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Basic concept

In this note, we introduce Java's support for generic classes, interfaces, and methods. We motivate and illustrate the concepts by means of the example task of implementing a class University that has the following methods:

class University {

    void addStudent(Student student) { ... }

    boolean hasStudent(Student student) { ... }

    /** Returns the number of students that have obtained at least 120 credits. */
    int getNbFinishers() { ... }

    void addStaff(Staff staff) { ... }

    boolean hasStaff(Staff staff) { ... }

     * Returns the average number of scientific publications authored by this
     * university's staff members.
    int getAvgNbPubs() { ... }


(In this note, we mostly ignore issues of encapsulation and documentation, to focus on the topic of generics.)

Class University uses classes Student and Staff:

class Student { int nbCredits; }
class Staff { int nbPubs; }

Approach 1: Duplicate collection classes

To implement class University, we need to implement a data structure for storing the current set of students, and a data structure for storing the current set of staff members. A data structure for storing a set of students could look like this:

class LinkedListOfStudent implements IterableOfStudent {

    static class Node {
        Student element;
        Node next;

        Node(Student element, Node next) {
            this.element = element;
   = next;

    Node firstNode;

    boolean contains(Student student) {
        for (Node node = firstNode; node != null; node =
            if (node.element == student)
                return true;
        return false;

    public IteratorOfStudent iterator() {
        return new IteratorOfStudent() {
            Node node = firstNode;
            public boolean hasNext() { return node != null; }
            public Student next() {
                Student result = node.element;
                node =;
                return result;

    void addFirst(Student student) {
        firstNode = new Node(student, firstNode);

This class uses the interfaces IterableOfStudent and IteratorOfStudent defined as follows:

interface IterableOfStudent {

    IteratorOfStudent iterator();


interface IteratorOfStudent {

    boolean hasNext();

    Student next();


Assuming we also implement analogous types LinkedListOfStaff, IterableOfStaff and IteratorOfStaff, we can implement class University as follows:

class University {
    private LinkedListOfStudent students = new LinkedListOfStudent();
    private LinkedListOfStaff staffMembers = new LinkedListOfStaff();

    void addStudent(Student student) {

    boolean hasStudent(Student student) {
        return students.contains(student);

    /** Returns the number of students that have obtained at least 120 credits. */
    int getNbFinishers() {
        int result = 0;
        for (IteratorOfStudent iterator = students.iterator();
             iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Student student =;
            if (student.nbCredits >= 120)
        return result;

    void addStaff(Staff staff) {

    boolean hasStaff(Staff staff) {
        return staffMembers.contains(staff);

     * Returns the average number of scientific publications authored by this
     * university's staff members.
    int getAvgNbPubs() {
        int nbStaff = 0;
        int totalNbPubs = 0;
        for (IteratorOfStaff iterator = staffMembers.iterator();
             iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Staff staff =;
            totalNbPubs += staff.nbPubs;
        return totalNbPubs / nbStaff;


Obviously, we would like to avoid having to introduce a separate linked list implementation, and separate types for iterables and iterators, for each element type.

Approach 2: Using subtype polymorphism

One way to achieve reuse of collection classes is by exploiting the fact that all objects are of type Object, so we can use a data structure with element type Object to store any collection:

interface Iterable {

    Iterator iterator();


interface Iterator {

    boolean hasNext();

    Object next();


class LinkedList implements Iterable {

    static class Node {
        Object element;
        Node next;

        Node(Object element, Node next) {
            this.element = element;
   = next;

    Node firstNode;

    boolean contains(Object element) {
        for (Node node = firstNode; node != null; node =
            if (node.element == element)
                return true;
        return false;

    public Iterator iterator() {
        return new Iterator() {
            Node node = firstNode;
            public boolean hasNext() { return node != null; }
            public Object next() {
                Object result = node.element;
                node =;
                return result;

    void addFirst(Object element) {
        firstNode = new Node(element, firstNode);

We can use class LinkedList to implement class University. Note, however, that we do have to insert a typecast in methods getNbFinishers() and getAvgNbPubs():

class University {
    private LinkedList students = new LinkedList();
    private LinkedList staffMembers = new LinkedList();

    void addStudent(Student student) {

    boolean hasStudent(Student student) {
        return students.contains(student);

