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908 lines (731 loc) · 34.2 KB
  • Feature Name: (fill me in with a unique ident, my_awesome_feature)
  • Start Date: 2018-04-04
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


This RFC proposes to add futures to libcore, in order to support the first-class async/await syntax proposed in a companion RFC. To start with, we add the smallest fragment of the futures-rs library required, but we anticipate follow-up RFCs ultimately bringing most of the library into libcore (to provide a complete complement of APIs).

The proposed APIs are based on the futures crate, but with two major changes:

  • The use of pinned types to enable borrowing within futures.
  • Removing the associated Error type (and adjusting combinators accordingly), in favor of just using Output = Result<T, E> instead. The RFC includes an extension trait to provide conveniences for Result-producing futures as well.


There are two reasons to consider bringing futures into the standard library.

The first, and by far most important, is to provide a supporting mechanism for async/await syntax:

async fn function(argument: &str) -> usize {
     // ...

The syntax itself is motivated in the companion RFC. As with closures, it involves producing an anonymous type, so that the above declaration is equivalent to:

fn function<'a>(argument: &'a str) -> _Anonymous<'a, usize> {
     // ...

and, again like a closure, the type is only usable through the trait it implements: Future. Hence, to include this syntax in the language, we must also introduce Future into core as a lang item.

The second reason to introduce futures is to establish them more formally as the way to express composable, asynchronous computation in Rust. Over time, the futures library has been refined to a core that bakes in almost no assumptions and is usable in a wide variety of contexts, including operating systems and embedded devices. As such, it has also become a de facto standard in this space, and there is a strong desire for the core parts of the library to reach the same level of stability as std itself. Bringing futures into libcore is a final step in standardization.

Changes from futures 0.2


The motivation to use the Pin is simple: it makes it possible for futures to hold internal borrows across yield points, which allows for far more idiomatic futures-based APIs. For example, an async read method currently has to take ownership of both the I/O object and the buffer to read into, and then yield ownership on success or failure:

fn read<T: AsMut<[u8]>>(self, buf: T) ->
    impl Future<Item = (Self, T, usize), Error = (Self, T, io::Error)>

This design is needed to ensure that the resulting future is 'static, which is in turn needed because borrowing across yield points isn't possible. It's very unwieldy.

Once we lift this restriction, however, we can write a signature that is literally the async version of the usual read:

async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize>;

In short, pinning allows us to make asynchronous programming feel like idiomatic Rust.

Removing the Error type

In some contexts it's common to encounter futures that cannot fail. While this can be encoded using the ! type, that's unwieldy, especially when considering async fn. Moreover, it's often a bit unclear how combinators interact with error behavior.

This RFC proposes to make the core Future trait not build in errors, making it possible to express infallible asynchronous code. At the same time, though, it incorporates what amounts to an alias, FutureResult, for Result-producing futures that can be used as a bound and for associated type projection, thus keeping good ergonomics in the fallible case (modulo finalizing on a shorter name).

Guide-level explanation

The Future trait represents an asynchronous computation that may eventually produce a final value, but don't have to block the current thread to do so.

Futures are usually constructed via asynchronous functions:

async fn read_frame(socket: &TcpStream) -> Result<Frame, io::Error> { ... }

This async function, when invoked, produces a future that represents the completion of reading a frame from the given socket. The function signature is equivalent to:

fn read_frame<'sock>(socket: &'sock TcpStream)
    -> impl Future<Output = Result<Frame, io::Error>> + 'sock;

Other async functions can await this asynchronous value; see the companion RFC for details.

In addition to async fn definitions, futures can be built using adapters on the Future trait, much like with Iterators. The standard library includes a number of basic adapters (described in the reference below), while some particularly interesting variants are iterating in the ecosystem first.

Ultimately asynchronous computations are executed by tasks, which are lightweight threads. In particular, an executor is able to "spawn" a ()-producing future as an independent task; these tasks are then cooperatively scheduled onto one or more operating system threads. The Executor trait defines this interface, and the task module provides a host of related definitions needed when manually implementing futures or executors.

