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File metadata and controls

90 lines (68 loc) · 2.75 KB


A Vim plugin for the Fanuc TP language

TpDev creates a development environment for programming Fanuc robots using the TP (teach pendant) language. This includes syntax highlighting, code snippets, tags, data commenting, data & IO cross referencing, debugging, compiling, and viewing the program call structure. Some features are dependent on 3rd party plugins or software. Some features use the Windows command line. No current intentions to adapt to other OS, but open to forks.


  • Install pathogen into \vimfiles\autoload and add the following line to your _vimrc:

      call pathogen#infect()
  • Clone or copy tpDev into vimfiles\bundle

Dependencies (some can be disabled):

  • Windows Command line is used for: Tag generation, Copy/Paste Programs, TpTree Generation, Compiling programs

  • NERDTree Enabled by default, to disable: set g:tpDevUseNERDTree = 0

  • AsyncRun Enabled by default, to disable: set g:tpDevUseAsyncRun = 0

  • SnipMate Required to use built in code snippets Is automatically disabled if SnipMate is not installed Code snippets located in tpDev\snippets\tp.snippets

  • MakeTP Command line utility required to compile tp programs. Must be acquired from Fanuc by purchasing RoboGuide or OLPCPro.

  • AutoComplPop Optional but recommended Very useful for autocompleting of words and code snippets


in Vim	`:help tpDev`

Example vimrc setup:
"TpDev Settings
let g:tpDevDirMain = 'C:\Users\name\Projects'
let g:tpDevDirSrc = 'C:\Users\name\Projects\source'
let g:tpDevDirBin = 'C:\Users\name\Projects\binary'

"NERDTree settings
let NERDTreeIgnore=['tags$', '\~$', '/*.TpTree']

"SnipMate settings
 "Shows available snippets
imap '<tab> <c-r><tab>
 "insert real tab
imap <c-tab> <c-q><tab>

"Tag Jumps except in special windows
au FileType * :call TagMap()
function! TagMap()
	if &ft isnot 'qf' && &ft isnot 'nerdtree'
		nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <c-]>
		nnoremap <buffer> <c-cr> <c-T>

"VIM internal caps lock <c-^>
"TP files default to all caps by default
for c in range(char2nr('A'), char2nr('Z'))
  execute 'lnoremap ' . nr2char(c+32) . ' ' . nr2char(c)
 execute 'lnoremap ' . nr2char(c) . ' ' . nr2char(c+32)
set iminsert=0 " Caps lock normally off
au FileType tp setlocal iminsert=1
au FileType vim setlocal iminsert=0
imap .cl <C-^>
nmap .cl V~


TpDev is released under the MIT license. See