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This directory contain the files and scripts to run a cosign release.

Cutting a Sigstore Release

  1. Release notes: Create a PR to update and review release notes in
  • Check merged pull requests since the last release and make sure enhancements, bug fixes, and authors are reflected in the notes.

You can get a list of pull requests since the last release by substituting in the date of the last release and running:

git log --pretty="* %s" --after="YYYY-MM-DD"

and a list of authors by running:

git log --pretty="* %an" --after="YYYY-MM-DD" | sort -u
  1. Tag the repository
$ export RELEASE_TAG=<release version, eg "v1.4.0">
$ git tag -s ${RELEASE_TAG} -m "${RELEASE_TAG}"
$ git push origin ${RELEASE_TAG}
  1. Submit the cloudbuild Job using the following command:
$ gcloud builds submit --config <PATH_TO_CLOUDBUILD> \
   --project <GCP_PROJECT>


  • PATH_TO_CLOUDBUILD is the path where the cloudbuild.yaml can be found.
  • GCP_PROJECT is the GCP project where we will run the job.
  • _GIT_TAG is the release version we are publishing.
  • _TOOL_ORG is the GitHub Org we will use. Default sigstore.
  • _TOOL_REPO is the repository we will use to clone. Default cosign.
  • _STORAGE_LOCATION where to push the built artifacts. Default cosign-releases.
  • _KEY_RING key ring name of your cosign key.
  • _KEY_NAME key name of your cosign key.
  • _KEY_VERSION version of the key stored in KMS. Default 1.
  • _KEY_LOCATION location in GCP where the key is stored. Default global.
  • _GITHUB_USER GitHub user to authenticate for pushing to GHCR.
  1. When the job finish, without issues, you should be able to see in GitHub a draft release. You now can review the release, make any changes if needed and then publish to make it an official release.

  2. Send an announcement email to mailing list

  3. Tweet about the new release with a fun new trigonometry pun!

  4. Honk!

After the release:

  • Add a pending new section in to set up for the next release