Note: additional guide-level documentation is available in the futures crate.

Reference-level explanation

core::task module

The fundamental mechanism of futures is tasks, which are lightweight threads of execution; many tasks can be cooperatively scheduled onto a single operating system thread.

To perform this cooperative scheduling we use a technique sometimes referred to as a "trampoline". When a task would otherwise need to block waiting for some event, instead it schedules itself for later wakeup and returns to the executor running it, which can then run another task. Subsequent wakeups place the task back on the executors queue of ready tasks, much like a thread scheduler in an operating system.

Attempting to complete a task (or future within it) is called polling, and always yields a Poll value back:

/// Indicates whether a value is available, or if the current task has been
/// scheduled for later wake-up instead.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Poll<T> {
    /// Represents that a value is immediately ready.

    /// Represents that a value is not ready yet.
    /// When a function returns `Pending`, the function *must* also
    /// ensure that the current task is scheduled to be awoken when
    /// progress can be made.

When a task returns Poll::Ready, the executor knows the task has completed and can be dropped.

Waking up

Each task executor provides its own scheduling facilities, and hence needs to customize the way task wakeups are handled. As such, there is a std::task::Wake trait defining wakeup behavior:

/// A way of waking up a specific task.
/// Any task executor must provide a way of signaling that a task it owns
/// is ready to be `poll`ed again. Executors do so by implementing this trait.
pub trait Wake: Send + Sync {
    /// Indicates that the associated task is ready to make progress and should
    /// be `poll`ed.
    /// Executors generally maintain a queue of "ready" tasks; `wake` should place
    /// the associated task onto this queue.
    fn wake(&Arc<self>);

Note that this trait uses Arc and hence is only available in std; however, it's a convenience on top of an UnsafeWake trait we'll see in the no_std section.

In general futures are not coupled to any particular executor, so we use a trait object to handle waking:

/// A `Waker` is a handle for waking up a task by notifying its executor that it
/// is ready to be run.
/// This handle contains a trait object pointing to an instance of the `UnsafeWake`
/// trait, allowing notifications to get routed through it.
pub struct Waker { ... }

impl Waker {
    /// Wake up the task associated with this `Waker`.
    pub fn wake(&self);

impl Clone for Waker { .. }

// We will see how to handle the no_std case later in the RFC...
impl<T> From<Arc<T>> for Waker where T: Wake + 'static { ... }

Task execution always happens in the context of a Waker that can be used to wake the task up; we'll see the full core::task::Context structure below.


An executor is responsible for polling tasks to completion. We represent this with the core::task::Executor trait:

/// A task executor.
/// A *task* is a `()`-producing future that runs at the top level, and will
/// be `poll`ed until completion. It's also the unit at which wake-up
/// notifications occur. Executors, such as thread pools, allow tasks to be
/// spawned and are responsible for putting tasks onto ready queues when
/// they are woken up, and polling them when they are ready.
pub trait Executor {
    /// Spawn the given task, polling it until completion.
    /// # Errors
    /// The executor may be unable to spawn tasks, either because it has
    /// been shut down or is resource-constrained.
    fn spawn_obj(&mut self, task: TaskObj) -> Result<(), SpawnObjError>;

    /// Determine whether the executor is able to spawn new tasks.
    /// # Returns
    /// An `Ok` return means the executor is *likely* (but not guaranteed)
    /// to accept a subsequent spawn attempt. Likewise, an `Err` return
    /// means that `spawn` is likely, but not guaranteed, to yield an error.
    fn status(&self) -> Result<(), SpawnErrorKind> {

pub struct TaskObj { .. }

impl TaskObj {
    /// Create a new `TaskObj` by boxing the given future.
    pub fn new<F: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static>(f: F) -> TaskObj;

/// Provides the reason that an executor was unable to spawn.
pub struct SpawnErrorKind { .. }

impl SpawnErrorKind {
    /// Spawning is failing because the executor has been shut down.
    pub fn shutdown() -> SpawnErrorKind;

    /// Check whether this error is the `shutdown` error.
    pub fn is_shutdown(&self) -> bool;

    // additional error variants added over time...

