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Files in the PG/etc directory

Files in this directory are auxiliary documentation and test files,
not needed for a running Proof General installation.

README                 this file

ProofGeneral.spec      Sample specfile for building the Proof General RPM.
		       Use "rpm -tb" to build from tarball.      Menu file for some Linux versions.  
		       Install in /usr/lib/menu.

ProofGeneral.desktop   Menu file for some Linux versions.  
		       Install in /etc/X11/applnk/Applications/

demoisa					  Isabelle Demo PG
coq					  Coq
<otherprover>				   .. others, similarly

cvs-tips.txt	       Notes on  cvs with PG project
development-tips.txt   Notes on  development
profiling.txt			 profiling

proviola/	       See README therein.

testsuite/	       Test suites (replaced by generic/pg-autotest)

trac/		       Test cases for reported bugs to check 
		       regression (manually)