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This document describes the step to run the GPT-J model on FasterTransformer. GPT-J was developed by EleutherAI and trained on The Pile, a 825GB dataset from curated sources (e.g. Wikipedia, arXiv, GitHub, StackExchange, PubMed, ...). With 6 billion parameters, GPT-J is one of the largest GPT-like publicly released models as of 2021.

Optimization in GPT-j are similar to optimization in GPT, describing in the

  • Constructor of GPT-j
Classification Name Data Type Description
[0] max_batch_size size_t Deprecated, move to input
[1] max_seq_len size_t Deprecated, move to input
[2] max_input_len size_t Deprecated, move to input
[3] beam_width size_t Deprecated, move to input
[4] head_num size_t Head number for model configuration
[5] size_per_head size_t Size per head for model configuration
[6] inter_size size_t The inter size of feed forward network. It is often set to 4 * head_num * size_per_head.
[7] num_layer size_t Number of transformer layers for model configuration
[8] vocab_size size_t Vocabulary size for model configuration
[9] rotary_embeeding_dim size_t Rotary embedding dimension of rotary position embedding for model configuration
[10] start_id int Start id for vocabulary
[11] end_id int End id for vocabulary
[12] prompt_learning_start_id int The start id of virtual token in p/prompt-tuning
[13] prompt_learning_type PromptLearningType The type of prompt learning when we load the prompt embedding in constructor. FT supports no_prompt, soft_prompt, prefix_prompt, p_prompt_tuning now
[14] beam_search_diversity_rate float Deprecated, move to input
[15] top_k size_t Deprecated, move to input
[16] top_p float Deprecated, move to input
[17] random_seed unsigned long long Deprecated, move to input
[18] temperature float Deprecated, move to input
[19] len_penalty float Deprecated, move to input
[20] repetition_penalty float Deprecated, move to input
[21] tensor_para NcclParam Tensor Parallel information, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/nccl_utils.h
[22] pipeline_para NcclParam Pipeline Parallel information, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/nccl_utils.h
[23] stream cudaStream_t CUDA stream
[24] cublas_wrapper cublasMMWrapper* Pointer of cuBLAS wrapper, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/cublasMMWrapper.h
[25] allocator IAllocator* Pointer of memory allocator, which is declared in src/fastertransformer/utils/allocator.h
[26] is_free_buffer_after_forward bool If setting to be true, FasterTransformer will allocate buffer before forward, and free buffer after forward. When the allocator is based on memory pool, setting to true may help reducing the memory usage during inference.
[27] cuda_device_prop cudaDeviceProp* Pointer of CUDA device properties, which is used to get the properties of hardware like size of shared memory
[28] custom_all_reduce_comm AbstractCustomComm Custom all reduction communication for custom all reduction in model parallelism. It is only supported in 8-way tensor parallelism
[29] enable_custom_all_reduce int Flag of enabling custom all reduction or not
  • Input of GPT-j
Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Location Data Type Description
input_ids [batch_size, max_input_length] GPU int The input ids (context)
input_lengths [batch_size] GPU int The lengths of input ids
prompt_learning_task_name_ids [batch_size] CPU int Optional. Task name ids for prompt learning.
output_seq_len [batch_size] CPU uint32_t The largest number of tokens you hope for results. Note that it contains the input length
start_id [batch_size] CPU int Optional. If FT receives this input, FT will replace default start id by it
end_id [batch_size] CPU int Optional. If FT receives this input, FT will replace default end id by it
stop_words_list [batch_size, 2, stop_words_length] GPU int Optional. FT would not generate the tokens in the list.
bad_words_list [batch_size, 2, bad_words_length] GPU int Optional. The words in the list will never be sampled.
runtime_top_k [1] or [batch_size] CPU uint Optional. top_k value for top k sampling
runtime_top_p [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. top_p value for top p sampling
beam_search_diversity_rate [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. A hyper hyper-parameter for simple diverse decoding
temperature [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Temperature applied to logits for both beam search and sampling
len_penalty [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Length penalty applied to logits for only beam search
repetition_penalty [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Repetition penalty applied to logits for both beam search and sampling. Exclusive with presence_penalty.
presence_penalty [1] or [batch_size] CPU float Optional. Presence penalty - additive type of repetition penalty - applied to logits for both beam search and sampling. Exclusive with repetition_penalty.
min_length [1] or [batch_size] CPU int Optional. Minimum number of tokens to generate
random_seed [1] or [batch_size] CPU unsigned long long int Optional. Random seed to initialize the random table in sampling.
request_prompt_lengths [batch_size], GPU int Optional. Length of prefix soft prompt embedding. This describes how many tokens of soft prompt embedding in each sentence.
request_prompt_embedding [batch_size, max_prompt_length, hidden_units] GPU float Optional. Prefix soft prompt embedding. FT will concat them with results of embedding lookup kernel
request_prompt_type [batch_size] CPU int Optional. Prompt type of request. This is necessary when user pass the prompt embedding by input
memory_len [1] CPU uint32 Optional. The maximum time memory used in attention modules. Reduces the memory footprint but quality of generation might degrades.
  • Output of GPT-j
Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Location Data Type Description
output_ids [batch_size, beam_width, max_output_seq_len] GPU int The output ids. It contains the input_ids and generated ids
sequence_length [batch_size, beam_width] GPU int The lengths of output ids
output_log_probs [batch_size, beam_width, request_output_seq_len] GPU float Optional. It records the log probability of logits at each step for sampling.
cum_log_probs [batch_size, beam_width] GPU float Optional. Cumulative log probability of generated sentences