/// The result of a failed spawn
pub struct SpawnObjError {
    /// The kind of error
    pub kind: SpawnErrorKind,

    /// The task for which spawning was attempted
    pub task: TaskObj,

We need the executor trait to be usable as a trait object, which is why TaskObj is constructed here from a boxed future. (In the no_std section, we'll see another constructor). In the long run, though, once we can take dyn by value, we would deprecate spawn_obj and add a default spawn method:

trait Executor {
    fn spawn(&mut self, task: Future<Output = ()> + Send) -> Result<(), SpawnErrorKind> {
    // ...

At that point we would also deprecate TaskObj, which is the reason for using the Obj suffix -- we want to keep the name Task available for potential usage down the line.

In addition to the above, the core::task module will include the following API for helping detect bugs:

/// Marks the current thread as being within the dynamic extent of an
/// executor.
/// Executor implementations should call this function before beginning to
/// execute a tasks, and drop the returned `Enter` value after completing
/// task execution:
/// ```rust
/// let enter = enter().expect("...");
/// /* run task */
/// drop(enter);
/// ```
/// Doing so ensures that executors aren't accidentally invoked in a nested fashion.
/// # Error
/// Returns an error if the current thread is already marked, in which case the
/// caller should panic with a tailored error message.
pub fn enter() -> Result<Enter, EnterError>

As stated in the doc comment, the expectation is that all executors will wrap their task execution within an enter to detect inadvertent nesting.

Task contexts

All tasks are executed with two pieces of contextual information:

  • A Waker for waking the task up later on.
  • An executor, which is the "default" place to spawn further tasks.

Notably, this list does not include task-local data; that can be addressed externally, as we'll see in a later section.

The core::task::Context type gathers the (stack-rooted) contextual information together, and is passed by mutable reference to all polling functions:

/// Information about the currently-running task.
/// Contexts are always tied to the stack, since they are set up specifically
/// when performing a single `poll` step on a task.
pub struct Context<'a> { .. }

impl<'a> Context<'a> {
    pub fn new(waker: &'a Waker, executor: &'a mut Executor) -> Context<'a>

    /// Get the `Waker` associated with the current task.
    pub fn waker(&self) -> &Waker;

    /// Spawn a future onto the default executor.
    /// # Panics
    /// This method will panic if the default executor is unable to spawn.
    /// To handle executor errors, use the `executor` method instead.
    pub fn spawn(&mut self, f: impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static + Send);

    /// Get the default executor associated with this task.
    /// This method is useful primarily if you want to explicitly handle
    /// spawn failures.
    /// NB: this will remain unstable until the final `Executor` trait is ready.
    pub fn executor(&mut self) -> &mut BoxExecutor;

Note that the spawn method here will box until Executor is added.

core::future module

With all of the above task infrastructure in place, defining Future is straightforward. Like Iterator, the Future trait has a single required method, poll, and a large number of provided methods (called "adapters" or "combinators"). We'll look first at poll:

pub trait Future {
    /// The type of value produced on completion.
    type Output;

