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This includes dockerfiles to build Dapr release and debug images and development container images for go dev environment.

  • Dockerfile: Dapr Release Image
  • Dockerfile-debug: Dapr Debug Image - WIP
  • Dockerfile-dev: Development container image for VS Code Remote-Containers and GitHub Codespaces.

Dev Container

Container build args

The Dev Container can be rebuilt with custom options. Relevant args (and their default values) include:

  • GOVERSION (default: 1.21)
  • INSTALL_ZSH (default: true)
  • KUBECTL_VERSION (default: latest)
  • HELM_VERSION (default: latest)
  • MINIKUBE_VERSION (default: latest)
  • DAPR_CLI_VERSION (default: latest)
  • PROTOC_VERSION (default: 21.1)
  • PROTOC_GEN_GO_VERSION (default: 1.28)
  • PROTOC_GEN_GO_GRPC_VERSION (default: 1.2)
  • GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION (default: 1.45.2)

Setup multi-arch Docker builds

Building multi-arch Docker images requires using QEMU, which we do not distribute as part of the container image.

To configure Docker within the dev container for multi-arch builds, within the dev container run this command:
