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Type Soundness of the Base+Overlap λ*-Calculus in Coq


This variant of λ* changes the base version as follows:

  • Functions and arguments are now allowed to overlap at call sites, permitting more programs to be typed, e.g.,
val c1 = ... // Ref[Int] ^ {c1}
val c2 = ... // Ref[Int] ^ {c2}

// addRef : (Ref[Int] ^ {c1} => Int ^ {}) ^ {c1, c2}
def addRef(c3 : Ref[Int] ^ {c1}): Int =
    !c1 + !c2 + !c3

// permitted overlap is controlled by the qualifier in the function's domain:
addRef(c1) // ok now, was prohibited in base version
addRef(c2) // type error, c2 ∉ {c1} ⊓ {c1,c2}

Mechanization Outline (lambda_star.v)

Paper Mechanization
Term typing Γ∣Σ ⊢ t : Tᵈ Inductive has_type
Subtyping Γ∣Σ ⊢ T₁ᵈ¹ <: T₂ᵈ² Inductive stp
Qualifier subtyping Γ∣Σ ⊢ q₁ <: q₂ Inductive qstp
Lemma 3.1 Lemma substitution_gen, Lemma substitution
Theorem 3.2 & 3.3 Theorem type_safety
Corollary 3.4 Corollary preservation_of_separation

Qualifier Operations (Section 3.2 & qualifiers.v)

Paper Mechanization
Inclusion q₁ ⊑ q₂ subqual with notation _⊑_
Union q₁ ⊔ q₂ qlub with notation _⊔_
-aware intersection q₁ ⊓ q₂ qqcap with notation _⋒_
- Standard intersection qglb with notation _⊓_
Cancelling plus q₁ + q₂ qplus with notation _⊕_
Cancelling union q₁ ⊕ q₂ qqplus with notation _⋓_

Due to the absence of the qualifier in this version, it holds that qlub = qqplus and qglb = qqcap.


  • Just as the base version, the proof of the substitution lemma 3.1 for function applications critically requires reasoning about the interaction of substitutions with the intersection constraints in t-app. The difference here is that instead of complete disjointness, some overlap is permitted, and the associated property (Lemma subst1_preserves_separation) generalizes as follows: let df be the function's qualifier, d1 be the argument's qualifier, and θ a substitution, then it should hold that (θdf ⋒ θd1) = θ(df ⋒ d1). This property holds under the specific conditions in the substitution lemma.

  • General overlap between functions and arguments destroys the previous "qualifiers in typing contexts consists of self-references and locations" invariant. Instead, reasoning about the substitution θ in the overlap requires that type assignments Γ∣Σ ⊢ᵠ t : Tᵈ always ensure saturation of the qualifier d, i.e., d is transitively closed w.r.t. reachability in context Γ and Σ (cf. Definition saturated).

    • This invariant of typing derivations is captured by Lemma has_type_saturated and requires that all entries in Γ are saturated (cf. Definition wf_tenv). Ensuring the invariant requires strengthening t_abs, t_app, and t_sub with additional saturation constraints.
  • The type safety proof in this version now requires narrowing on term typing (cf. Lemma narrowing_gen and narrowing), instead of widening on value typings used in the base version.

File Index

Main Files

  • lambda_star.v -- The λ*-calculus: definitions and metatheory (type safety theorem and preservation of separation).
  • examples.v -- Mechanized examples from the OOPSLA'21 paper, and limitations of this variant.

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