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A WIP memory model for ECMAScript shared memory


The SharedArrayBuffer proposal for ECMAScript allows byte arrays to be shared amongst workers. This is particularly significant for asm.js programs, since it allows multi-threaded C programs to be compiled via LLVM to asm.js, and for C threads communicating via shared memory to be compiled to workers communicating via a SharedArrayBuffer.

The proposed ECMAScript API for shared memory supports two kinds of accesses: atomic and non-atomic. Atomic accesses are required to be sequentially consistent, and are implemented using synchronizing mechanisms such as fences or locks. Non-atomic accesses have much weaker consistency requirements, and are implemented without any synchronization.

In this note, we propose a WIP memory model suitable for ECMAScript. It is designed to be as close as possible to the C/C++11 and LLVM memory models, to support both compilation from LLVM to asm.js, and to support implementing SharedArrayBuffer in languages such as C/C++ or Rust. The model can be simpler than the C/C++11 or LLVM models, since it has fewer types of access, and in particular does not have undefined behaviours or values.

The model is similar to the C/C++11 or LLVM model, in that it is based on read and write events, equipped with two relations:

  • the happens before relation, where d happens before e whenever compiler or hardware reorderings of loads and stores are required to keep d before e.

  • the reads from relation, where d reads from e whenever d is a read event, and e is its justifying write event.

Most of the memory model is inherited from LLVM or C/C++11. The main difference is how tearing is treated. We could ban all tearing, but this is too strong, as it disallows any implementation where the synchronization mechanism for values larger than a machine word is different from that smaller ones. For example, on a 32-bit architecture, atomic 64-bit accesses might be implemented using a global lock, whereas 32-bit accesses might be implemented using appropriate machine instructions. For this reason, rather than disallow tearing on all atoms, we disallow tearing on events with the same address range.

The proposed memory model has two requirements of program executions:

  • per-address-range sequential consistency: atomic read and write events which access the same address ranges are sequentially consistant, and

  • thin-air-read-free: there are no cycles in the combined data- and control-flow of the program, so no values come out of thin air.

These requirements are very similar to those of LLVM and C/C++11, the novelty is that we are only requiring per-address-range sequential consistency, so atomic accesses with different address ranges are weaker than for full sequential consistency.

We wish to avoid having to make changes to the language specification except where inter-thead communication is involved. For this reason, we make few requirements about the host language: for each thread we ask for its collection of events, with program order and data dependency relations on events.


The inverse of a relation ─R→ is the relation ←R─ defined as d ←R─ e whenever e ─R→ d.

The kernel of a relation ─R→ is the relation ←R→ defined to be d ←R→ e whenever d ←R─ e ─R→ d.

A relation ─R→ is reflexive whenever for any e we have e ─R→ e.

A relation ─R→ is symmetric whenever d ─R→ e implies d ←R─ e.

A relation ─R→ is transitive whenever c ─R→ d ─R→ e implies c ─R→ e.

A relation ─R→ is antisymmetric whenever d ←R→ e implies d = e.

A relation ─R→ is total whenever for any d and e, either d ─R→ e or e ─R→ d.

A pre-order is a reflexive, transitive relation.

A partial order is an antisymmetric pre-order.

A total order is a total partial order.

A partial equivalence is a symmetric, transitive relation.

An equivalence is a total partial equivalence.

Host language requirements

The host language of interest is ECMAScript, but the model is defined for any language which can provide appropriate executions consisting of events and data dependencies.

In examples, we use a simple imperative language with a shared array m, and write:

  • m[i..j] for a non-atomic read,
  • m[i..j] = e for a non-atomic write,
  • atomic m[i..j] for an atomic read,
  • atomic m[i..j] = e for an atomic write,
  • `atomic op(m[i..j]) for an atomic update such as increment or CAS and
  • T₁ ∥ ⋯ ∥ Tₙ for the parallel composition of n threads T₁ to Tₘ.