    /** Returns the number of students that have obtained at least 120 credits. */
    int getNbFinishers() {
        int result = 0;
        for (Iterator iterator = students.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Student student = (Student); // Typecast!
            if (student.nbCredits >= 120)
        return result;

    void addStaff(Staff staff) {

    boolean hasStaff(Staff staff) {
        return staffMembers.contains(staff);

     * Returns the average number of scientific publications authored by this
     * university's staff members.
    int getAvgNbPubs() {
        int nbStaff = 0;
        int totalNbPubs = 0;
        for (Iterator iterator = staffMembers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Staff staff = (Staff); // Typecast!
            totalNbPubs += staff.nbPubs;
        return totalNbPubs / nbStaff;


Note also that with this approach, we lose much of the benefit of Java's static type checker: many programming errors that would be caught by the static type checker before we run the program when using Approach 1 are only detected, if at all, during execution of the program when using Approach 2. This includes the following errors:

  • Adding the student to staffMembers instead of students in method addStudent. This would lead to a ClassCastException in getAvgNbPubs() if and when that method gets called.
  • Calling contains on staffMembers instead of students in method hasStudent. This would not cause an exception; instead, it would silently produce wrong results.
  • Iterating over staffMembers instead of students in method getNbFinishers. This would lead to a ClassCastException in getNbFinishers(), except if staffMembers is empty. In the latter case, it would silently produce wrong results.
  • The corresponding errors in addStaff, hasStaff, and getAvgNbPubs.

Approach 3: Generics

We can achieve reuse without sacrificing static type checking by defining types Iterator, Iterable, and LinkedList as generic types with a type parameter T:

interface Iterable<T> {

    Iterator<T> iterator();


interface Iterator<T> {

    boolean hasNext();

    T next();


class LinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> {

    static class Node<T> {
        T element;
        Node<T> next;

        Node(T element, Node<T> next) {
            this.element = element;
   = next;

    Node<T> firstNode;

    boolean contains(T element) {
        for (Node<T> node = firstNode; node != null; node =
            if (node.element == element)
                return true;
        return false;

    public Iterator<T> iterator() {
        return new Iterator<T>() {
            Node<T> node = firstNode;
            public boolean hasNext() { return node != null; }
            public T next() {
                T result = node.element;
                node =;
                return result;

    void addFirst(T element) {
        firstNode = new Node<T>(element, firstNode);

We can obtain classes equivalent to classes LinkedListOfStudent and LinkedListOfStaff above, simply by instantiating generic class LinkedList with type argument Student and Staff, respectively, to obtain parameterized types LinkedList<Student> and LinkedList<Staff>:

class University {
    private LinkedList<Student> students = new LinkedList<Student>();
    private LinkedList<Staff> staffMembers = new LinkedList<Staff>();

    void addStudent(Student student) {

    boolean hasStudent(Student student) {
        return students.contains(student);

    /** Returns the number of students that have obtained at least 120 credits. */
    int getNbFinishers() {
        int result = 0;
        for (Iterator<Student> iterator = students.iterator();
             iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Student student =;
            if (student.nbCredits >= 120)
        return result;

    void addStaff(Staff staff) {

    boolean hasStaff(Staff staff) {
        return staffMembers.contains(staff);

     * Returns the average number of scientific publications authored by this
     * university's staff members.
    int getAvgNbPubs() {
        int nbStaff = 0;
        int totalNbPubs = 0;
        for (Iterator<Staff> iterator = staffMembers.iterator();
             iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Staff staff =;
            totalNbPubs += staff.nbPubs;
        return totalNbPubs / nbStaff;


Note: if the type arguments for an instance creation expression can be derived from the context, they can be omitted: in the example above, instead of new LinkedList<Student>(), we can simply write new LinkedList<>(); this is known as diamond notation.

Bounded type parameters

Suppose we want to store the university's students sorted by number of credits obtained, and the staff members sorted by number of publications. We want to develop a class SortedLinkedList<T> as a subclass of LinkedList<T>. For class SortedLinkedList<T> to be able to compare its elements, its elements should implement interface Comparable<T>, defined as follows:

interface Comparable<T> {
     * Returns a negative number, zero, or a positive number if this object
     * compares as less than, equal to, or greater than {@code other}.
    int compareTo(T other);

We can let the static type checker enforce this by declaring Comparable<T> as an upper bound of the type parameter of SortedLinkedList:

class SortedLinkedList<T extends Comparable<T>> extends LinkedList<T> {
    void addFirst(T element) {
        Node<T> sentinel = new Node<T>(null, firstNode);
        Node<T> node = sentinel;
        while ( != null && < 0)
            node =; = new Node<T>(element,;
        firstNode =;

Notice that thanks to the upper bound, the static type checker allows us to call the compareTo method on expressions of type T.