The beam_width value is set by the output shape directly. When the beam_width of output_ids is larger than 1, FT will use beam search to generate tokens; otherwise, FT will use topk or topp sampling. When the inputs of beam search and sampling is invalid, like beam width 1, top k 0, top p 0.0, FT will run greedy search automatically.

Inference Options

We provide the environment variables to tune for specific usage.

Name Description Default Values accepted
FMHA_ENABLE enable the fused multi-head attention kernels (fp16 accumulation) disabled ON = enable fmha, otherwise disabled
CONTEXT_ATTENTION_BMM1_HALF_ACCUM use fp16 accumulation for the qk gemm, and only make a difference to unfused multi-head attention kernels fp32 accumulation ON = fp32 accumulation, otherwise fp16 accumulation

Supported features

  • Checkpoint converter
    • EleutherAI
    • Huggingface
  • Data type
    • FP32
    • FP16
    • BF16
  • Feature
    • Multi-GPU multi-node inference
    • Dynamic random seed
    • Stop tokens
    • Bad words list
    • Beam search and sampling are both supported
  • Frameworks
    • Triton backend



  • CMake >= 3.13 for PyTorch
  • CUDA 11.0 or newer version
  • NCCL 2.10 or newer version
  • Python: Only verify on python 3
  • PyTorch: Verify on 1.8.0, >= 1.5.0 should work.

Recommend use nvcr image like

These components are readily available within the NGC Docker image below.

Ensure you have the following components:

For more information about how to get started with NGC containers, see the following sections from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Documentation and the Deep Learning Documentation:

For those unable to use the NGC container, to set up the required environment or create your own container, see the versioned NVIDIA Container Support Matrix.

Docker image

  • The model was built and tested with the use nvcr image e.g.

    nvidia-docker run -ti --shm-size 5g --rm bash

Build project

  • Get the code and install all dependencies:

    git clone
    mkdir -p FasterTransformer/build
    cd FasterTransformer/build
    git submodule init && git submodule update
    pip3 install fire jax jaxlib
  • Note: the xx of -DSM=xx in following scripts means the compute capability of your GPU. The following table shows the compute capability of common GPUs.

GPU compute capacity
P40 60
P4 61
V100 70
T4 75
A100 80
A30 80
A10 86

By default, -DSM is set by 70, 75, 80 and 86. When users set more kinds of -DSM, it requires longer time to compile. So, we suggest setting the -DSM for the device you use only. Here, we use xx as an example due to convenience.

make -j12

Download the model

  • Download the mystic public model and convert

    unzstd step_383500_slim.tar.zstd
    tar -axf step_383500_slim.tar
    python3 ../examples/pytorch/gptj/utils/ --output-dir ../models/j6b_ckpt --ckpt-dir ./step_383500/

The script accepts the following arguments:

  1. --output-dir is the path of the base directory where the weight binary files will be saved. If --output-dir terminates with .pt the script just converts the checkpoint to a Pytorch model file that can be read by the GPT-J implementation in HuggingFace's transformer.
  2. --ckpt-dir is the path to the extracted checkpoint. If --ckpt-dir terminates with .pt then the script reads the Pytorch model file instead than the public checkpoint, which is faster.
  3. --n-inference-gpus number of GPUs used for inference, defaults to 1. The binary model parameters are saved to ${output-dir}/${n-inference-gpus}-gpu/
  • Download the huggingface gptj model and convert

    sudo apt-get install git-lfs
    git lfs install
    git clone
    python3 ../examples/pytorch/gptj/utils/ --ckpt-dir gpt-j-6B/ --output-dir gpt-j-6B/c-models/ --n-inference-gpus 1

The script accepts the following arguments:

  1. --output-dir is the path of the base directory where the weight binary files will be saved.
  2. --ckpt-dir is the path to the extracted checkpoint.
  3. --n-inference-gpus number of GPUs used for inference, defaults to 1. The binary model parameters are saved to ${output-dir}/${n-inference-gpus}-gpu/

Download tables

  • The vocabulary and merge tables are the same as for GPT

    wget -P ../models
    wget -P ../models


  • Generate the file.
    Data Type = 0 (FP32) or 1 (FP16) or 2 (BF16)

    ./bin/gpt_gemm <batch_size> <beam_width> <max_input_len> <head_number> <size_per_head> <inter_size> <vocab_size> <data_type> <tensor_para_size>
    E.g., ./bin/gpt_gemm 8 1 32 16 256 16384 50400 1 1
  • Run GPT on C++

    Users can see the details of arguments in examples/cpp/gptj/gptj_config.ini. It controls the model path, model size, tensor parallelism size, and some hyper-parameters.

    mpirun -n 1 --allow-run-as-root ./bin/gptj_example

E.g. by setting the data_type of gpt_config.ini to fp16 or bf16, users can run gpt model under fp16/bf16.

  • Convert the token ids to sentence.

    python ../examples/pytorch/gpt/utils/
  • The model supports both pipeline and tensor parallelism. Users can use tensor_para_size and pipeline_para_size in ../examples/cpp/gptj/gptj_config.ini to control the size of model parallel. Note that the number of processes must equal to tensor_para_size * pipeline_para_size. For tensor parallelism, the model parameters need to be prepared with the script and --n-inference-gpus=$NGPUS as described above.

  • Provide a bad tokens list that should not be generated (optional). You can use the script ../examples/pytorch/gpt/utils/ to convert a python List[List[int]] to a format understandable by FasterTransformer. Beware of tokenizer subtleties, "word" and "<Space>word" are usually mapped to two uniques token.

  • There is also an example of running GPT-J as a Triton model. This example does not involve a client.

    mpirun -n 1 --allow-run-as-root ./bin/gptj_triton_example

    To run with tensor and/or pipeline parallelism, make more GPUs visible, edit the ../examples/cpp/gptj/gptj_config.ini and generate the parameter files with accordingly.

Run GPTJ with prompts

GPTJ now supports prefix_prompt.

  1. Convert the prompt weights

    You need to transpose the prefix prompt weights to the shape [num_layers, 2, num_heads, perfix_seq_len, size_per_head], and save it by numpy. The naming style is like model.prefix_prompt.<task_name>.weights.<tensor_para_size>.bin.

    Note that you need to specify start_id, end_id by yourself in order to make sure that it is consistent with the tokenizer.

  2. Run GPT with C++ example

    You need to specify the example gpt_config.ini like below to enable the p/prompt_tuning feature.

    task_name = squad
    prompt_length = 10
    task_name = sentiment
    prompt_length = 10
    task_name = intent_and_slot
    prompt_length = 10

    task_name and prompt_length are specified for loading prompt weights.


    • no prompt: 0
    • soft_prompt: 1
    • prefix_prompt: 2
    • p/prompt_tuning: 3

Compare with reference implementation

  • Install the reference implementation from finetuneanon:

    git clone
    pip3 install -e ./transformers
  • Convert the checkpoint to a Pytorch model file (assuming the checkpoint step_383500_slim was already downloaded and extracted):

    python3 ../examples/pytorch/gptj/utils/ --output-dir --ckpt-dir ./step_383500
  • Run the model:

    python3 ../examples/pytorch/gptj/utils/

Testing was performed by comparing the logits for the model given the context.

gpt-j with triton backend

Details are in transformer_backend