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Device Management Client YAML Schema Format

Schema Definition

The definition of the schema used here is in the schema.yaml file. That file contains the YAML-encoded JSON-schema representation of the schema definitions. Below are descriptions of the various elements of the schema and how they are used.

Top Level Object

Name Type Description
title string Title for this schema object
description string Description of this schema object
payload object Information about the object as a whole
payloadkeys array A list of YAML objects representing the command request
responsekeys array A list of YAML objects representing the command response
reasons array A list of YAML objects representing declarative device management status reason codes
notes array A list of YAML objects representing additional notes for the schema item as a whole

Payload Object

Name Type Description
payloadtype string Type of the profile payload
requesttype string Type of the MDM command
declarationtype string Type of the declaration payload
statusitemtype string Type of the status payload
credentialtype string Type of the credential asset data
supportedOS object Identifies the range of supported OS versions that support the entire payload
apply string Indicates how multiple configurations of the same type are applied
content string Description of the payload

supportedOS Object

Name Type Description
iOS object Supported features on this iOS
macOS object Supported features on this macOS
tvOS object Supported features on this tvOS
visionOS object Supported features on this visionOS
watchOS object Supported features on this watchOS


The supportedOS object is used in the payload object to indicate overall support for this object on each OS, as well as which enrollment modes are supported per OS. The supportedOS key may also appear on any payload key defined in payloadkeys or responsekeys array item objects. Each payload key is assumed to "inherit" the supportedOS values from the payload object, but that is then updated with any items in the key's own supportedOS object if present. This also overriding specific values in supportedOS on a per-key basis without the need to duplicate the entire supportedOS value from the payload.

iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Objects

Name Type Description
introduced string OS version where feature was introduced
deprecated string OS version where feature was deprecated
removed string OS version where feature was removed
accessrights string The MDM protocol access rights required on the device to execute the command
multiple boolean Indicates whether multiple copies of the payload can be installed
devicechannel boolean Indicates whether the command or profile is supported on the device channel
userchannel boolean indicates whether the command or profile is supported on the user channel
supervised boolean Indicates whether the command or profile can only be executed on supervised devices
requiresdep boolean If True, the command can only be executed on devices provisioned in DEP
userapprovedmdm boolean If True, the command can only be executed on devices with user-approved MDM enrollment
allowmanualinstall boolean If True, the profile can be installed manually by a user on the device
sharedipad object Additional behavior specific to shared iPad devices
userenrollment object Additional behavior when user enrollment is in effect
always-skippable boolean If True, indicates that the skip key's corresponding Setup pane is always skipped. If False, indicates that the skip key's corresponding Setup pane may be shown, depending on exactly when during the setup flow it occurs. This is only used in skipkeys.yaml.
allowed-enrollments string Array of allowed enrollment types for declarative device management
allowed-scopes string Array of allowed enrollment scopes for declarative device management

Shared iPad Object

Name Type Description
mode string Indicates whether a payload or payload key can used with shared iPad
devicechannel boolean Defines if the payload can be installed on the device MDM channel
userchannel boolean Defines if the payload can be installed on the user MDM channel
allowed-scopes string Array of allowed enrollment scopes for declarative device management


The mode can have one of four values: allowed, required, forbidden, and ignored. If set to allowed, then the payload or payload key can be used both with or without shared iPad in effect. If set to required, then the payload or payload key can only be used if shared iPad is in effect. If set to forbidden, then the payload or payload key cannot be used if shared iPad is in effect. If set to ignored, then the payload or payload key can be used, but is ignored if shared iPad is in effect.

User Enrollment Object

Name Type Description
mode string Indicates how a payload or payload key can only be used if user enrollment is in effect
behavior string Describes any special behavior for the payload or payload key if user enrollment is in effect


The mode can have one of four values: allowed, required, forbidden, and ignored. If set to allowed, then the payload or payload key can be used both with or without user enrollment in effect. If set to required, then the payload or payload key can only be used if user enrollment is in effect. If set to forbidden, then the payload or payload key cannot be used if user enrollment is in effect. If set to ignored, then the payload or payload key can be used, but is ignored if user enrollment is in effect.

Payload/Response Keys Array Object

Name Type Description
key string The name of the key
title string The title of the key
supportedOS object Identifies the range of supported OS versions that support the key
type string The type of key
subtype string Indicates the expected format of the string value of the key (deprecated)
valuetype string Indicates the expected format of the string value of the key
assettypes array Indicates the set of allowed asset types
presence string Whether the key is required or optional
rangelist array List of allowed values for this key
range object Bounds for the value of this key
default scalar The default value for the key
format string The format for the value expressed as a regular expression
repetition object Cardinality for this value
combinetype string Indicates how this key is combined with ones from other configurations
content string Description of the payload key
subkeytype string A name that uniquely represents the structured subkey object
subkeys array An array of payload keys


The subtype key is deprecated in favor of the valuetype key.