The memory model is defined using a alphabet of actions, which are individual byte reads and writes.

Definition: The alphabet Σ is the set consisting of:

  • non-atomic read-only actions: R m[i..j] = v,
  • non-atomic write-only actions: W m[i..j] = w,
  • atomic read-only actions: atomic R m[i..j] = v,
  • atomic write-only actions: atomic W m[i..j] = w, and
  • atomic read-modify-write actions: atomic RMW m[i..j] = v/w,

where m[i..j] is an address range in a shared memory, and v and w are (j+1-i)-byte values. We call m[i..j] the address range of an action, v the read value of an action, and w the write value of an action. If an action has address range m[i..j] and read value v whose nth byte is b, we say that the action reads b from m[i+n], and similarly for writes. ∎

We are mostly treating thread executions as black boxes, but we are interested in the sequence of labelled events that each execution participates in, and a data dependency relation on those events. We write d ─po→ e when event d precedes event e in program order, and d ─dd→ e when event e depends on event d. In examples, we will often use the event labels to stand in for the events, with subscripts if necessary to disambiguate.

For example, an execution of m[0..1] = m[0..1] + 1; (where all accesses are non-atomic) is:

R 1 = m[0..1] ─po→ W m[0..1] = 2

R 1 = m[0..1] ─dd→ W m[2..3] = 2

and an execution of atomic incr(m[0..1]); (the same thread, but as an atomic operation) is:

atomic RMW m[0..1] = 1/2

Definition: a thread execution is a 4-tuple (E, λ, ─po→, ─dd→) where:

  • E a set of events,
  • λ : (E → Σ) is a labelling,
  • ─po→ ⊆ (E × E) is the program order total order,
  • ─dd→ ⊆ ─po→ is the data dependency relation,

such that:

  • if d ─po→ e and d is an atomic read, then d ─dd→ e,
  • if d ─po→ e and e is an atomic write, then d ─dd→ e.


  • e is a read event whenever λ(e) is a read action,
  • e is a write event whenever λ(e) is a write action,
  • e is an atomic event whenever λ(e) is an atomic action,
  • e reads b from m[i] whenever λ(e) reads b from m[i],
  • e writes b to m[i] whenever λ(e) writes b to m[i],
  • e has address range m[i..j] whenever λ(e) has address range m[i..j]. ∎

Note that the host language implementation has a lot of freedom in defining data dependency. [We will put some sanity conditions on ─dd→ to ensure SC-DRF, which will look a lot like non-interference.]

Memory model

Given a thread execution for each thread in the program, we would like to know when they can be combined to form a program execution. A candidate execution is one where we combine together the individual thread executions.

Definition Given n thread executions define a candidate program execution to be (E, ─hb→, ─rf→) where:

  • ─hb→ = (─po→ ∪ ─sw→)* is the happens before partial order, and
  • ─rf→ ⊆ (E × E) is the reads from relation,

where we define:

  • E = (E₁ ∪ ⋯ ∪ Eₙ) (wlog we assume the Eᵢ are disjoint),
  • ─dd→ = (─dd→₁ ∪ ⋯ ∪ ─dd→ₙ),
  • ─po→ = (─po→₁ ∪ ⋯ ∪ ─po→ₙ), and
  • d ─sw→ e whenever d ─rf→ e, and d and e are atomics with the same address range,

such that for any event e which reads byte b from m[i], there is an event c ─rf→ e which writes byte b to m[i] such that:

  • we do not have e ─hb→ c, and
  • there is no event d which writes to m[i] such that c ─hb→ d ─hb→ e. ∎

Some candidate program executions are invalid, however, for three possible reasons: tearing, sequential inconsistency, or thin-air read.

We could ban all tearing between all atomic events, by requiring that if c ─rf→ e and d ─rf→ e then c = d. This requirement makes sense in typed languages, but it is too strong a requirement in the presence of operations acting on the same address at different data sizes.

