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🤫 Whisper

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Plug-and-play entrypoint to inject secrets directly into your application's environment variables.

How it works

Whisper must run as your application's entrypoint. This means that instead of running this command to start your application:


Run this instead:

whisper exec -- /bin/run-my-app

Whisper reads its environment variables, replaces references to secrets with the secrets' values, and passes the resulting variables to your application. Variables that are not references to secrets are passed as is. See Secret providers below for more details.

Environment variable values can also contain filters that transform the secret's value. See Filters below for more details.

Using whisper locally

Download the whisper binary for your OS and architecture on the project's releases page and put the binary in your PATH.

Including whisper in a Docker image

For convenience, the whisper binary is also released as a Docker image. In your application's Dockerfile, simply add the following line:

COPY /whisper /bin/whisper

And then change your image's entrypoint:

# from this:
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/run-my-app"]
# to this:
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/whisper", "exec", "--", "/bin/run-my-app"]

See examples/dockerfile for actual code.

Secret providers

Whisper supports fetching secrets from the following providers.

Azure Key Vault

Whisper will fetch secrets from Azure Key Vault for all environment variables that start with azkv:. What follows the prefix should reference a secret.

Here are some examples:

  • references the latest value of the secret-sauce secret in the example Key Vault.
  • references a specific version of the secret-sauce secret in the example Key Vault.

Whisper uses the environment's default credentials to authenticate to Azure. You can set these credentials with the environment variables listed here, or with workload identity.

Google Secret Manager

Whisper will fetch secrets from Google Cloud Platform's Secret Manager for all environment variables that start with gcpsm:. What follows the prefix should reference a secret.

Here are some examples:

  • gcpsm:example/secret-sauce references the latest value of the secret-sauce secret in the example project.
  • gcpsm:example/secret-sauce#123 references a specific version of the
  • secret-sauce secret in the example project.

Whisper uses the environment's default credentials to authenticate to Google Cloud. You can set these with the gcloud CLI, with environment variables, with Google Cloud's environment service accounts, or with workload identity.

An alternative to whisper, specific to Google Cloud, is berglas.

Hashicorp Vault

Not yet supported.

You mat want to have a look at bank-vaults in the mean time.

AWS Secrets Manager

Whisper will fetch secrets from AWS Secrets Manager for all environment variables that start with awssm:. What follows the prefix should reference a secret.

Here are some examples:

  • awssm:secret-sauce references the current value of the secret-sauce secret in the region and account defined by the environment.
  • awssm:secret-sauce#9517cc59-646a-4393-81d7-5e6f2d43cbe7 references a specific version of the secret-sauce secret in the region and account defined by the environment.
  • awssm:secret-sauce#my-label references a specific staging label of the secret-sauce secret in the region and account defined by the environment.
  • awssm:arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:secret-sauce-abcdef references the secret with the specified ARN.
  • awssm:arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:secret-sauce-abcdef#my-label references a specific staging label of the secret with the specified ARN.

The string that comes after # could be a version ID or a version label. If the string is a UUID, then whisper assumes it is a version ID. Otherwise, it assumes it is a version label.

Whisper uses the environment's default credentials to authenticate to AWS.


The passthrough: prefix is special: it does not fetch secrets from anywhere. Whisper uses the secret's reference as its value. In effect, this simply removes the passthrough: prefix from any environment variables.


Whisper supports transforming secrets with the following filters.


Whisper embeds the Kubernetes JSONPath library. You can use it to extract specific fields from a JSON-encoded secret. For example, if you have a secret with a value of {"sauce": "szechuan"}, the jsonpath filter can extract the sauce field's value:



Error: unknown flag

Your application may use flags, like this:

whisper exec /bin/run-my-app --port=3000

Whisper then picks up the --port flag and returns an error:

Error: unknown flag: --port

Whisper ignores any flags that come after a special -- argument. So simply run this command instead:

whisper exec -- /bin/run-my-app --port=3000

Any flags after the -- argument will still be passed to your application.