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Cloud Infrastucture

This directory contains all Terraform code required to provision the cloud resources used to test murmur functionality.


Our recommended setup requires that you install tfswitch. Alternatively, you can install a version of the Terraform CLI that matches the version constraints of this project.

You must be authenticated as a Microsoft Azure account that has the necessary permissions to manage the infrastructure. To log in, run this command:

az login

You must be authenticated to a Google account that has the necessary permissions to manage the infrastructure. To log in, run this command:

gcloud auth application-default login

You must be authenticated as an AWS user that has the necessary permissions to manage the infrastructure. Do this by setting the necessary environment variables. You must also set the AWS_REGION environment variable to eu-west-3.

You must also set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to a personal access token with the necessary permissions to manage this repository's secrets, and the GITHUB_OWNER environment variable to busser, this repository's owner.

To generate documentation, you must install terraform-docs and prettier.


This repository contains the following layers:

  • layers/bootstrap: resources that must exist before the other layers can be applied.
  • layers/azure-keyvault: resources to test integration with Azure Key Vault.

To apply a layer, run the following commands in the layer's directory:

# Download the latest version of Terraform that matches the layer's version contraints.

# Initialise the layer.
terraform init

# Apply the layer.
terraform apply


Each directory with Terraform code in it has auto-generated documentation. To update this documentation, run this command:

make docs