For example, consider the program:

    atomic m[0..3] = 0x00000000; atomic m[0..3] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  ∥ x = atomic m[2..3];

All executions include:

atomic W m[0..3] = 0x00000000 ─hb→ atomic W m[0..3] = 0xFFFFFFFF
atomic R m[2..3] = v

and there are executions which do not exhibit tearing, for example reading all zeros:

W m[0..3] = 0x00000000 ─rf→ R m[2..3] = 0x0000

or reading no zeros:

W m[0..3] = 0xFFFFFFFF ─rf→ R m[2..3] = 0xFFFF

These executions do not exhibit tearing, since every read event is reading from just one write event. An execution which includes tearing is:

W m[0..3] = 0x00000000 ─rf→ R m[2..3] = 0x00FF
W m[0..3] = 0xFFFFFFFF ─rf→ R m[2..3] = 0x00FF

This execution would be disallowed by memory models in which all atomic accesses use the same synchronization mechanism, in particular where all atomic accesses use hardware atomic instructions. However, implementations may use different sychronization for different data sizes, for example using mutexes for accesses larger than one machine word.

Definition A candidate program execution is per-address range isolated whenever if c ─sw→ e and d ─sw→ e then c = d. ∎

A similar problem affects sequential consistency. Consider the Independent Read Independent Write (IRIW) example

    atomic m[0] = 0x00; atomic m[0] = 0xFF;
  ∥ atomic m[1] = 0x00; atomic m[1] = 0xFF;
  ∥ atomic x0 = m[0]; atomic x1 = m[1]; // x0 == 0xFF, x1 == 0x00
  ∥ atomic y1 = m[1]; atomic y0 = m[0]; // y0 == 0x00, y1 == 0xFF

This program is a classic example of the strength of sequential consistency: in a sequentially consistent execution, all threads must agree whether m[0] = 0xFF or m[1] = 0xFF happened first. However, if we change the example to use a single atomic read:

    atomic m[0] = 0x00; atomic m[0] = 0xFF;
  ∥ atomic m[1] = 0x00; atomic m[1] = 0xFF;
  ∥ atomic x = m[0..1]; // x == 0xFF00
  ∥ atomic y = m[0..1]; // y == 0x00FF

the execution becomes possible, since the two-byte reads may be using a different synchronization mechanism than the one-byte writes.

This is modeled by asking for a total order ─sc→ on atomic events, such that an atomic read is guaranteed to read the most recent matching atomic write, if there is one. For example, the IRIW program above has:

atomic W m[0] = 0x00 ─hb→ atomic W m[0] = 0xFF
atomic W m[1] = 0x00 ─hb→ atomic W m[1] = 0xFF
atomic R m[0] = 0xFF ─hb→ atomic R m[1] = 0x00
atomic R m[1] = 0xFF ─hb→ atomic R m[0] = 0x00

atomic W m[0] = 0x00 ─sw→ atomic R m[0] = 0x00
atomic W m[0] = 0xFF ─sw→ atomic R m[0] = 0xFF
atomic W m[1] = 0x00 ─sw→ atomic R m[1] = 0x00
atomic W m[1] = 0xFF ─sw→ atomic R m[1] = 0xFF

but there is no way to provide an appropriate total order for this execution. In contrast, the mixed-size IRIW program has:

atomic W m[0] = 0x00 ─hb→ atomic W m[0] = 0xFF
atomic W m[1] = 0x00 ─hb→ atomic W m[1] = 0xFF
atomic R m[0..1] = 0xFF00
atomic R m[0..1] = 0x00FF

atomic W m[0..1] = 0x00FF ─rf→ atomic R m[0] = 0x00
atomic W m[0..1] = 0xFF00 ─rf→ atomic R m[0] = 0xFF
atomic W m[0..1] = 0x00FF ─rf→ atomic R m[1] = 0x00
atomic W m[0..1] = 0xFF00 ─rf→ atomic R m[1] = 0xFF

Since the execution has ─rf→ rather than ─sw→ edges, any total order compatible with ─hb→ will suffice.

