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Project: Statistical Modelling with Python

by Clinton Boyda


Pull data from 3 API's, merge them then model them to look for any statistical relationships to demonstrate Python Statistical assignment.


Step 1: CityBikes API

  • Grab live data from CityBikes API
  • specifically generated a list of ebike stations in Vancouver, BC, Canada (242 stations found)
  • assuming free_bikes + ebikes we have 2,288 total bikes in our dataset
  • Google Colab Python code in notebook city_bikes.ipyb
all stations
All ebike Stations in Vancouver as of June 3, 2023

Step 2: FourSquare and YELP API's

  • used API's to find Points of Interest (POI's) near each of the stations
    • specifically looked within 1000m for "PARKS" with the assumption that park users may use e-bikes
  • Google Colab Python code in notebook yelp_foursquare_EDA.ipynb
    • merged column from FourSquare of location_count (for nearby POI's)
    • merged columns from YELP of yelp_location_count and yelp_review_count for total reviews of those POI's
      • note results from YELP needed to be further filter to remove items like "Trailer Parks"

Step 3: Joining: Merge then Store Data in SQLite

  • merged review_counts and number of "PARKS" nearby for each of our City Bike stations
    • we can now predict empty_slots, slots, free_bikes or ebikes[selected]
merged dataframe
Final Merged DataFrame
table relationships
Database Tables Simplified Relationships
database schema
SQLite Database Schema

Step 4: Build Statistical Model

  • models created to predict the number of ebikes
  • built 3 Statistical Regression Models including:
    • Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
    • Linear Regression with 8 models using list method
    • Generalized Linear Model (GLM)
  • built Classification Regression Model
    • Logistic Regression


Regression Statistical Models

  • Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)

ols model

  • Linear Regresion (with OLS)

linear regression

  • Generalized Linear Model (GLM)

glm model

Classification Statistical Models

  • Logistical Regression

classification model


Fill in what you found about the comparative quality of API coverage in your chosen area and the results of your model.

a) Model Comparison

Model Model Fit: R-squared (%) Model Prediction Accuracy (%)
OLS Regression 17.00 19.56
Linear Regression 43.40 3.62
GLM Regression 20.90 19.56
Logistic Regression (Classification) 6.00 31.82
Baseline (mean of ebikes) - 23.97

If a model's fit R-squared value is high but the prediction accuracy is low, it suggests that the model is fitting the training data well but is not generalizing well to new, unseen data.

b) Quality of APIs

  • Number of Yelp POI results > FourSquare which may be because of the category selected of "PARKS"
    • 74.38% of City Bikes stations rows returned NO locations using FourSquare vs Yelp found results for all stations.

c) Exploraty Data Analysis (EDA)

  • during EDA, various visualization techniques were applied to explore the data and extract meaningful information
  • Google Colab Python code in notebook joining_data.ipynb
Feature Histograms by Distribution
correlation matrix
Correlation Matrix

d) Insights

  • If popularity is defined as # of reviews for the nearby PARKS, the top 10 stations could be illustrated as:
popular stations
Top 10 ebike Stations near the highest reviewed PARKS in Vancouver as of June 3, 2023

Step 5: Build Data Visualizations

Where are the ebikes in Vancouver and how many are free??

sunburst neighbourhoods
Interactive Sunburst breakdown of Free Bike Availability by Neighbourhood in Vancouver as of June 3, 2023

Which stations have ebikes and where are they located?

station heatmap
Free Bike Availability by Station in Vancouver as of June 3, 2023

Which neighbourhoods have ebike availability?

neighbourhood heatmap
Free Bike Availability by Neighbourhood in Vancouver as of June 3, 2023

Top 5 neighbourhood availability of ebikes?

neighbourhood violins
Free Bike Availability in Top 5 Neighbourhoods in Vancouver as of June 3, 2023
What does a violin plot visualization represent?

In a violin plot, the box-and-whisker elements represent the statistical summary of the data distribution for each category or group.

  • Violin shape: The shape of the violin represents the data distribution. It is symmetrical along the central line, which represents the median of the data. The width of the violin at a specific point indicates the density or frequency of data points in that region. A wider section indicates a higher concentration of data points, while a narrower section indicates a lower concentration.

  • White dot: The white dot within the violin represents the median of the data. It is a measure of central tendency and indicates the middle value of the dataset when sorted.

  • Box: The box inside the violin represents the interquartile range (IQR) of the data. It spans from the first quartile (25th percentile) to the third quartile (75th percentile) of the dataset. The height of the box indicates the spread of the middle 50% of the data.

  • Whiskers: The whiskers extend from the box and represent the range of the data excluding outliers. By default, they extend up to 1.5 times the IQR. Data points beyond the whiskers are considered outliers and plotted individually.

  • Outliers: Individual data points that fall beyond the whiskers are plotted as individual points, helping to identify potential anomalies or extreme values in the data.

The violin plot combines aspects of a box plot and a kernel density plot, providing a visual representation of both the distribution and summary statistics of the data. It allows for easy comparison of distributions between different categories or groups in a single plot.


✗ Poor API documentation, would have preferred to find/use these interactive api testing webpages earlier!

✗ Assignment needs more clarification for better statiscally significant results.

  • Some questions asked weren't possible based on recommended steps.
  • Merging of API data was unclear, decided to aggregate values from points of interest.

Future Goals

What would you do if you had more time?

✓ gather better information to better predict # of ebikes available

✓ consider method to gather data over time to find trends

✓ better document functions and my code for future reference and reusability

✓ rewrite API calls to include actual review scores

✓ rewrite code to allow for easier modification/reusability of universal results including making the call/model formation for

  • any city
  • other predictions including free_bikes slots_avialable
  • any POI category