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CloudEvents Conformance Testing

cloudevents is a tool for testing CloudEvents receivers.

GoDoc Go Report Card

Work in progress.


cloudevents can be installed via:

go get

To update your installation:

go get -u


cloudevents has three commands at the moment: send, invoke and listen.


send will do a one-off creation of a cloudevent and send to a given target.

cloudevents send http://localhost:8080 --id abc-123 --source cloudevents.conformance.tool --type


invoke will read yaml files, convert them to http and send them to the given target.

cloudevents invoke http://localhost:8080 -f ./yaml/v0.3


listen will accept http request and write the converted yaml to stdout.

cloudevents listen -v > got.yaml

Optionally, you can forward the incoming request to a target.

cloudevents listen -v -t http://localhost:8181 > got.yaml

Advanced Usage

If you would like to produce a pre-produced event yaml file, you can use listen to collect requests. This works with both running event producers that can be directed at the listen port or directly with send.


Feature requests:

  • Add a yaml command that allows the same format of send but direct to yaml.
  • Add a --yaml flag to send that outputs what the definition of the sent event would look like in yaml.
  • Add -f - support for reading from STDIN as the file for yaml, this allows for send | invoke chaining.
  • Add format support to send to select binary or structured.