Definition A candidate program execution is per-address-range sequentially consistent if there is a total order on atomic events ─sc→ such that:

  • if d and e are atomic events and d ─hb→ e then d ─sc→ e,
  • if c ─sw→ e then there is no (c ─sc→ d ─sc→ e) where d is a write event with the same address range as e. ∎

Conjecture If a candidate program execution is per-address-range sequentially consistent, then it is per-address-range isolated. ∎

Finally, consider the classic TAR pit program m[0] = m[1]; ∥ m[1] = m[0];, which has the candidate execution:

W m[1] = 1 ─rf→ R m[1] = 1 ─dd→ W m[0] = 1 ─rf→ R m[0] = 1 ─dd→ W m[1] = 1

This execution is considered invalid because the value 1 has come from thin air. Allowing such executions breaks invariant reasoning, for example type safety.

However, in the companion program m[0] = m[1]; ∥ m[1] = 1;, we do want to allow a similar execution:

W m[1] = 1 ─rf→ R m[1] = 1 ─dd→ W m[0] = 1 ─rf→ R m[0] = 1

The difference between these two executions is that in the TAR pit, we have a cycle between ─rf→ and ─dd→, but the matching execution in the companion does not have R m[0] = 1 ─dd→ W m[1] = 1, breaking the cycle.

Definition A candidate program execution is thin-air-read-free if (─dd→ ∪ ─rf→)* is a partial order.

Definition A program execution is a candidate program execution which is per-address-range sequentially consistent and thin-air-read-free.

Compilation to and from LLVM or C/C++ atomics

The mapping from ECMAScript accesses to C/C++ accesses is:

  • ECMAScript non-atomic to C/C++ relaxed
  • ECMAScript atomic to C/C++ sequentially consistent

The mapping from C/C++ accesses to ECMAScript accesses is:

  • C/C++ non-atomic to ECMAScript non-atomic
  • C/C++ relaxed to ECMAScript atomic
  • C/C++ acquire/consume/release to ECMAScript atomic
  • C/C++ sequentially consistent to ECMAScript atomic

The mapping from ECMAScript accesses to LLVM accesses is:

  • ECMAScript non-atomic to LLVM unordered
  • ECMAScript atomic to LLVM sequentially consistent

The mapping from LLVM accesses to ECMAScript accesses is:

  • LLVM non-atomic to ECMAScript non-atomic
  • LLVM unordered to ECMAScript non-atomic
  • LLVM monotonic to ECMAScript atomic
  • LLVM acquire/consume/release to ECMAScript atomic
  • LLVM sequentially consistent to ECMAScript atomic

Note: C/C++ relaxed and LLVM monotonic are mapped to ECMAScript atomic because relaxed accesses are required to be per-location sequentially consistent, and ECMAScript non-atomics are not.

A common execution path is for a C program to be compiled to asm.js, then executed in a run-time environment implemented in C. In this case, a non-atomic access in the original program will be executed as relaxed, but any other access in the original program will be executed as sequentially consistent.

In the (hopefully unlikely) case that a program is compiled from C to ECMAScript to C to ECMAScript to C, every memory access in the original program will become sequentially consistent.


So far, there have been no constraints on the ─dd→ relation, implementors are free to choose any relation, including the empty one. We now show how, assuming some constraints on ─dd→, we can establish the SC-DRF theorem, which allows programmers to reason about appropriately sychronized programs as if they were sequentially consistent.

