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Embedder info for the VPack library

Minimal example

Let's start with a small example program test.cpp that uses the VPack library. It does nothing yet, the only goal is to make this minimal example compile and link:


#include <velocypack/vpack.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace arangodb::velocypack;

int main () {
  std::cout << valueTypeName(ValueType::Object) << std::endl;

To make the VPack classes available in your project, add the VPack headers to the list of include directories. How exactly this works is compiler-specific. For example, when using g++ or clang, include directories can be added using the -I compiler option.

When compiling the program, please make sure the compiler can understand C++11 syntax. In g++ and clang, this can be controlled via the -std=c++11 option.

Additionally, the velocypack library must be linked to the example program. In g++ this works by specifying the libary path with the -L option and specifying the library's name.

The full instruction to compile and link the test program with g++ is:

g++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib  main.cpp -lvelocypack -o test

With clang, it is:

clang++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib  main.cpp -lvelocypack -o test

The test program can afterwards be run with


With a working infrastructure for compiling and linking the VPack library, you can now go ahead and adjust the example program so it does something useful. There are some working usage examples in this directory.

Exceptions and error reporting

The VPack library's way of signaling errors is to throw exceptions. Thus VPack library users need to make sure they handle exceptions properly.

The VPack library will mostly throw exceptions of type arangodb::vpack::Exception. The library's Exception class is derived from std::exception and provides the what method to retrieve the error message from the exception.

Additionally, Exception provides the errorCode method for retrieving a numeric error code from an exception. This error code can be used to check for specific error types programmatically.

Builder b;
try {
  // will fail as we should rather add a key/value pair here
catch (Exception const& ex) {
 std::cout << "caught exception w/ code " << ex.errorCode()
           << ", msg: " << ex.what() << std::endl;

Additionally, the VPack library may throw standard exceptions such as std::bad_alloc when appropriate.

If no special treatment of VPack exceptions is needed by the client application, it is sufficient to only catch exceptions of type std::exception, as the VPack Exception class is derived from it:

Builder b; b.add(Value(ValueType::Object)); try { // will fail as we should rather add a key/value pair here b.add(Value(ValueType::Null)); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { std::cout << "caught exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl; }

Thread safety

Thread-safety was no design goal for VPack, so objects in the VPack library are not thread-safe. VPack objects can be passed between threads though, but if the same object is accessed concurrently, client applications need to make sure they employ an appropriate locking mechanism on top.

Memory ownership and memory leaks

In most cases there is no need to deal with raw memory when working with VPack. By default, all VPack objects manage their own memory. This will also avoid memory leaks.

It is encouraged to construct VPack objects on the stack rather than using new/delete. This will greatly help avoiding memory leaks in client code that uses the VPack library.

Special care must be taken for Slice objects: a Slice object contains a pointer to memory where a VPack value is stored, and the client code needs to make sure this memory is still valid when the Slice is accessed.

Here is a valid example for using a Slice:

  Builder b;
  b.add(Value("this is a test"));

  // this Slice object is referencing memory owned by the Builder b
  // this works here as b is still available
  Slice s(b.start());

  // do something with Slice s in this scope...

Here is an invalid usage example, returning a Slice object that will point to deallocated memory:

Slice getSlice () {
  Builder b;
  b.add(Value("this is a test"));

  // this Slice object is referencing memory owned by the Builder b
  // this works here as b is still available
  Slice s(b.start());

  // the following return statement will make the Builder b go out of
  // scope. this will deallocate the memory owned by b, and accessing the
  // Slice s that points to b's memory will result in undefined behavior

  return s; // will return a Slice pointing to deallocated memory !!

In the latter case it would have been better to return the Builder object from the function and not the Slice.

VPack Buffer objects also manage their own memory. When a Buffer object goes out of scope, it will deallocate any dynamic memory it has allocated. Client-code must not access the Buffer object's memory after that.

String handling

The recommended way to get the contents of a String VPack value is to use the method Slice::copyString(), which returns the String value in an std::string. This is safe and convenient.

If access to a VPack String value's underlying char const* is needed for performance reasons, then Slice::getString() will also work. Please be careful when using it because VPack String values are not terminated with a NUL-byte as regular C string values. Using the returned char const* pointer in functions that work on NUL-byte-terminated C strings will therefore likely cause problems (crashes, undefined behavior etc.). In order to avoid some of these problems, Slice::getString() also returns the length of the String value in bytes in its first call argument:

Slice slice = object.get("name"); 

if (slice.isString()) {
  // the following is unsafe, because the char* returned by
  // getString is not terminated with a NUL-byte
  ValueLength length;
  std::cout << "name* " << slice.getString(length) << std::endl;
  // better do this:
  char const* p = slice.getString(length);
  std::cout << "name* " << std::string(p, length) << std::endl;

  // or even better: 
  std::cout << "name: " << slice.copyString() << std::endl;

Including the VPack headers

The easiest way of making the VPack library's classes available to a client program is to include the header velocypack/vpack.h. This will import all class declarations from the namespace arangodb::velocypack. It is also possible to selectively include the headers for just the classes needed, e.g.

// only need Builder and Slice in the following code
// no need to include all VPack classes via #include <velocypack/vpack.h>
#include <velocypack/Builder.h>
#include <velocypack/Slice.h>

Because only the actually required headers will be included, this variant may save some compilation time.

Name clashes and class aliases

To avoid full name qualification in client programs, it may be convenient to make all classes from this namespace available without extra qualification. The following line will do that:

using namespace arangodb::velocypack`

However, this can lead to name clashes in the client application. For example, the VPack library contains classes named Buffer, Exception, Parser - class names which are not uncommon in many projects.

If for this reason importing the whole arangodb::velocypack namespace is not an option, an alternative is to use the class name aliases that are defined in the header file velocypack/velocypack-aliases.h.

This header file makes the most common VPack classes available under alternative (hopefully unambiguous) class names with the prefix VPack, for example:

using VPackArrayIterator      = arangodb::velocypack::ArrayIterator;
using VPackBuilder            = arangodb::velocypack::Builder;
using VPackCharBuffer         = arangodb::velocypack::CharBuffer;
using VPackCharBufferSink     = arangodb::velocypack::CharBufferSink;

Note that the velocypack-aliases.h header will only make those VPack classes available under alternative names that have been included already. When using this header, it should be included after the other VPack headers have been included:

#include <velocypack/vpack.h>
#include <velocypack/velocypack-aliases.h>

or, when using selective headers:

#include <velocypack/Builder.h>
#include <velocypack/Slice.h>
#include <velocypack/velocypack-aliases.h>

Please check the file exampleAliases.cpp for a working example.

Picking a hash function

Velocypack can use a custom hash function for hashing Slice values. Hashes of Slices will be used when using Slices as keys in associative STL containers, or more generally, when comparing the contents of two Slice objects.

By default VelocyPack comes with two hash functions that can be chosen from, with the default hash function being xxhash.

The hash function can be changed at compile time by defining VELOCYPACK_HASH before including the VelocyPack headers. The define must evaluate to a function with three parameters:

  • void const*: pointer to Slice contents
  • size_t: length of Slice contents in bytes
  • unsigned long long: initial seed for hash function

VELOCYPACK_HASH will be defined by Slice.h to the following macro when undefined:

#define VELOCYPACK_HASH(mem, size, seed) XXH64(mem, size, seed)

Note that when changing the hash function via the #define it will be necessary to re-compile the VelocyPack library and relink your program to it.