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chezmoi Contributing Guide

Getting started

chezmoi is written in Go and development happens on GitHub. The rest of this document assumes that you've checked out chezmoi locally.

Developing locally

chezmoi requires Go 1.13 or later and Go modules enabled. Enable Go modules by setting the environment variable GO111MODULE=on.

chezmoi is a standard Go project, using standard Go tooling, with a few extra tools. Install these extra tools with:

make install-tools

Build chezmoi:

go build .

Run all tests:

go test ./...

Run chezmoi:

go run .

Documentation and templates changes

The canonical documentation for chezmoi is in the docs directory. The help text (the output of chezmoi command --help) and the website ( are generated from this.

chezmoi embeds documentation and templates in its binary.

If you update any file in the docs/ or assets/templates/ directories, you must also run

go generate

Contributing changes

Bug reports, bug fixes, and documentation improvements are always welcome. Please open an issue or create a pull request with your report, fix, or improvement.

If you want to make a more significant change, please first open an issue to discuss the change that you want to make. Dave Cheney gives a good rationale as to why this is important.

All changes are made via pull requests. In your pull request, please make sure that:

  • All existing tests pass.

  • There are appropriate additional tests that demonstrate that your PR works as intended.

  • The documentation is updated, if necessary. For new features you should add an entry in docs/ and a complete description in docs/

  • The code is correctly formatted, according to gofumports. You can ensure this by running make format.

  • The code passes go vet and golangci-lint. You can ensure this by running make lint.

  • The commit messages match chezmoi's convention, specifically that they begin with a capitalized verb in the imperative and give a short description of what the commit does. Detailed information or justification can be optionally included in the body of the commit message.

  • Commits are logically separate, with no merge or "fixup" commits.

  • The branch applies cleanly to master.

Managing releases

Releases are managed with goreleaser.

To create a new release, push a tag, e.g.:

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release"
git push origin v0.1.0

To build a test release, without publishing, run:

make test-release


If you're packaging chezmoi for an operating system or distribution:

  • Please set the version number, git commit, and build time in the binary. This greatly assists debugging when end users report problems or ask for help. You can do this by passing the following flags to the Go linker:


    $VERSION should be the chezmoi version, e.g. 1.7.3. Any v prefix is optional and will be stripped, so you can pass the git tag in directly.

    $COMMIT should be the full git commit hash at which chezmoi is built, e.g. 4d678ce6850c9d81c7ab2fe0d8f20c1547688b91.

    $DATE should be the date of the build in RFC3339 format, e.g. 2019-11-23T18:29:25Z.

  • Please enable cgo, if possible. chezmoi can be built and run without cgo, but the .chezmoi.username and template variables may not be set correctly on some systems.

  • chezmoi includes a docs command which prints its documentation. By default, the docs are embedded in the binary. You can disable this behaviour, and have chezmoi read its docs from the filesystem by building with the noembeddocs build tag and setting the directory where chezmoi can find them with the -X$DOCDIR linker flag. For example:

    go build -tags noembeddocs -ldflags "-X" .

    To remove the docs command completely, use the nodocs build tag.

  • chezmoi includes an upgrade command which attempts to self-upgrade. You can remove this command completely by building chezmoi with the noupgrade build tag.

  • chezmoi includes shell completions in the completions directory. Please include these in the package and install them in the shell-appropriate directory, if possible.

  • If the instructions for installing chezmoi in chezmoi's install guide are absent or incorrect, please open an issue or submit a PR to correct them.

Updating the website

The website is generated with Hugo and served with GitHub pages from the gh-pages branch to GitHub.

Before building the website, you must download the Hugo Book Theme by running:

git submodule update --init

Test the website locally by running:

( cd && hugo serve )

and visit http://localhost:1313/.

To build the website in a temporary directory, run:

( cd && make )

From here you can run

git show

to show changes and

git push

to push them. You can only push changes if you have write permissions to the chezmoi GitHub repo.