    /// Attempt to resolve the future to a final value, registering
    /// the current task for wakeup if the value is not yet available.
    /// # Return value
    /// This function returns:
    /// - `Poll::Pending` if the future is not ready yet.
    /// - `Poll::Ready(val)` with the result `val` of this future if it completed.
    /// Once a future has completed, clients should not `poll` it again.
    /// When a future is not ready yet, `poll` returns `Poll::Pending`.
    /// The future will *also* register the interest of the current task in the
    /// value being produced. For example, if the future represents the availability
    /// of data on a socket, then the task is recorded so that when data arrives,
    /// it is woken up (via `cx.waker()`). Once a task has been woken up,
    /// it should attempt to `poll` the future again, which may or may not
    /// produce a final value at that time.
    /// Note that if `Pending` is returned it only means that the *current* task
    /// (represented by the argument `cx`) will receive a notification. Tasks
    /// from previous calls to `poll` will *not* receive notifications.
    /// # Runtime characteristics
    /// Futures alone are *inert*; they must be *actively* `poll`ed to make
    /// progress, meaning that each time the current task is woken up, it should
    /// actively re-`poll` pending futures that it still has an interest in.
    /// Usually this is handled automatically by `async`/`await` notation or
    /// via adapter methods. Executors ensure that each task is `poll`ed every
    /// time a future internal to that task is ready to make progress.
    /// The `poll` function is not called repeatedly in a tight loop for
    /// futures, but only whenever the future itself is ready, as signaled via
    /// `cx.waker()`. If you're familiar with the `poll(2)` or `select(2)`
    /// syscalls on Unix it's worth noting that futures typically do *not*
    /// suffer the same problems of "all wakeups must poll all events"; they
    /// are more like `epoll(4)`.
    /// An implementation of `poll` should strive to return quickly, and should
    /// *never* block. Returning quickly prevents unnecessarily clogging up
    /// threads or event loops. If it is known ahead of time that a call to
    /// `poll` may end up taking awhile, the work should be offloaded to a
    /// thread pool (or something similar) to ensure that `poll` can return
    /// quickly.
    /// # Panics
    /// Once a future has completed (returned `Ready` from `poll`), subsequent
    /// calls to `poll` may panic, block forever, or otherwise cause bad behavior.
    /// The `Future` trait itself provides no guarantees about the behavior of
    /// `poll` after a future has completed.
    fn poll(self: Pin<Self>, cx: &mut task::Context) -> Poll<Self::Item>;

Most of the explanation here follows what we've already said about the task system. The one new twist is the use of Pin, which makes it possible to keep data borrowed across separate calls to poll (i.e., "borrowing over yield points"). The mechanics of pinning are explained in the RFC that introduced it, but one key point is that when implementing Future by hand, if you don't wish to use this borrowing feature, you can treat Pin<Self> just like &mut self.

Universal adapters

There are several basic adapters, modeled on Iterator, that work for arbitrary futures. Using impl Trait notation, we can define them as follows:

trait Future {
    // Transform the result of the future
    fn map<T>(self, f: impl FnOnce(Self::Item) -> T) -> impl Future<Output = T>
        { .. }

    // Chain a future onto this one
    fn then<F>(self, f: impl FnOnce(Self::Item) -> F) -> impl Future<Output = F::Item>
        where F: Future
        { .. }

    // Chain a closure for side effects
    fn inspect(self, f: impl FnOnce(&Self::Item)) -> impl Future<Output = Self::Item>
        { .. }

    // Translate unwinding within this future into a `Result`
    fn catch_unwind(self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self::Item, Box<Any + Send>>>
        where Self: UnwindSafe
        { .. }

These adapters are all straightforward and based on substantial prior art.

More interesting adapters like shared, select and join will be left to the ecosystem to iterate on before being RFC'ed for std.

Result-specific adapters

Futures are often enough used with Result values that we provide a distinct subtrait for that case, equipped with some additional adapters:

// A future that returns a `Result`
trait FutureResult: Future<Output = Result<Self::Item, Self::Error>> {
    // Successful return values
    type Item;

    // Failure return values
    type Error;

    // Transform the successful result of the future
    fn map_ok<U>(self, f: impl FnOnce(T) -> U) -> impl FutureResult<U, E>
        { .. }

    // Transform the error result of the future
    fn map_err<F>(self, f: impl FnOnce(E) -> F) -> impl FutureResult<T, F>
        { .. }

    // Chain a future onto this one on success
    fn and_then<F, U>(self, f: impl FnOnce(T) -> F) -> impl FutureResult<U, E>
        where F: FutureResult<U, E>
        { .. }

    // Chain a future onto this one on failure
    fn or_else<F, G>(self, f: impl FnOnce(E) -> F) -> impl FutureResult<T, G>
        where F: FutureResult<T, G>
        { .. }