Definition A program execution is sequentially consistent if there is a total order ─sc→ ⊇ ─hb→ where, for any event e which reads byte b from m[i], there is an event c ─rf→ e which writes byte b to m[i] such that:

  • we do not have c ─sc→ e, and
  • there is no event d which writes to m[i] such that c ─sc→ d ─sc→ e. ∎

Definition Events d and e are concurrent if we do not have d ─hb→ e or e ─hb→ d. ∎

Definition A program execution has a write-write conflict if there are concurrent d and e which both write to m[i]. ∎

Definition A program execution has a read-write conflict if there is are concurrent d which writes to m[i] and e which reads from m[i]. ∎

Definition A program execution is data-race-free if it has no write-write or read-write conflicts. ∎

The rest of this section is devoted to giving a sound condition on programs (and in particular their dd relation) to prove SC-DRF. We start with some definitions.

Definition In a program execution E,

  • a set DE is dd-closed whenever d ─dd→ eD implies dD,
  • a set DE is rf-closed whenever d ─rf→ eD implies dD,
  • a set DE is rf-hb whenever d ─rf→ eD implies d ─hb→ e, and
  • let dd(e) be the set { d | d ─dd→ e }. ∎

Lemma In any dd- and rf-closed DE, if d ─hb→ eD then either dD or d ─po→ e.

Proof An induction on the definition of hb, with cases:

  1. d ─po→ e: as required.

  2. d ─po→ b ─sw→ c ─po→ e*: since c is an atomic read, c ─dd→ e*, so since D is dd-closed cD, so since D is rf-closed bD, so by induction either dD or d ─po→ b. If d ─po→ b then, since b is an atomic write, d ─dd→ b, and hence dD as required. ∎

We can now state the requirements for our proof of SC-DRF.

Definition A program is dd-sound whenever, for any execution E and dd-closed DE, we can find an execution E′ such that DE′ and for any d′ ─rf′→ e′, either e′D or d′ ─hb′→ e′. ∎

Definition A program is dd-deterministic whenever, for any executions E and E′ with EDE′, if eE and dd(e) ⊆ D then there exists e′E′ and dd(e) = dd′(e′), where e has the same address range as e′, and comes from the same thread. ∎

Theorem (SC-DRF) In a dd-sound, dd-deterministic program where every sequentially consistent execution is data-race-free, every execution is sequentially consistent.

Proof Let E be a program execution. We show by induction on cardinality that for any DE, if D is rf- and dd-closed, then D is rf-hb. In particular, E is rf-hb, and hence sequentially consistent.

The interesting case is when the cardinality of D is α+1. Since E is thin-air-read-free we can find D = C ∪ {e} such that C is rf- and dd-closed, and hence by induction is rf-hb. To show that D is rf-hb, we have to show that if d ─rf→ e then d ─hb→ e.

Since the program is dd-sound, we can find an rf-hb E′ such that CE′. Since E′ is rf-hb, it is SC, and hence by hypothesis it is DRF.

Now, since the program is dd-deterministic, we can find an e′E′ with the same address range as e and from the same thread, where dd(e) = dd′(e′). Since E′ is rf-hb we must be able to find d′ which overlaps with d such that d′ ─rf′→ e′ and d′ ─hb′→ e′. Since E′ is DRF and d is a write which overlaps with e′, they must be related by ─hb′→, and so we have two cases:

  1. d ─hb′→ e′: by the definition of hb, we have cases:

a. d ─hb′→ b′ ─sw′→ c′ ─po′→ e′: since b′ ─sw′→ c′, we must have that c′ is an atomic read, hence c′ ─dd′→ e′, and so c′ ─dd→ e, and so d ─hb→ e,

b. d ─po′→ e′: since d and e′ come from the same thread, so must d and e, so since d ─rf→ e, we must have d ─po→ e, and so d ─hb→ e,

  1. e′ ─hb′→ d: by the lemma, we have cases:

a. e′C which is a contradiction,

b. e′ ─po′→ d: since d and e′ come from the same thread, so must d and e, so since d ─rf→ e, we must have d ─po→ e, and so d ─hb→ e.

In any case, we have d ─hb→ e as required. ∎


Still to do:

  • Give semantics for the shared arrays API in terms of events.
  • Give semantics for other inter-thread communication mechanisms such as message channels.