We can update class University to use class SortedLinkedList by updating the field declarations as follows:

private LinkedList<Student> = new SortedLinkedList<>();
private LinkedList<Staff> = new SortedLinkedList<>();

The static type checker will allow this only after we extend classes Student and Staff to implement interface Comparable:

class Student implements Comparable<Student> {
    int nbCredits;
    public int compareTo(Student other) { return nbCredits - other.nbCredits; }

class Staff implements Comparable<Staff> {
    int nbPubs;
    public int compareTo(Staff other) { return nbPubs - other.nbPubs; }

(The term "upper bound" refers to the image of superclasses being "above" subclasses.)


Suppose, now, that we want to extend class University with a method getMembers() that returns a collection containing all members of the university. First, we introduce class Member as a superclass of Student and Staff:

class Member {}

class Student extends Member implements Comparable<Student> { ... }

class Staff extends Member implements Comparable<Staff> { ... }

For the purpose of illustrating various aspects of generics, we implement method getMembers() as follows:

class University {

    // ...

    LinkedList<Member> getMembers() {
    	LinkedList<Member> members = new LinkedList<>();
    	return members;


We make a first attempt at defining methods addAll and copyInto in class LinkedList as follows:

class LinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> {

    // ...

    void addAll(LinkedList<T> other) {
    	for (Iterator<T> iterator = other.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
    void copyInto(LinkedList<T> other) {
    	for (Iterator<T> iterator = this.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )


This, however, does not work, for two reasons.

  • Firstly, the static type checker complains about the call of addAll in method getMembers(): its argument is of type LinkedList<Student>, which is not assignable to parameter other of type LinkedList<Member>. Indeed, LinkedList<Student> is not a subtype of LinkedList<Member>, even though Student is a subtype of Member. In other words, LinkedList<T> is not covariant in T.

    There is a good reason for this: if LinkedList<T> were covariant, the static type checker would not complain if we incorrectly tried to add the university's staff members to its collection of students, as follows:

    LinkedList<Member> studentsAsMembers = university.students;

    Indeed, an object of type LinkedList<Member> must accept the addition of arbitrary new elements of type Member. An object of type LinkedList<Student> does not satisfy that condition: it accepts only Student objects.

  • Secondly, the static type checker also complains about the call of copyInto in method getMembers(): its argument is of type LinkedList<Member>, which is not assignable to parameter other of type LinkedList<Staff>. Indeed, LinkedList<Member> is not a subtype of LinkedList<Staff>, even though Member is a supertype of Staff. In other words, LinkedList<T> is not contravariant in T.

    The reason for this is obvious: a LinkedList<Staff> must contain only Staff objects, whereas a LinkedList<Member> object may additionally contain other Member objects, such as Student objects.

In summary, generic types are neither covariant nor contravariant in their type parameter. In other words, they are invariant.


Upper-bounded wildcards

Even though LinkedList<Student> is not a subtype of LinkedList<Member>, it is in fact safe for the call of members.addAll to pass students as an argument: indeed, addAll only retrieves elements from its argument; it does not add new elements to it. For that reason, it is safe for addAll to take as an argument a LinkedList<U> object, for any subtype U of T. We can express this by using an upper-bounded wildcard:

void addAll(LinkedList<? extends T> other) {
    for (Iterator<? extends T> iterator = other.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )

Wildcard type LinkedList<? extends T> generalizes over all types LinkedList<U>, for all subtypes U of T, as well as LinkedList<T> itself. It could be proncounced "linked list of some type that extends T".

Lower-bounded wildcards

Even though LinkedList<Member> is not a subtype of LinkedList<Staff>, it is in fact safe for the call of staffMembers.copyInto to pass members as an argument: indeed, copyInto only puts elements into its argument; it does not retrieve any elements from it. For that reason, it is safe for copyInto to take as an argument a LinkedList<U> object, for any supertype U of T. We can express this by using a lower-bounded wildcard:

void copyInto(LinkedList<? super T> other) {
    for (Iterator<T> iterator = this.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )

Wildcard type LinkedList<? super T> generalizes over all types LinkedList<U>, for all supertypes U of T, as well as LinkedList<T> itself. It could be pronounced "linked list of some supertype of T".

