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└── packages
    └── eslint-config-bases


Name Description Version
@belgattitude/eslint-config-bases Opinionated eslint config bases for most projects npm npm


Name Description
yarn g:changeset Add a changeset to declare a new version
yarn g:typecheck Run typechecks in all workspaces
yarn g:prettier-check Run prettier checks
yarn g:prettier-fix Fix all prettier errors
yarn g:lint Display linter issues in all workspaces
yarn g:lint --fix Attempt to run linter auto-fix in all workspaces
yarn g:test Run unit and e2e tests in all workspaces
yarn g:test-unit Run unit tests in all workspaces
yarn g:build Run build in all workspaces
yarn g:clean Clean builds in all workspaces
yarn g:check-dist Ensure build dist files passes es2017 (run g:build first).
yarn g:check-size Ensure build files are within size limit (run g:build first).
yarn g:build-doc Build documentation (generally api doc)
yarn clean:global-cache Clean tooling caches (eslint, jest...)
yarn deps:check --dep dev Will print what packages can be upgraded globally (see also .ncurc.yml)
yarn deps:update --dep dev Apply possible updates (run yarn install && yarn dedupe after)
yarn check:install Verify if there's no peer-deps missing in packages
yarn dedupe Built-in yarn deduplication of the lock file