The presence value must be one of: required or optional.

Type Values

Name Description
<string> A string value
<integer> An integer value
<real> A real value
<boolean> A boolean value
<date> A date value (deprecated)
<data> A data value
<array> An array value
<dictionary> A dictionary value
<any> Any standard value


If the <string> value is used, the valuetype key may also be specified to define a specific format for the string (see below).

The value <any> may be used to indicate that any of the standard values can be used without any expectation that the value will be validated.

The <date> value is deprecated. Instead <string> will be used with a suitable <valuetype> set to indicate one of several date-time formats.

Valuetype Values

domain : The string value is a domain name. This is an exact match (i.e., will match and will not match,, example.com2).

domain-prefix : The string value is a domain name pattern, with matching rules as follows:

  • If the string starts with a *., the pattern will match any sub-domain of the parent domain, but not the parent domain itself (i.e., * will match and will not match,, test.example.com2).
  • If the match prefix is not present, the pattern will match the exact domain only (i.e., will match and will not match,, example.com2).

email : The string value is an email address conforming to the syntax of RFC 5322. e.g.,

hostname : The string value is a hostname, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address (with the IPV6 literal enclosed in square braces). e.g.,,, [fe80::1].

localtime : The string value is a date and time conforming to the syntax of RFC 3339 without a time-offset or time-secfrac element: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. e.g., 2023-09-21T12:00:00.

regex : The string value is a regular expression.

timestamp : The string value is a date and time conforming to the syntax of RFC 3339 with a time-offset element, and without a time-secfrac element: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+ZZZZ. e.g., 2023-09-21T12:00:00Z, 2023-09-21T12:00:00-0500.

url : The string value is a URL conforming to the syntax of RFC 3986.

uuid : The string value is a 36-character UUID, with both lowercase and uppercase hexadecimal digits allowed.

Range Object

Name Type Description
min integer or real Lower bound of range
max integer or real Upper bound of range

Repetition Object

Name Type Description
min integer or real Lower bound of repetition
max integer or real Upper bound of repetition

Schema Use

The schema has minor variants based on the nature of the object being described.

MDM Commands/CheckIn

An MDM command or checkin is a YAML object with the following top-level keys:

Name Type Description
title string Title for this schema object
description string Description of this schema object
payload object Information about the object as a whole
payloadkeys array A list of YAML objects representing the command request
responsekeys array A list of YAML objects representing the command response

The payload object will contain a requesttype key that specifies the command or CheckIn request name.

MDM Profiles

An MDM profile is a YAML object with the following keys:

Name Type Description
title string Title for this schema object
description string Description of this schema object
payload object Information about the object as a whole
payloadkeys array A list of YAML objects representing the profile keys

The payload object will contain a payloadtype key that specifies the payload type.

RM model declarations

An RM declaration is a YAML object with the following keys:

Name Type Description
title string Title for this schema object
description string Description of this schema object
payload object Information about the object as a whole
payloadkeys array A list of YAML objects representing the declaration keys

The payload object will contain a declarationtype key that specifies the declaration type.

RM model status item

An RM status item is a YAML object with the following keys:

Name Type Description
title string Title for this schema object
description string Description of this schema object
payload object Information about the object as a whole
payloadkeys array A list of YAML objects representing the status item key

The payload object will contain a statusitemtype key that specifies the status item type. The payloadkeys will contain a single object that defines the type of the value returned for the status item.

RM protocol

An RM protocol request or response is a YAML object with the following top-level keys:

Name Type Description
title string Title for this schema object
description string Description of this schema object
payload object Information about the object as a whole
payloadkeys array A list of YAML objects representing the request or response

The payload object will contain a requesttype key that specifies the summary description of the request or response.

Subkey structure

A payload key can have a scalar type (<string>, <integer>, <real>, <boolean>, <data>) or a container type (<array>, <dictionary>). A container type must include a subkeys key that defines the details of the container as follows:

<dictionary> container

The subkeys sequence in a <dictionary> container defines the schema for the dictionary contents.

<array> container

The subkeys sequence in a <array> container defines the type of items in the array. Only a single item is allowed in the subkeys sequence. The type of the single item defines the structure of the container as follows:

  • if the single item's type is a scalar type, then the array is a list of items with elements matching the scalar type (e.g. an array of <string> values). In some cases the scalar type may have a subkeys key, and each element of that sequence defines a possible value for the scalar type in the array.

  • if the single item's type is <dictionary>, then the array is a list of dictionary items, with each dictionary conforming to the schema defined by the subkeys item of the single item (e.g., an array of <dictionary> values). Note that the single item <dictionary> is only a place holder for the keys used in the <dictionary> array items, and as such does not itself appear as the an array item.

  • if the single item's type is <array>, then the array is a list of array items, with each array item conforming to the schema defined for an <array> container as described in this section.