From 25518c2ee79420c9bda1bfe275705dd7ef146e1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Antonio Scardace <> Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 15:54:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] add: Grafana config files --- grafana-logging/certs/cert.pem | 24 + grafana-logging/certs/key.pem | 28 + grafana-logging/dashboard.json | 492 ++++++++++++++++++ grafana-logging/grafana.ini | 19 + .../provisioning/dashboards/default.yml | 13 + .../provisioning/datasources/default.yml | 14 + 6 files changed, 590 insertions(+) create mode 100644 grafana-logging/certs/cert.pem create mode 100644 grafana-logging/certs/key.pem create mode 100644 grafana-logging/dashboard.json create mode 100644 grafana-logging/grafana.ini create mode 100644 grafana-logging/provisioning/dashboards/default.yml create mode 100644 grafana-logging/provisioning/datasources/default.yml diff --git a/grafana-logging/certs/cert.pem b/grafana-logging/certs/cert.pem new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1650cc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/grafana-logging/certs/cert.pem @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIID8TCCAtmgAwIBAgIUPtfKfSVzWl0qp9LlTR9wLYaEIAwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL +BQAwgYcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAml0MQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVpdGFseTEQMA4GA1UEBwwHY2F0 +YW5pYTENMAsGA1UECgwEbm9uZTENMAsGA1UECwwEbm9uZTENMAsGA1UEAwwEbm9u +ZTEpMCcGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYac2NhcmRhY2UuYW50b25pb0BnbWFpbC5jb20wHhcN +MjMwMzIzMDkzNzQ2WhcNMzMwMzIwMDkzNzQ2WjCBhzELMAkGA1UEBhMCaXQxDjAM +BgNVBAgMBWl0YWx5MRAwDgYDVQQHDAdjYXRhbmlhMQ0wCwYDVQQKDARub25lMQ0w +CwYDVQQLDARub25lMQ0wCwYDVQQDDARub25lMSkwJwYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhpzY2Fy +ZGFjZS5hbnRvbmlvQGdtYWlsLmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCC +AQoCggEBAKiw7nV11ZyZvJkz0dLb5nOCpa6YR4Ey82xBNKZT/0dL3UM2eI/ksNTH +paDaVocRZWfz9Hoq3MH7xG6K4ksj8jqFD4Kt1AA2pAbjG7ypAjzU32sDlcoo14i2 +OslE/gMzXNB8F+YDMwJe4Ija7QqR7X6/b5r0jnByde0iT4h43CFKE5GsjE9crpHw +GpyFYlwXx6EDF0H5iMHStPQ6cietBfXdd97zaiaZi4mtUmDpfvdHoR0tUEBYWR5Y +OXnehjm1Kr1t2TBDXAsEP0LXRzGC66rvoDnSncREEzgKH8zyR0Dw80xBcLnKUwGa +ScJxKIrsJtLoa3oB37RN4/DGE/h99CsCAwEAAaNTMFEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFDthr5op +5gijXBQCbE+zRAxcPmplMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFDthr5op5gijXBQCbE+zRAxcPmpl +MA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAIBBFnIO+B0HJv1Z +X6vomazAY5t1kW2TrRpgahEKwiFIQfvJeGbdEazNxH7PsgGF3aOL0PAHEr6yLCvk +yyC8fqqSnQNHPcOKzWJ2VaT5BYzYtfhdA4Bnx/1b1+a6Nz177vTuqYuxHLSuDiep +5vPnYsaMxJk9U710U5QpJP7qQ7ZrLoNQLbmvQZRf1LkpbqEjGwylLbA18fdjRYsi +qHRw4N8hpYBorwZuosYjKlPZY+6ZoGDIJ6wKHHJM2X83PLANWYOfhL/UUUv+Rwr+ +2X8ZFLjsKgaqzmA+Ydi/C0souZRBpr9Yy/YtYXePBgmh9SWe9QoVGO26/rXu4MC0 +zu6I5lE= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/grafana-logging/certs/key.pem b/grafana-logging/certs/key.pem new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9091276 --- /dev/null +++ b/grafana-logging/certs/key.pem @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- +MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCosO51ddWcmbyZ +M9HS2+ZzgqWumEeBMvNsQTSmU/9HS91DNniP5LDUx6Wg2laHEWVn8/R6KtzB+8Ru +iuJLI/I6hQ+CrdQANqQG4xu8qQI81N9rA5XKKNeItjrJRP4DM1zQfBfmAzMCXuCI +2u0Kke1+v2+a9I5wcnXtIk+IeNwhShORrIxPXK6R8BqchWJcF8ehAxdB+YjB0rT0 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"count" + } + ], + "query": "", + "refId": "A", + "timeField": "@timestamp" + } + ], + "title": "Contact Types Counting", + "transformations": [], + "type": "barchart" + } + ], + "refresh": "5s", + "schemaVersion": 32, + "style": "dark", + "tags": [], + "templating": { + "list": [] + }, + "time": { + "from": "now-24h", + "to": "now" + }, + "timepicker": { + "refresh_intervals": [ + "5s", + "10s", + "30s", + "1m", + "5m", + "15m", + "30m", + "1h", + "2h", + "1d" + ] + }, + "timezone": "browser", + "title": "NetWatch Logs", + "uid": "2xZ6SccSz", + "version": 2 +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/grafana-logging/grafana.ini b/grafana-logging/grafana.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6d9dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/grafana-logging/grafana.ini @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +[security] +admin_user = ${GRAFANA_USER} +admin_password = ${GRAFANA_PASSWORD} +hide_version = true +disable_login_form = true +allow_embedding = true + +[users] +default_theme = dark + +[server] +protocol = https +cert_file = /etc/grafana/certs/cert.pem +cert_key = /etc/grafana/certs/key.pem +cookie_secure = true + +[auth.anonymous] +enabled = true +org_role = Viewer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/grafana-logging/provisioning/dashboards/default.yml b/grafana-logging/provisioning/dashboards/default.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7092730 --- /dev/null +++ b/grafana-logging/provisioning/dashboards/default.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +apiVersion: 1 + +providers: + - name: 'NetWatch-Main' + orgId: 1 + folder: '' + folderUid: '' + type: file + disableDeletion: false + updateIntervalSeconds: 3 + allowUiUpdates: true + options: + path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/grafana-logging/provisioning/datasources/default.yml b/grafana-logging/provisioning/datasources/default.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ddfa5f --- /dev/null +++ b/grafana-logging/provisioning/datasources/default.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +apiVersion: 1 + +datasources: + - name: NetWatch-Notifics + type: elasticsearch + url: http://elasticsearch:9200/ + access: proxy + jsonData: + indexName: 'notifics' + timeField: '@timestamp' + esVersion: '7.10.0' + maxConcurrentShardRequests: 10 + tlsSkipVerify: true + timeout: 200 \ No newline at end of file