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399 lines (278 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

399 lines (278 loc) · 11.6 KB

Electron Installer for Debian

electron-installer-debian Version Build Status Dependency Status

Create a Debian package for your Electron app.


This tool requires fakeroot and dpkg to build the .deb package.

I'd recommend building your packages on your target platform, but if you insist on using Mac OS X, you can install these tools through Homebrew:

$ brew install fakeroot dpkg


For use from command-line:

$ npm install -g electron-installer-debian

For use in npm scripts or programmatically:

$ npm install --save-dev electron-installer-debian


Say your Electron app lives in path/to/app, and has a structure like this:

├── node_modules
│   ├── electron-packager
│   └── electron-prebuilt
├── package.json
├── resources
│   ├── Icon.png
│   ├── IconTemplate.png
│   └── IconTemplate@2x.png
└── src
    ├── index.js
    ├── main
    │   └── index.js
    └── renderer
        ├── index.html
        └── index.js

You now run electron-packager to build the app for Debian:

$ electron-packager . app --platform linux --arch x64 --out dist/

And you end up with something like this in your dist folder:

└── dist
    └── app-linux-x64
        ├── LICENSE
        ├── LICENSES.chromium.html
        ├── content_shell.pak
        ├── app
        ├── icudtl.dat
        ├── locales
        ├── natives_blob.bin
        ├── resources
        ├── snapshot_blob.bin
        └── version

How do you turn that into a Debian package that your users can install?


If you want to run electron-installer-debian straight from the command-line, install the package globally:

$ npm install -g electron-installer-debian

And point it to your built app:

$ electron-installer-debian --src dist/app-linux-x64/ --dest dist/installers/ --arch amd64

You'll end up with the package at dist/installers/app_0.0.1_amd64.deb.


If you want to run electron-installer-debian through npm, install the package locally:

$ npm install --save-dev electron-installer-debian

Edit the scripts section of your package.json:

  "name": "app",
  "description": "An awesome app!",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "electron .",
    "build": "electron-packager . app --platform linux --arch x64 --out dist/",
    "deb64": "electron-installer-debian --src dist/app-linux-x64/ --dest dist/installers/ --arch amd64"
  "devDependencies": {
    "electron-installer-debian": "*",
    "electron-packager": "*",
    "electron-prebuilt": "*"

And run the script:

$ npm run deb64

You'll end up with the package at dist/installers/app_0.0.1_amd64.deb.


Install the package locally:

$ npm install --save-dev electron-installer-debian

And write something like this:

var installer = require('electron-installer-debian')

var options = {
  src: 'dist/app-linux-x64/',
  dest: 'dist/installers/',
  arch: 'amd64'

console.log('Creating package (this may take a while)')

installer(options, function (err) {
  if (err) {
    console.error(err, err.stack)

  console.log('Successfully created package at ' + options.dest)

You'll end up with the package at dist/installers/app_0.0.1_amd64.deb.


Even though you can pass most of these options through the command-line interface, it may be easier to create a configuration file:

  "dest": "dist/installers/",
  "icon": "resources/Icon.png",
  "categories": [
  "lintianOverrides": [

And pass that instead with the config option:

$ electron-installer-debian --src dist/app-linux-x64/ --arch amd64 --config config.json

Anyways, here's the full list of options:


Type: String Default: undefined

Path to the folder that contains your built Electron application.


Type: String Default: undefined

Path to the folder that will contain your Debian installer.


Type: Function Default: function (dest, src) { return path.join(dest, src); }

Function that renames all files generated by the task just before putting them in your dest folder.

Type: String Default:

Name of the package (e.g. atom), used in the Package field of the control specification.

According to the Debian Policy Manual:

Package names [...] must consist only of lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), plus (+) and minus (-) signs, and periods (.). They must be at least two characters long and must start with an alphanumeric character.


Type: String Default: package.productName ||

Name of the application (e.g. Atom), used in the Name field of the desktop specification.


Type: String Default: package.genericName || package.productName ||

Generic name of the application (e.g. Text Editor), used in the GenericName field of the desktop specification.


Type: String Default: package.description

Short description of the application, used in the Description field of the control specification.


Type: String Default: package.productDescription || package.description

Long description of the application, used in the Description field of the control specification.


Type: String Default: package.version

Version number of the package, used in the Version field of the control specification.


Type: String Default: package.revision

Revision number of the package, used in the Version field of the control specification.


Type: String Default: "utils"

Application area into which the package has been classified, used in the Section field of the control specification.

You can read more about sections, and also check out the list of existing sections in Debian unstable.


Type: String Default: "optional"

How important it is that the user have the package installed., used in the Priority field of the control specification.

You can read more about priorities.


Type: String Default: undefined

Machine architecture the package is targeted to, used in the Architecture field of the control specification.

For possible values see the output of dpkg-architecture -L.


Type: Integer Default: size of the folder

Estimate of the total amount of disk space required to install the named package, used in the Installed-Size field of the control specification.

options.depends et al

Type: Array[String] Default: []

Relationships to other packages, used in the Depends, Recommends, Suggests, Enhances and Pre-Depends fields of the control specification.


Type: String Default: <>

Maintainer of the package, used in the Maintainer field of the control specification.


Type: String Default: package.homepage ||

URL of the homepage for the package, used in the Homepage field of the control specification.


Type: String Default:

Relative path to the executable that will act as binary for the application, used in the Exec field of the desktop specification.

The generated package will contain a symlink /usr/bin/<%= %> pointing to the path provided here.

For example, providing this configuration:

  src: '...',
  dest: '...',
  name: 'foo',
  bin: 'resources/cli/'

Will create a package with the following symlink:

usr/bin/foo@ -> ../lib/foo/resources/cli/

And a desktop specification with the following Exec key:

Exec=foo %U


Type: String or Object[String:String] Default: undefined

Path to a single image that will act as icon for the application:

  icon: 'resources/Icon.png'

Or multiple images with their corresponding resolutions:

  icon: {
    '48x48': 'resources/Icon48.png',
    '64x64': 'resources/Icon64.png',
    '128x128': 'resources/Icon128.png',
    '256x256': 'resources/Icon256.png'


Type: Array[String] Default: []

Categories in which the application should be shown in a menu, used in the Categories field of the desktop specification.

For possible values check out the Desktop Menu Specification.


Type: Array[String] Default: []

MIME types the application is able to open, used in the MimeType field of the desktop specification.


Type: Array[String] Default: []

You can use these to quieten lintian.




Copyright (c) 2016 Daniel Perez Alvarez ( This is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.