    // Pass the error type through an arbitrary conversion
    fn err_into<F>(self) -> impl FutureResult<T, F>
        where E: Into<F>
        { .. }

    // Handle the error provided by this future
    fn recover<F>(self, f: impl FnOnce(E) -> F) -> impl Future<Output = T>
        where F: Future<Output = T>
        { .. }

// Automatically applied to all `Result`-returning futures
impl<T, E, F> FutureResult for F where F: Future<Output = Result<T, E>> {
    type Item = T;
    type Error = E;

By making Item and Error associated types, it's possible to bound by FutureResult and project out those components, which can be a significant ergonomic win when working heavily with Result-based futures.

Thus (modulo finding a shorter name), the FutureResult subtrait should provide ergomomics equivalent to the old Future trait that included errors directly, while providing greater clarity around the error-free case (and providing a clear distinction between combinators that depend on error behavior and those that don't).

Stabilization plan

The holy grail would be to stabilize async/await for Rust 2018 (roughly by mid-September).

The path to stabilization is a bit tricky, since we want to get significant community experience, but the existing ecosystem works on stable Rust on already-published versions of the futures crate.

The proposed path to stabilization is thus to work as long as possible through the ecosystem, stabilizing in std only at the point that we are also ready to stabilize async/await. Thus, the main progression will be a series of futures crate releases leading up to 0.3:

  • futures 0.3-alpha: APIs matching this RFC, but only usable on nightly Rust
  • futures 0.3-beta: APIs matching this RFC, usable on stable Rust, but with async/await only available on nightly Rust.
  • futures 0.3: futures-core APIs forward to those in std, which are stabilized. Ideally, this also coincides with the Rust 2018 release.

There are a few things preventing us from going directly to beta status, most notably that Pin and friends are still unstable. The important point, though, is that these narrow underlying mechanisms can be stabilized well before futures are.

For this process to work well, it's vital that we vet 0.3 with enough of the ecosystem. A likely strategy is to provide either feature-gated or beta versions of various core libraries to gain further experience.

The RFC thread contains some additional details around stabilization depending on the trajectory of other features.

A lot of functionality beyond this RFC, e.g. streams, will remain available only in the futures crate. This RFC proposes only a minimal core needed to support async/await, allowing for further iteration in the rest of the stack. The intent, however, is for most of what's in the futures crate to eventually make its way into std.

Working with Pin

The details of Pin have been discussed extensively elsewhere, but it's worth reiterating a few key points here.

First, Pin should be understood analogously to & or &mut: it is a way of stating both a set of permissions you have, and some knowledge about what the code around you might be doing. In particular, Pin<'a, T> means you have unique access to T for lifetime 'a, and you're guaranteed that the T within will never be moved again.

If you're writing futures by hand and do not internally borrow -- the case for all existing futures code -- you can generally work with Pin as if it were &mut. In particular, for a concrete "leaf" future (which does not take other futures as arguments), Pin can be safely turned into &mut, and the Unpin auto trait does this automatically through DerefMut.

On the other hand, code that takes unknown futures must take some care with movement. There are essentially two options:

  • Ensure that the unknown future is moveable. You can either box it (or otherwise put it in its own allocation, e.g. a linked list as with FuturesUnordered) or have your client ensure Unpin holds.

  • Work with pinned futures directly. At present this requires some unsafe code, but early experience converting the futures combinators suggests that there are extremely regular patterns of usage that can be codified into safe abstractions.

Thus, in general there's always a trivial and safe way to convert existing code to deal with pinning. At worst, this trivial migration involves some additional allocation, which can be tuned later.

It's worth noting, too, that these tradeoffs are not specific to the Pin approach, but will affect any means of offering borrowing across yield points.

@Nemo157 helpfully sketched this story in a couple of example.

Details for no_std compatibility

The APIs proposed above are almost entirely compatible with core, except for a couple of constructors that require std objects:

  • Constructing a Waker from an Arc<dyn Wake>
  • Constructing a TaskObj from a future

These both have a similar shape: we have a concrete but opaque type (Waker, TaskObj) that represents a trait object, but does not force a particular representation for the trait object. In std environments, you can largely gloss over this point and just use Arc or Box respectively. But internally, the Waker and TaskObj types are more abstract.

We'll look at the Waker case in detail. The idea is to provide an UnsafeWake trait which represents "an arbitrary Wake-like trait object":

/// An unsafe trait for implementing custom memory management for a
/// `Waker`.
/// A `Waker` conceptually is a cloneable trait object for `Wake`, and is
/// most often essentially just `Arc<dyn Wake>`. However, in some contexts
/// (particularly `no_std`), it's desirable to avoid `Arc` in favor of some
/// custom memory management strategy. This trait is designed to allow for such
/// customization.
/// A default implementation of the `UnsafeWake` trait is provided for the
/// `Arc` type in the standard library.
pub unsafe trait UnsafeWake {
    /// Creates a new `Waker` from this instance of `UnsafeWake`.
    /// This function will create a new uniquely owned handle that under the
    /// hood references the same notification instance. In other words calls
    /// to `wake` on the returned handle should be equivalent to calls to
    /// `wake` on this handle.
    /// # Unsafety
    /// This function is unsafe to call because it's asserting the `UnsafeWake`
    /// value is in a consistent state, i.e. hasn't been dropped.
    unsafe fn clone_raw(self: *mut Self) -> Waker;

    /// Drops this instance of `UnsafeWake`, deallocating resources
    /// associated with it.
    /// # Unsafety
    /// This function is unsafe to call because it's asserting the `UnsafeWake`
    /// value is in a consistent state, i.e. hasn't been dropped
    unsafe fn drop_raw(self: *mut Self);

    /// Indicates that the associated task is ready to make progress and should
    /// be `poll`ed.
    /// Executors generally maintain a queue of "ready" tasks; `wake` should place
    /// the associated task onto this queue.
    /// # Panics
    /// Implementations should avoid panicking, but clients should also be prepared
    /// for panics.
    /// # Unsafety
    /// This function is unsafe to call because it's asserting the `UnsafeWake`
    /// value is in a consistent state, i.e. hasn't been dropped
    unsafe fn wake(self: *mut self);

We then provide the following constructor for Waker:

impl Waker {
    pub unsafe fn new(inner: *const dyn UnsafeWake) -> Waker;

and a From<Arc<dyn Wake>> impl that uses it.

Task-local storage

This RFC does not propose any implicit, built-in task-local storage. (Explicit storage is always possible).

Task-local storage is implementable on top of the proposed APIs by wrapping a task in a scoped use of thread-local storage. When polling the task, a thread-local value is established and hence usable implicitly within the call chain. But when returning -- which also happens when the task is blocked -- the thread-local is moved back out and stored with the task.

In the future, we anticipate adding "spawn hooks" for the Context::spawn method, essentially allowing you to guarantee that tasks spawned within some scope are wrapped in some way. That's a separately useful feature, but it can in particular be used to implement inheritance of task-local data.

It may be that eventually we do want to build in some task-local data scheme, but:

  • The no_std story is unclear.
  • There are a lot of possible designs around things like typemaps and inheritance, and so it seems best for this work to begin in the ecosystem first.


This RFC is one of the most substantial additions to std proposed since 1.0. It commits us not just to futures, but to a specific futures model. The stakes are rather high.

So, however, are the benefits. The borrow checker integration that's possible with async/await notation is a incredible boon to asynchronous programming that will solve myriad problems with the async ecosystem today, including error messages and learnability. In particular, integrating borrowing means it's possible to follow synchronous patterns for things like the read function (which want to hang on to a buffer reference). It's hard to overstate the impact. Given the importance of async programming to Rust in general (and in 2018 in particular), it seems quite prudent to seek these benefits and try to make them part of the 2018 edition.

