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This is a Guild AI example that defines a CIFAR10 model based on TensorFlow's excellent Convolutional Neural Networks Guide.

Project files


To work with this project, ensure that you have Guild AI installed along with its requirements.

If you haven't already, clone Guild AI examples:

$ git clone


Prepare and train the CIFAR10 model:

$ cd guild-examples/cifar10
$ guild prepare
$ guild train

The prepare command downloads the CIFAR10 data, which will be used for subsequent operations.


At any point you can view project run results by in Guild View by running the view command in a separate terminal:

$ guild view

Guild View runs on port 6333 by default — to view it, open http://localhost:6333 in your browser.


To calculate the most recently trained model's final accuracy using test data, use the evaluate command:

$ guild evaluate --latest-run


To run a model as an HTTP service in Guild Serve run:

$ guild serve RUN

where RUN is a value returned by list-runs (i.e. a path to the run directory) or --latest-run to serve the model exported in the last run.

Generating sample inputs

This example provides a samples resource that can be used to generate a number of CIFAR10 images and their corresponding JSON encodings. These file can be used to run ad hoc inference on the model in Guild View (see the Serve tab) or Guild Serve (see Serving above).

Images are generated from the CIFAR10 training/test data.

To generate samples, run:

$ guild prepare samples

This will create a local samples subdirectory containing the samples images.

More about Guild AI

For more information about the Guild AI project, see