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This page will introduce data input method in cxxnet. cxxnet use data iterator to provide data to the neural network. Iterators do some preprocessing and generate batch for the neural network.

  • We provide basic iterators for MNIST, Image, Binary Image and CSV.
  • To boost performance, we provide thread buffer for loading.
    • Putting threadbuffer iterator after input iterator will open an independent thread to fetch from the input, this allows parallelism of learning process and data fetching.
    • We recommend you use thread buffer in all cases to avoid IO bottle neck.

Declarer the iterator in the form

iter = iterator_type
options 1 =
options 2 =
iter = end
  • The basic iterator type is mnist , image , imgbin, csv
  • To use thread buffer, declare in this form
iter = iterator_type
options 1 =
options 2 =
iter = threadbuffer
iter = end

= Iterators


Preprocessing Options
shuffle = 1
  • shuffle set 1 to shuffle the training data. Note that this option does not apply to imgbin and csv.


MNIST Iterator

  • Required fields
path_img = path to gz file of image
path_label = path to gz file of label
input_flat = 1
  • input_flat means loading the data in shape 1,1,784 or 1,28,28
  • You may check a full example here


Image and Image Binary Iterator

There are two ways to load images, image iterator that takes list of images in the disk, and image binary iterator that reads images from a packed binary file. Usually, I/O is a bottle neck, and image binary iterator makes training faster. However, we also provide image iterator for convenience

Image Iterator

  • Required fields
image_list = path to the image list file
image_root = path to the image folder
Image list file

The image_list is a formatted file. The format is

image_index \t label \t file_name

A valid image list file is like the following (NO header):

1       0       cat.5396.jpg
2       0       cat.11780.jpg
3       1       dog.11254.jpg
4       0       cat.6791.jpg
5       0       cat.7937.jpg
6       1       dog.9329.jpg
  • image_root is the path to the folder contains files in the image list file.
Image binary iterator

Image binary iterator aims to reduce to IO cost in random seek. It is especially useful when deal with large amount for data like in ImageNet.

  • Required field
image_list = path to the image list file
image_bin = path to the image binary file
  • The image_list file is described above
  • To generate image_bin file, you need to use the tool im2bin in the tools folder.
  • You may check an example here

Realtime Preprocessing Option for Image/Image Binary

rand_crop = 1
rand_mirror = 1
divideby = 256
image_mean = "img_mean.bin"
max_aspect_ratio = 0.5


Common Parameters
  • divideby normalize the data by dividing a value
  • image_mean minus the image by the mean of all image. The value is the path of the mean image file. If the file doesn't exist, cxxnet will generate one.
  • mean_value minus the image by the value specified in this field. Note that only one of image_mean and mean_value should be specified.


Random Augmenations
  • rand_crop set 1 for randomly cropping image of size specified in input_shape. If set to 0, the iterator will only output the center crop.
  • rand_mirror set 1 for random mirroring the training data
  • min_crop_size and max_crop_size denotes the range of crop size. If they are not 0, the iterator will randomly pick x in [min_crop_size, max_crop_size]. And then it will crop a region whose width and height are x. At last, the crop region is resize to input_shape.
  • max_aspect_ratio denotes the max ratio of random aspect ratio augmentation. If it is not 0, the iterator will first random width in [min_crop_size, max_crop_size], and then random aspect_ratio in [0, max_aspect_ratio]. The height is set to y = max(min_crop_size, min(max_crop_size, x * (1 + aspect_ratio))). After cropping, the region is resized to input_shape.
  • max_shear_ratio denotes the max random shearing ratio. In training, the image will be sheared randomly in [0, max_shear_ratio].
  • max_rotate_angle denotes the random rotation angle. In training, the image will be rotated randomly in [-max_rotate_angle, max_rotate_angle].
  • rotate_list specifies a list that input will rotate. e.g. rotate_list=0,90,180,270 The input will only rotate randomly in the set.
  • max_random_contrast denotes the range of random contrast variation. The output will be y = (x - mean) * (1 + contrast), where x is the original image, and contrast is randomly picked in [-max_random_contrast, max_random_contrast]. It will not take effect unless mean_value or mean_file specified.
  • max_random_illumination denotes the range of random illumination variation. The output will be y = (x - mean) * contrast, where x is the original image, and illumination is randomly picked in [-max_random_illumination, max_random_illumination]. It will not take effect unless mean_value or mean_file specified.


Deterministic Transformations

Deterministic transformations are usually used in test to generate diverse prediction results. Ensembling diverse prediction results could improve the performance.

  • crop_x_start and crop_y_start denotes the left corner of the crop.
  • mirror denotes whether mirror the input.
  • rotate denotes the angle will rotate.


CSV Iterator

This iterator can be used to read data files that stores in a raw CSV file. The CSV file should have the following data structure label(s) , other_columns. The number of label columns can be controlled via label_width parameter, by default it is set to 1, i.e. first column of CSV file is treated as labels. Example:

iter = csv
filename = "train.csv"
  • filename denotes the file name of the csv file.
  • has_header denotes whether this csv has header line, if this parameter is set to 1, the iterator will automatically skip the first line.