bca208b85d41833a7f35cf73d1ae6974f4bad8ab576e2c3f751d691fe6c

By default, your runtime will be saved as runtime_000.wasm. Running this command again will increase the counter so we you don’t lose your previous runtime. You may also use the --output flag to provide the destination and filename of your choice. Beware, in this case, there will be no incremented counter.

Get quick check of a runtime

# Show the runtime version and exit with status 0
subwasm info --input kusama-2030.wasm

# Provide a few explanations and exit with a status that is not 0
subwasm info --input tictactoe.wasm

Metadata JSON and jq tricks

jq can be used to reprocess the json output. For instance, removing all the documentation from the metadata makes it significantly smaller. The example below shows how to remove documentation, value and default making it much easier on the eyes for human parsing…​

    subwasm --json meta runtime.wasm | jq 'del( .. | .documentation?, .default?, .value? )'


Here is a list of other projects allowing to get the raw metadata through a rpc call:

All those alternatives require a running node and access it via jsonrpc.


Subwasm is a cli utility to inside a Substrate WASM Runtime. It can inspect and compare the metadata of Substrate based runtimes such as Polkadot or Kusama.







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  • WebAssembly 99.6%
  • Other 0.4%