On the risk-mitigation side, the core futures model is at this point battle-tested, and is nearing two years of age. While futures 0.2, and this RFC, both bring a fair amount of change, these changes are all in the form of simplifications (e.g. dropping the Error type), streamlining (the executor revamp), or making the model more explicit (the task context argument). Speaking subjectively, the APIs proposed here, relative to the initial futures 0.1 release, feel vastly closer to "canonical".

The RFC carves out a highly conservative set of the most clear-cut APIs, allowing us plenty of time to iterate on things like streams before bringing them into the language.

Finally, it's worth noting that futures are already the de facto standard for Rust's async ecosystem, so it's not clear that bringing them into std substantially changes the risk profile.

Rationale and alternatives

This RFC does not attempt to provide a complete introduction to the task model that originated with the futures crate. A fuller account of the design rationale and alternatives can be found in the following two blog posts:

To summarize, the main alternative model for futures is a callback-based approach, which was attempted for several months before the current approach was discovered. In our experience, the callback approach suffered from several drawbacks in Rust:

  • It forced allocation almost everywhere, and hence was not compatible with no_std.
  • It made cancellation extremely difficult to get right, whereas with the proposed model it's just "drop".
  • Subjectively, the combinator code was quite hairy, while with the task-based model things fell into place quickly and easily.

Some additional context and rationale is available in the companion RFC.

Alternative no_std handling

Rather than using the UnsafeWake trait, we could factor "abstract Arc-like trait objects" out as a first-class concept, ArcObj. We would also define an ArcLike trait to determine what concrete types can fit into it:

// An `Arc`-like trait object for a trait `T`
// Implements `Send`, `Sync` and `Clone`
struct ArcObj<T: ?Sized> {
    inner: *mut T,

    // a manually-constructed vtable for the Arc-like methods
    drop_fn: unsafe fn(*mut T),
    clone_fn: unsafe fn(*mut T) -> ArcObj<T>,

unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Send + Sync> Send for ArcObj<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Send + Sync> Sync for ArcObj<T> {}

impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for ArcObj<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
        unsafe { &*self.inner }

// An object that can be used like `Arc<T>`
unsafe trait ArcLike<T: ?Sized>: Send + Sync {
    fn into_raw(self) -> *mut T;
    unsafe fn drop_fn(*mut T);
    unsafe fn clone_fn(*mut T) -> ArcObj<T>;

unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Send + Sync> ArcLike<T> for Arc<T> {
    fn into_raw(self) -> *mut T {
        Arc::into_raw(self) as *mut T

    unsafe fn drop_fn(t: *mut T) {

    unsafe fn clone_fn(t: *mut T) -> ArcObj<T> {
        let val: Arc<T> = Arc::from_raw(t);
        let cloned = val.clone();

impl<T: ?Sized> ArcObj<T> {
    fn new<U: ArcLike<T>>(u: U) -> ArcObj<T> {
        ArcObj {
            inner: u.into_raw(),
            drop_fn: U::drop_fn,
            clone_fn: U::clone_fn,

impl<T: ?Sized> Clone for ArcObj<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> ArcObj<T> {
        unsafe {

impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for ArcObj<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

With this setup, we can define Waker as:

struct Waker {
    obj: ArcObj<dyn Wake>,

and allow construction from any ArcObj<dyn Wake>, rather than just Arc<dyn Wake>, without using UnsafeWake.

However, this would involve ArcObj appearing in multiple places throughout the API, rather than sequestering the niche case into just the UnsafeWake trait as this RFC proposes.

Prior art

There is substantial prior art both with async/await notation and with futures (aka promises) as a basis. The proposed futures API was influenced by Scala's futures in particular, and is broadly similar to APIs in a variety of other languages (in terms of the adapters provided).

What's more unique about the model in this RFC is the use of tasks, rather than callbacks. The RFC author is not aware of other futures libraries using this technique, but it is a fairly well-known technique more generally in functional programming. For a recent example, see this paper on parallelism in Haskell. What seems to be perhaps new with this RFC is the idea of melding the "trampoline" technique with an explicit, open-ended task/wakeup model.

Unresolved questions

  • Final name for FutureResult.