Generic methods

Suppose we add the following static method to class LinkedList:

static void copyInto(LinkedList<...> from, LinkedList<...> to) {
    from.copyInto(to); // equivalently: to.addAll(from);

What type arguments should we write here?

Here, we need to link the two parameter types. To do so, we need to turn method copyInto into a generic method by declaring a method-level type parameter T. Then, there are three equivalent ways to complete the method declaration:

static <T> void copyInto(LinkedList<T> from, LinkedList<? super T> to) {
static <T> void copyInto2(LinkedList<? extends T> from, LinkedList<T> to) {
static <T> void copyInto3(LinkedList<? extends T> from, LinkedList<? super T> to) {

Assuming we pick the first declaration, we can rewrite method getMembers() in class University to use this method as follows:

LinkedList<Member> getMembers() {
    LinkedList<Member> members = new LinkedList<>();
    LinkedList.<Student>copyInto(students, members);
    LinkedList.<Staff>copyInto(staffMembers, members);
    return members;

Notice that we can specify the type argument for the type parameter of the method being called by putting it between angle brackets in front of the method name.

In most cases, however, the type argument can be inferred from the argument types or from the context of the call; in these cases, we can omit the type argument:

LinkedList<Member> getMembers() {
    LinkedList<Member> members = new LinkedList<>();
    LinkedList.copyInto(students, members);
    LinkedList.copyInto(staffMembers, members);
    return members;

We can also use a method-level type parameter to link the return type to a parameter type:

static <T> LinkedList<T> copy(LinkedList<T> list) {
    LinkedList<T> result = new LinkedList<>();
    return result;


After the static type checker finishes checking a Java program, but before the program is executed, all generics are erased from it. That is, in generic type declarations, each type parameter is replaced by its upper bound (or Object if it has no explicit upper bound), and type arguments are simply removed. Typecasts are inserted as necessary to preserve well-typedness. For example, after erasing the example program from Approach 3, we obtain the example program from Approach 2. This involves inserting typecasts that cast the result of to the expected type.

This approach, called erasure, has the following implications:

  • Type arguments must be subtypes of Object; using a primitive type (like int) as a type argument is not allowed. To store primitive values in a generic collection, you must first box them. For example, ArrayList<int> is not allowed, but ArrayList<Integer> is allowed. Java will convert int values to Integer objects and vice versa automatically. (However, the memory allocation involved in autoboxing may have a significant performance impact.)
  • Since type arguments are not available at run time, they cannot be used in ways that affect the run-time type of an object or otherwise affect the program's run-time behavior. For example, if T is a type parameter, the expressions new T(), new T[], T.class, or ... instanceof T are not allowed. However, new LinkedList<T>() is allowed, since the type argument <T> is removed during erasure anyway.
  • Casts to types that are not run-time types (i.e. types that are different from their erasure, such as T (whose erasure is Object) or LinkedList<T> (whose erasure is LinkedList)) are allowed, but it may not be possible to fully check them at run time. In those cases, the static type checker generates an unchecked cast warning. For example, suppose object is a variable of type Object. The cast (LinkedList<Student>)object generates an unchecked cast warning, since it cannot be determined at run time whether the LinkedList object was created as a LinkedList<Student>, a LinkedList<Staff>, or with yet some other type argument. If object points to a LinkedList object that contains a Staff object, then ((LinkedList<Student>)object).iterator().next() will throw a ClassCastException when the next() call returns, because this expression's erasure is (Student)((LinkedList)object).iterator().next() and the return value of the next() call is a Staff object.

Generics in Java and other languages

Generics are widely used in Java. For example, the Iterator and Iterable interfaces that we discussed in the previous chapter are defined as follows in the Java Platform API (omitting some details):

interface Consumer<T> {
  void accept(T t);
interface Iterator<E> {
  boolean hasNext();
  E next();
interface Iterable<T> {
  void forEach(Consumer<? super T> consumer);
  Iterator<T> iterator();

Generics and similar features also exist in many other languages with static type systems like C#, Scala, C++, Haskell, OCaml, Rust, etc. However, the details often vary; for example, bounded type parameters only exist in languages with subtyping and even then, the details of how they work tend to vary. In functional programming languages like Haskell and OCaml, generics are referred to as parametric polymorphism (not to be confused with subtype polymorphism, which refers to subtyping).